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place to another。 In consequence of those different advantages;

it seems from the beginning to have borne agio; and it is

generally believed that all the money originally deposited in the

bank was allowed to remain there; nobody caring to demand payment

of a debt which he could sell for a premium in the market。 By

demanding payment of the bank; the owner of a bank credit would

lose this premium。 As a shilling fresh from the mint will buy no

more goods in the market than one of our common worn shillings;

so the good and true money which might be brought from the

coffers of the bank into those of a private person; being mixed

and confounded with the common currency of the country; would be

of no more value than that currency from which it could no longer

be readily distinguished。 While it remained in the coffers of the

bank; its superiority was known and ascertained。 When it had come

into those of a private person; its superiority could not well be

ascertained without more trouble than perhaps the difference was

worth。 By being brought from the coffers of the bank; besides; it

lost all the other advantages of bank money; its security; its

easy and safe transferability; its use in paying foreign bills of

exchange。 Over and above all this; it could not be brought from

those coffers; as it will appear by and by; without previously

paying for the keeping。

     Those deposits of coin; or those deposits which the bank was

bound to restore in coin; constituted the original capital of the

bank; or the whole value of what was represented by what is

called bank money。 At present they are supposed to constitute but

a very small part of it。 In order to facilitate the trade in

bullion; the bank has been for these many years in the practice

of giving credit in its books upon deposits of gold and silver

bullion。 This credit is generally about five per cent below the

mint price of such bullion。 The bank grants at the same time what

is called a recipe or receipt; entitling the person who makes the

deposit; or the bearer; to take out the bullion again at any time

within six months; upon re…transferring to the bank a quantity of

bank money equal to that for which credit had been given in its

books when the deposit was made; and upon paying one…fourth per

cent for the keeping; if the deposit was in silver; and one…half

per cent if it was in gold; but at the same time declaring that;

in default of such payment; and upon the expiration of this term;

the deposit should belong to the bank at the price at which it

had been received; or for which credit had been given in the

transfer books。 What is thus paid for the keeping of the deposit

may be considered as a sort of warehouse rent; and why this

warehouse rent should be so much dearer for gold than for silver;

several different reasons have been assigned。 The fineness of

gold; it has been said; is more difficult to be ascertained than

that of silver。 Frauds are more easily practised; and occasion a

greater loss in the more precious metal。 Silver; besides; being

the standard metal; the state; it has been said; wishes to

encourage more the making of deposits of silver than those of


     Deposits of bullion are most commonly made when the price is

somewhat lower than ordinary; and they are taken out again when

it happens to rise。 In Holland the market price of bullion is

generally above the mint price; for the same reason that it was

so in England before the late reformation of the gold coin。 The

difference is said to be commonly from about six to sixteen

stivers upon the mark; or eight ounces of silver of eleven parts

fine and one part alloy。 The bank price; or the credit which the

bank gives for deposits of such silver (when made in foreign

coin; of which the fineness is well known and ascertained; such

as Mexico dollars); is twenty…two guilders the mark; the mint

price is about twenty…three guilders; and the market price is

from twenty…three guilders six to twenty…three guilders sixteen

stivers; or from two to three per cent above the mint price。* The

proportions between the bank price; the mint price; and the

market price of gold bullion are nearly the same。 A person can

generally sell his receipt for the difference between the mint

price of bullion and the market price。 A receipt for bullion is

almost always worth something; and it very seldom happens;

therefore; that anybody suffers his receipt to expire; or allows

his bullion to fall to the bank at the price at which it had been

received; either by not taking it out before the end of the six

months; or by neglecting to pay the one…fourth or one…half per

cent in order to obtain a new receipt for another six months。

This; however; though it happens seldom; is said to happen

sometimes; and more frequently with regard to gold than with

regard to silver; on account of the higher warehouse…rent which

is paid for the keeping of the more precious metal。    * The

following are the prices at which the Bank of Amsterdam at

present (September; 1775) receives bullion and coin of different



     Mexico dollars           Guilders B…22 per mark

     French crowns            Guilders B…22 per mark

     English silver coin      Guilders B…22 per mark

     Mexico dollars new coin             21 10

     Ducatoons                            3

     Rix dollars                          2 8 

     Bar silver containing eleven…twelfths fine silver 21 per

mark; and in this proportion down to 1/4 fine; on which 5

guilders are given。

     Fine bars; 93 per mark。 


     Portugal coin            B…310 per mark

     Guineas                  B…310 per mark

     Louis d'ors new          B…310 per mark

     Ditto old                  300

     New ducats                 4 19 8 per ducat 

     Bar or ingot gold is received in proportion to its fineness

compared with the above foreign gold coin。 Upon fine bars the

bank gives 340 per mark。 In general; however; something more is

given upon coin of a known fineness; than upon gold and silver

bars; of which the fineness cannot be ascertained but by a

process of melting and assaying。 

     The person who by making a deposit of bullion obtains both a

bank credit and receipt; pays his bills of exchange as they

become due with his bank credit; and either sells or keeps his

receipt according as he judges that the price of bullion is

likely to rise or to fall。 The receipt and the bank credit seldom

keep long together; and there is no occasion that they should。

The person who has a receipt; and who wants to take out bullion;

finds always plenty of bank credits; or bank money to buy at the

ordinary price; and the person who has bank money; and wants to

take out bullion; finds receipts always in equal abundance。

     The owners of bank credits; and the holders of receipts;

constitute two different sorts of creditors against the bank。 The

holder of a receipt cannot draw out the bullion for which it is

granted; without reassigning to the bank a sum of bank money

equal to the price at which the bullion had been received。 If he

has no bank money of his own; he must purchase it of those who

have it。 The owner of bank money cannot draw out bullion without

producing to the bank receipts for the quantity which he wants。

If he has none of his own; he must buy them of those who have

them。 The holder of a receipt; when he purchases bank money;

purchases the power of taking out a quantity of bullion; of which

the mint price is five per cent above the bank price。 The agio of

five per cent therefore; which he commonly pays for it; is paid

not for an imaginary but for a real value。 The owner of bank

money; when he purchases a receipt; purchases the power of taking

out a quantity of bullion of which the market price is commonly

from two to three per cent above the mint price。 The price which

he pays for it; therefore; is paid likewise for a real value。 The

price of the receipt; and the price of the bank money; compound

or make up between them the full value or price of the bullion。

     Upon deposits of the coin current in the country; the bank

grants receipts likewise as well as bank credits; but those

receipts are frequently of no value; and will bring no price in

the market。 Upon ducatoons; for example; which in the currency

pass for three guilders three stivers each; the bank gives a

credit of three guilders only; or five per cent below their

current value。 It grants a receipt likewise entitling the bearer

to take out the number of ducatoons deposited at any time within

six months; upon paying one…fourth per cent for the keeping。 This

receipt will frequently bring no price in the market。 Three

guilders bank money generally sell in the market for three

guilders three stivers; the full value of the ducatoons; if they

were taken out of the bank; and before they can be taken out;

one…fourth per cent must be paid for the keeping; which would be

mere loss to the holder of the receipt。 If the agio of the bank;

however; should at 

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