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laws of Draco; these laws may be said to be all written in blood。

     By the 8th of Elizabeth; c。 3; the exporter of sheep; lambs;

or rams was for the first offence to forfeit all his goods for

ever; to suffer a year's imprisonment; and then to have his left

hand cut off in a market town upon a market day; to be there

nailed up; and for the second offence to be adjudged a felon; and

to suffer death accordingly。 To prevent the breed of our sheep

from being propagated in foreign countries seems to have been the

object of this law。 By the 13th and 14th of Charles II; c。 18;

the exportation of wool was made felony; and the exporter

subjected to the same penalties and forfeitures as a felon。

     For the honour of the national humanity; it is to be hoped

that neither of these statutes were ever executed。 The first of

them; however; so far as I know; has never been directly

repealed; and Serjeant Hawkins seems to consider it as still in

force。 It may however; perhaps; be considered as virtually

repealed by the 12th of Charles II; c。 32; sect。 3; which;

without expressly taking away the penalties imposed by former

statutes; imposes a new penalty; viz。; that of twenty shillings

for every sheep exported; or attempted to be exported; together

with the forfeiture of the sheep and of the owner's share of the

ship。 The second of them was expressly repealed by the 7th and

8th of William III; c。 28; sect。 4。 By which it is declared that;

〃Whereas the statute of the 13th and 14th of King Charles II;

made against the exportation of wool; among other things in the

said act mentioned; doth enact the same to be deemed felony; by

the severity of which penalty the prosecution of offenders hath

not been so effectually put in execution: Be it; therefore;

enacted by the authority aforesaid; that so much of the said act;

which relates to the making the said offence felony; be repealed

and made void。〃

     The penalties; however; which are either imposed by this

milder statute; or which; though imposed by former statutes; are

not repealed by this one; are still sufficiently severe。 Besides

the forfeiture of the goods; the exporter incurs the penalty of

three shillings for every pound weight of wool either exported or

attempted to be exported; that is about four or five times the

value。 Any merchant or other person convicted of this offence is

disabled from requiring any debt or account belonging to him from

any factor or other person。 Let his fortune be what it will;

whether he is or is not able to pay those heavy penalties; the

law means to ruin him completely。 But as the morals of the great

body of the people are not yet so corrupt as those of the

contrivers of this statute; I have not heard that any advantage

has ever been taken of this clause。 If the person convicted of

this offence is not able to pay the penalties within three months

after judgment; he is to be transported for seven years; and if

he returns before the expiration of that term; he is liable to

the pains of felony; without benefit of clergy。 The owner of the

ship; knowing this offence; forfeits all his interest in the ship

and furniture。 The master and mariners; knowing this offence;

forfeit all their goods and chattels; and suffer three months'

imprisonment。 By a subsequent statute the master suffers six

months' imprisonment。

     In order to prevent exportation; the whole inland commerce

of wool is laid under very burdensome and oppressive

restrictions。 It cannot be packed in any box; barrel; cask; case;

chest; or any other package; but only in packs of leather or

pack…cloth; on which must be marked on the outside the words wool

or yam; in large letters not less than three inches long; on pain

of forfeiting the same and the package; and three shillings for

every pound weight; to be paid by the owner or packer。 It cannot

be loaden on any horse or cart; or carried by land within five

miles of the coast; but between sun…rising and sun…setting; on

pain of forfeiting the same; the horses and carriages。 The

hundred next adjoining to the sea…coast; out of or through which

the wool is carried or exported; forfeits twenty pounds; if the

wool is under the value of ten pounds; and if of greater value;

then treble that value; together with treble costs; to be sued

for within the year。 The execution to be against any two of the

inhabitants; whom the sessions must reimburse; by an assessment

on the other inhabitants; as in the cases of robbery。 And if any

person compounds with the hundred for less than this penalty; he

is to be imprisoned for five years; and any other person may

prosecute。 These regulations take place through the whole


     But in the particular counties of Kent and Sussex; the

restrictions are still more troublesome。 Every owner of wool

within ten miles of the sea…coast must given an account in

writing; three days after shearing to the next officer of the

customs; of the number of his fleeces; and of the places where

they are lodged。 And before he removes any part of them he must

give the like notice of the number and weight of the fleeces; and

of the name and abode of the person to whom they are sold; and of

the place to which it is intended they should be carried。 No

person within fifteen miles of the sea; in the said counties; can

buy any wool before he enters into bond to the king that no part

of the wool which he shall so buy shall be sold by him to any

other person within fifteen miles of the sea。 If any wool is

found carrying towards the sea…side in the said counties; unless

it has been entered and security given as aforesaid; it is

forfeited; and the offender also forfeits three shillings for

every pound weight。 If any person lays any wool not entered as

aforesaid within fifteen miles of the sea; it must be seized and

forfeited; and if; after such seizure; any person claim the same;

he must give security to the Exchequer that if he is cast upon

trial he shall pay treble costs; besides all other penalties。

     When such restrictions are imposed upon the inland trade;

the coasting trade; we may believe; cannot be left very free。

Every owner of wool who carries or causes to be carried any wool

to any port or place on the seacoast; in order to be from thence

transported by sea to any other place or port on the coast; must

first cause an entry thereof to be made at the port from whence

it is intended to be conveyed; containing the weight; marks; and

number of the packages; before he brings the same within five

miles of that port; on pain of forfeiting the same; and also the

horses; carts; and other carriages; and also of suffering and

forfeiting as by the other laws in force against the exportation

of wool。 This law; however (1st William III; c。 32); is so very

indulgent as to declare that; 〃This shall not hinder any person

from carrying his wool home from the place of shearing; though it

be within five miles of the sea; provided that in ten days after

shearing; and before he remove the wool; he do under his hand

certify to the next officer of the customs; the true number of

fleeces; and where it is housed; and do not remove the same;

without certifying to such officer; under his hand; his intention

so to do; three days before。〃 Bond must be given that the wool to

be carried coastways is to be landed at the particular port for

which it is entered outwards; and if any part of it is landed

without the presence of an officer; not only the forfeiture of

the wool is incurred as in other goods; but the usual additional

penalty of three shillings for every pound weight is likewise


     Our woollen manufactures; in order to justify their demand

of such extraordinary restrictions and regulations; confidently

asserted that English wool was of a peculiar quality; superior to

that of any other country; that the wool of other countries could

not; without some mixture of it; be wrought up into any tolerable

manufacture; that fine cloth could not be made without it; that

England; therefore; if the exportation of it could be totally

prevented; could monopolize to herself almost the whole woollen

trade of the world; and thus; having no rivals; could sell at

what price she pleased; and in a short time acquire the most

incredible degree of wealth by the most advantageous balance of

trade。 This doctrine; like most other doctrines which are

confidently asserted by any considerable number of people; was;

and still continues to be; most implicitly believed by a much

greater number… by almost all those who are either unacquainted

with the woollen trade; or who have not made particular

inquiries。 It is; however; so perfectly false that English wool

is in any respect necessary for the making of fine cloth that it

is altogether unfit for it。 Fine cloth is made altogether of

Spanish wool。 English wool cannot be even so mixed with Spanish

wool as to enter into the composition without spoiling and

degrading; in some degree; the fabric of the cloth。

     It has been shown in the foregoing part of this work that

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