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eugene pickering-第9节

小说: eugene pickering 字数: 每页4000字

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the very extremity of love。  〃Isn't she wonderful?〃 he asked; with an

implicit confidence in my sympathy which it cost me some ingenuity to

elude。  If he were really in love; well and good!  For although; now

that I had seen her; I stood ready to confess to large possibilities

of fascination on Madame Blumenthal's part; and even to certain

possibilities of sincerity of which my appreciation was vague; yet it

seemed to me less ominous that he should be simply smitten than that

his admiration should pique itself on being discriminating。  It was

on his fundamental simplicity that I counted for a happy termination

of his experiment; and the former of these alternatives seemed to me

the simpler。  I resolved to hold my tongue and let him run his

course。  He had a great deal to say about his happiness; about the

days passing like hours; the hours like minutes; and about Madame

Blumenthal being a 〃revelation。〃  〃She was nothing to…night;〃 he

said; 〃nothing to what she sometimes is in the way of brilliancyin

the way of repartee。  If you could only hear her when she tells her


〃Adventures?〃 I inquired。  〃Has she had adventures?〃

〃Of the most wonderful sort!〃 cried Pickering; with rapture。 〃She

hasn't vegetated; like me!  She has lived in the tumult of life。

When I listen to her reminiscences; it's like hearing the opening

tumult of one of Beethoven's symphonies as it loses itself in a

triumphant harmony of beauty and faith!〃

I could only lift my eyebrows; but I desired to know before we

separated what he had done with that troublesome conscience of his。

〃I suppose you know; my dear fellow;〃 I said; 〃that you are simply in

love。  That's what they happen to call your state of mind。〃

He replied with a brightening eye; as if he were delighted to hear

it〃So Madame Blumenthal told me only this morning!〃  And seeing; I

suppose; that I was slightly puzzled; 〃 I went to drive with her;〃 he

continued; 〃we drove to Konigstein; to see the old castle。  We

scrambled up into the heart of the ruin and sat for an hour in one of

the crumbling old courts。  Something in the solemn stillness of the

place unloosed my tongue; and while she sat on an ivied stone; on the

edge of the plunging wall; I stood there and made a speech。  She

listened to me; looking at me; breaking off little bits of stone and

letting them drop down into the valley。  At last she got up and

nodded at me two or three times silently; with a smile; as if she

were applauding me for a solo on the violin。  'You are in love;' she

said。  'It's a perfect case!'  And for some time she said nothing

more。  But before we left the place she told me that she owed me an

answer to my speech。  She thanked me heartily; but she was afraid

that if she took me at my word she would be taking advantage of my

inexperience。  I had known few women; I was too easily pleased; I

thought her better than she really was。  She had great faults; I must

know her longer and find them out; I must compare her with other

womenwomen younger; simpler; more innocent; more ignorant; and then

if I still did her the honour to think well of her; she would listen

to me again。  I told her that I was not afraid of preferring any

woman in the world to her; and then she repeated; 'Happy man; happy

man! you are in love; you are in love!'〃

I called upon Madame Blumenthal a couple of days later; in some

agitation of thought。  It has been proved that there are; here and

there; in the world; such people as sincere impostors; certain

characters who cultivate fictitious emotions in perfect good faith。

Even if this clever lady enjoyed poor Pickering's bedazzlement; it

was conceivable that; taking vanity and charity together; she should

care more for his welfare than for her own entertainment; and her

offer to abide by the result of hazardous comparison with other women

was a finer stroke than her reputation had led me to expect。  She

received me in a shabby little sitting…room littered with uncut books

and newspapers; many of which I saw at a glance were French。  One

side of it was occupied by an open piano; surmounted by a jar full of

white roses。  They perfumed the air; they seemed to me to exhale the

pure aroma of Pickering's devotion。  Buried in an arm…chair; the

object of this devotion was reading the Revue des Deux Mondes。  The

purpose of my visit was not to admire Madame Blumenthal on my own

account; but to ascertain how far I might safely leave her to work

her will upon my friend。  She had impugned my sincerity the evening

of the opera; and I was careful on this occasion to abstain from

compliments; and not to place her on her guard against my

penetration。  It is needless to narrate our interview in detail;

