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lady susan-第10节

小说: lady susan 字数: 每页4000字

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you have previously suffered。 I am so much agitated by delight that I can

scarcely hold a pen; but am determined to send you a few short lines by

James; that you may have some explanation of what must so greatly astonish

you; as that Reginald should be returning to Parklands。 I was sitting about

half an hour ago with Sir James in the breakfast parlour; when my brother

called me out of the room。 I instantly saw that something was the matter;

his complexion was raised; and he spoke with great emotion; you know his

eager manner; my dear mother; when his mind is interested。 〃Catherine;〃

said he; 〃I am going home to…day; I am sorry to leave you; but I must go:

it is a great while since I have seen my father and mother。 I am going to

send James forward with my hunters immediately; if you have any letter;

therefore; he can take it。 I shall not be at home myself till Wednesday or

Thursday; as I shall go through London; where I have business; but before I

leave you;〃 he continued; speaking in a lower tone; and with still greater

energy; 〃I must warn you of one thingdo not let Frederica Vernon be made

unhappy by that Martin。 He wants to marry her; her mother promotes the

match; but she cannot endure the idea of it。 Be assured that I speak from

the fullest conviction of the truth of what I say; I Know that Frederica is

made wretched by Sir James's continuing here。 She is a sweet girl; and

deserves a better fate。 Send him away immediately; he is only a fool: but

what her mother can mean; Heaven only knows! Good bye;〃 he added; shaking

my hand with earnestness; 〃I do not know when you will see me again; but

remember what I tell you of Frederica; you MUST make it your business to

see justice done her。 She is an amiable girl; and has a very superior mind

to what we have given her credit for。〃 He then left me; and ran upstairs。 I

would not try to stop him; for I know what his feelings must be。 The nature

of mine; as I listened to him; I need not attempt to describe; for a minute

or two I remained in the same spot; overpowered by wonder of a most

agreeable sort indeed; yet it required some consideration to be tranquilly

happy。 In about ten minutes after my return to the parlour Lady Susan

entered the room。 I concluded; of course; that she and Reginald had been

quarrelling; and looked with anxious curiosity for a confirmation of my

belief in her face。 Mistress of deceit; however; she appeared perfectly

unconcerned; and after chatting on indifferent subjects for a short time;

said to me; 〃I find from Wilson that we are going to lose Mr。 De Courcyis

it true that he leaves Churchhill this morning?〃 I replied that it was。 〃He

told us nothing of all this last night;〃 said she; laughing; 〃or even this

morning at breakfast; but perhaps he did not know it himself。 Young men are

often hasty in their resolutions; and not more sudden in forming than

unsteady in keeping them。 I should not be surprised if he were to change

his mind at last; and not go。〃 She soon afterwards left the room。 I trust;

however; my dear mother; that we have no reason to fear an alteration of

his present plan; things have gone too far。 They must have quarrelled; and

about Frederica; too。 Her calmness astonishes me。 What delight will be

yours in seeing him again; in seeing him still worthy your esteem; still

capable of forming your happiness! When I next write I shall be able to

tell you that Sir James is gone; Lady Susan vanquished; and Frederica at

peace。 We have much to do; but it shall be done。 I am all impatience to

hear how this astonishing change was effected。 I finish as I began; with

the warmest congratulations。

Yours ever; &c。;





Little did I imagine; my dear Mother; when I sent off my last letter;

that the delightful perturbation of spirits I was then in would undergo so

speedy; so melancholy a reverse。 I never can sufficiently regret that I

wrote to you at all。 Yet who could have foreseen what has happened? My dear

mother; every hope which made me so happy only two hours ago has vanished。

The quarrel between Lady Susan and Reginald is made up; and we are all as

we were before。 One point only is gained。 Sir James Martin is dismissed。

What are we now to look forward to? I am indeed disappointed; Reginald was

all but gone; his horse was ordered and all but brought to the door; who

would not have felt safe? For half an hour I was in momentary expectation

of his departure。 After I had sent off my letter to you; I went to Mr。

Vernon; and sat with him in his room talking over the whole matter; and

then determined to look for Frederica; whom I had not seen since breakfast。

I met her on the stairs; and saw that she was crying。 〃My dear aunt;〃 said

she; 〃he is goingMr。 De Courcy is going; and it is all my fault。 I am

afraid you will be very angry with me。 but indeed I had no idea it would

end so。〃 〃My love;〃 I replied; 〃do not think it necessary to apologize to

me on that account。 I shall feel myself under an obligation to anyone who

is the means of sending my brother home; because;〃 recollecting myself; 〃I

know my father wants very much to see him。 But what is it you have done to

occasion all this?〃 She blushed deeply as she answered: 〃I was so unhappy

about Sir James that I could not helpI have done something very wrong; I

know; but you have not an idea of the misery I have been in: and mamma had

ordered me never to speak to you or my uncle about it; and〃 〃You

therefore spoke to my brother to engage his interference;〃 said I; to save

her the explanation。 〃No; but I wrote to himI did indeed; I got up this

morning before it was light; and was two hours about it; and when my letter

was done I thought I never should have courage to give it。 After breakfast

however; as I was going to my room; I met him in the passage; and then; as

I knew that everything must depend on that moment; I forced myself to give

it。 He was so good as to take it immediately。 I dared not look at him; and

ran away directly。 I was in such a fright I could hardly breathe。 My dear

aunt; you do not know how miserable I have been。〃 〃 Frederica〃 said I;

〃you ought to have told me all your distresses。 You would have found in me

a friend always ready to assist you。 Do you think that your uncle or I

should not have espoused your cause as warmly as my brother?〃 〃Indeed; I

did not doubt your kindness;〃 said she; colouring again; 〃but I thought Mr。

De Courcy could do anything with my mother; but I was mistaken: they have

had a dreadful quarrel about it; and he is going away。 Mamma will never

forgive me; and I shall be worse off than ever。〃 〃No; you shall not;〃 I

replied; 〃in such a point as this your mother's prohibition ought not to

have prevented your speaking to me on the subject。 She has no right to make

you unhappy; and she shall NOT do it。 Your applying; however; to Reginald

can be productive only of good to all parties。 I believe it is best as it

is。 Depend upon it that you shall not be made unhappy any longer。〃 At that

moment how great was my amonishment at seeing Reginald come out of Lady

Susan's dressing…room。 My heart misgave me instantly。 His confusion  at

seeing me was very evident。 Frederica immediately disappeared。 〃Are you

going?〃 I said; 〃you will find Mr。 Vernon in his own room。〃 〃No;

Catherine;〃 he replied; 〃I am not going。 Will you let me speak to you a

moment?〃 We went into my room。 〃I find;〃 he continued; his confusion

increasing as he spoke; 〃that I have been acting with my usual foolish

impetuosity。 I have entirely misunderstood Lady Susan; and was on the point

of leaving the house under a false impression of her conduct。 There has

been some very great mistake; we have been all mistaken; I fancy。 Frederica

does not know her mother。 Lady Susan means nothing but her good; but she

will not make a friend of her。 Lady Susan does not always know; therefore;

what will make her daughter happy。 Besides; I could have no right to

interfere。 Miss Vernon was mistaken in applying to me。 In short; Catherine;

everything has gone wrong; but it is now all happily settled。 Lady Susan; I

believe; wishes to speak to you about it; if you are at leisure。〃

〃Certainly;〃 I replied; deeply sighing at the recital of so lame a story。 I

made no comments; however; for words would have been vain。

Reginald was glad to get away; and I went to Lady Susan; curious;

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