indeed; to tell the perfect truth; I was punished for my rash attempt

to surprise her by a temporary eclipse of my own perspicacity。  She

sat there so questioning; so perceptive; so genial; so generous; and

so pretty withal; that I was quite ready at the end of half an hour

to subscribe to the most comprehensive of Pickering's rhapsodies。

She was certainly a wonderful woman。  I have never liked to linger;

in memory; on that half…hour。  The result of it was to prove that

there were many more things in the composition of a woman who; as

Niedermeyer said; had lodged her imagination in the place of her

heart than were dreamt of in my philosophy。  Yet; as I sat there

stroking my hat and balancing the account between nature and art in

my affable hostess; I felt like a very competent philosopher。  She

had said she wished me to tell her everything about our friend; and

she questioned me as to his family; his fortune; his antecedents; and

his character。  All this was natural in a woman who had received a

passionate declaration of love; and it was expressed with an air of

charmed solicitude; a radiant confidence that there was really no

mistake about his being a most distinguished young man; and that if I

chose to be explicit; I might deepen her conviction to disinterested

ecstasy; which might have almost provoked me to invent a good

opinion; if I had not had one ready made。  I told her that she really

knew Pickering better than I did; and that until we met at Homburg I

had not seen him since he was a boy。

〃But he talks to you freely;〃 she answered; 〃I know you are his

confidant。  He has told me certainly a great many things; but I

always feel as if he were keeping something back; as if he were

holding something behind him; and showing me only one hand at once。

He seems often to be hovering on the edge of a secret。  I have had

several friendships in my lifethank Heaven! but I have had none

more dear to me than this one。  Yet in the midst of it I have the

painful sense of my friend being half afraid of me; of his thinking

me terrible; strange; perhaps a trifle out of my wits。  Poor me!  If

he only knew what a plain good soul I am; and how I only want to know

him and befriend him!〃

These words were full of a plaintive magnanimity which made mistrust

seem cruel。  How much better I might play providence over Pickering's

experiments with life if I could engage the fine instincts of this

charming woman on the providential side!  Pickering's secret was; of

course; his engagement to Miss Vernor; it was natural enough that he

should have been unable to bring himself to talk of it to Madame

Blumenthal。  The simple sweetness of this young girl's face had not

faded from my memory; I could not rid myself of the suspicion that in

going further Pickering might fare much worse。  Madame Blumenthal's

professions seemed a virtual promise to agree with me; and; after

some hesitation; I said that my friend had; in fact; a substantial

secret; and that perhaps I might do him a good turn by putting her in

possession of it。  In as few words as possible I told her that

Pickering stood pledged by filial piety to marry a young lady at

Smyrna。  She listened intently to my story; when I had finished it

there was a faint flush of excitement in each of her cheeks。  She

broke out into a dozen exclamations of admiration and compassion。

〃What a wonderful talewhat a romantic situation!  No wonder poor

Mr。 Pickering seemed restless and unsatisfied; no wonder he wished to

put off the day of submission。  And the poor little girl at Smyrna;

waiting there for the young Western prince like the heroine of an

Eastern tale!  She would give the world to see her photograph; did I

think Mr。 Pickering would show it to her?  But never fear; she would

ask nothing indiscreet!  Yes; it was a marvellous story; and if she

had invented it herself; people would have said it was absurdly

improbable。〃  She left her seat and took several turns about the

room; smiling to herself; and uttering little German cries of

wonderment。  Suddenly she stopped before the piano and broke into a

little laugh; the next moment she buried her face in the great

bouquet of roses。  It was time I s

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