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eugene pickering-第3节

小说: eugene pickering 字数: 每页4000字

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certain overflow of sentimental fermentation。  I could do so with a

good conscience; for all this trepidation filled me with a great


〃It's nearly fifteen years; as you say;〃 he began; 〃since you used to

call me 'butter…fingers' for always missing the ball。  That's a long

time to give an account of; and yet they have been; for me; such

eventless; monotonous years; that I could almost tell their history

in ten words。  You; I suppose; have had all kinds of adventures and

travelled over half the world。  I remember you had a turn for deeds

of daring; I used to think you a little Captain Cook in roundabouts;

for climbing the garden fence to get the ball when I had let it fly

over。  I climbed no fences then or since。  You remember my father; I

suppose; and the great care he took of me?  I lost him some five

months ago。  From those boyish days up to his death we were always

together。  I don't think that in fifteen years we spent half a dozen

hours apart。  We lived in the country; winter and summer; seeing but

three or four people。  I had a succession of tutors; and a library to

browse about in; I assure you I am a tremendous scholar。  It was a

dull life for a growing boy; and a duller life for a young man grown;

but I never knew it。  I was perfectly happy。〃  He spoke of his father

at some length; and with a respect which I privately declined to

emulate。  Mr。 Pickering had been; to my sense; a frigid egotist;

unable to conceive of any larger vocation for his son than to strive

to reproduce so irreproachable a model。  〃I know I have been

strangely brought up;〃 said my friend; 〃and that the result is

something grotesque; but my education; piece by piece; in detail;

became one of my father's personal habits; as it were。  He took a

fancy to it at first through his intense affection for my mother and

the sort of worship he paid her memory。  She died at my birth; and as

I grew up; it seems that I bore an extraordinary likeness to her。

Besides; my father had a great many theories; he prided himself on

his conservative opinions; he thought the usual American laisser…

aller in education was a very vulgar practice; and that children were

not to grow up like dusty thorns by the wayside。  〃So you see;〃

Pickering went on; smiling and blushing; and yet with something of

the irony of vain regret; 〃I am a regular garden plant。  I have been

watched and watered and pruned; and if there is any virtue in tending

I ought to take the prize at a flower show。  Some three years ago my

father's health broke down; and he was kept very much within doors。

So; although I was a man grown; I lived altogether at home。  If I was

out of his sight for a quarter of an hour he sent some one after me。

He had severe attacks of neuralgia; and he used to sit at his window;

basking in the sun。  He kept an opera…glass at hand; and when I was

out in the garden he used to watch me with it。  A few days before his

death I was twenty…seven years old; and the most innocent youth; I

suppose; on the continent。  After he died I missed him greatly;〃

Pickering continued; evidently with no intention of making an

epigram。  〃I stayed at home; in a sort of dull stupor。  It seemed as

if life offered itself to me for the first time; and yet as if I

didn't know how to take hold of it。〃

He uttered all this with a frank eagerness which increased as he

talked; and there was a singular contrast between the meagre

experience he described and a certain radiant intelligence which I

seemed to perceive in his glance and tone。  Evidently he was a clever

fellow; and his natural faculties were excellent。  I imagined he had

read a great deal; and recovered; in some degree; in restless

intellectual conjecture; the freedom he was condemned to ignore in

practice。  Opportunity was now offering a meaning to the empty forms

with which his imagination was stored; but it appeared to him dimly;

through the veil of his personal diffidence。

〃I have not sailed round the world; as you suppose;〃 I said; 〃but I

confess I envy you the novelties you are going to behold。  Coming to

Homburg you have plunged in medias res。〃

He glanced at me to see if my remark contained an allusion; and

hesitated a moment。  〃Yes; I know it。  I came to Bremen in the

steamer with a very friendly German; who undertook to initiate me

into the glories and mysteries of the Fatherland。  At this season; he

said; I must begin with Homburg。  I landed but a fortnight ago; and

here I am。〃  Again he hesitated; as if he were going to add something

about the scene at the Kursaal but suddenly; nervously; he took up

the letter which was lying beside him; looked hard at the seal with a

troubled frown; and then flung it back on the grass with a sigh。

〃How long do you expect to be in Europe?〃 I asked。

〃Six months I supposed when I came。  But not so longnow!〃  And he

let his eyes wander to the letter again。

〃And where shall you gowhat shall you do?〃

〃Everywhere; everything; I should have said yesterday。  But now it is


I glanced at the letterinterrogatively; and he gravely picked it up

and put it into his pocket。  We talked for a while longer; but I saw

that he had suddenly become preoccupied; that he was apparently

weighing an impulse to break some last barrier of reserve。  At last

he suddenly laid his hand on my arm; looked at me a moment

appealingly; and cried; 〃Upon my word; I should like to tell you


〃Tell me everything; by all means;〃 I answered; smiling。 〃I desire

nothing better than to lie here in the shade and hear everything。〃

〃Ah; but the question is; will you understand it?  No matter; you

think me a queer fellow already。  It's not easy; either; to tell you

what I feelnot easy for so queer a fellow as I to tell you in how

many ways he is queer!〃  He got up and walked away a moment; passing

his hand over his eyes; then came back rapidly and flung himself on

the grass again。  〃I said just now I always supposed I was happy;

it's true; but now that my eyes are open; I see I was only

stultified。  I was like a poodle…dog that is led about by a blue

ribbon; and scoured and combed and fed on slops。  It was not life;

life is learning to know one's self; and in that sense I have lived

more in the past six weeks than in all the years that preceded them。

I am filled with this feverish sense of liberation; it keeps rising

to my head like the fumes of strong wine。  I find I am an active;

sentient; intelligent creature; with desires; with passions; with

possible convictionseven with what I never dreamed of; a possible

will of my own!  I find there is a world to know; a life to lead; men

and women to form a thousand relations with。  It all lies there like

a great surging sea; where we must plunge and dive and feel the

breeze and breast the waves。  I stand shivering here on the brink;

staring; longing; wondering; charmed by the smell of the brine and

yet afraid of the water。  The world beckons and smiles and calls; but

a nameless influence from the past; that I can neither wholly obey

nor wholly resist; seems to hold me back。  I am full of impulses;

but; somehow; I am not full of strength。  Life seems inspiring at

certain moments; but it seems terrible and unsafe; and I ask myself

why I should wantonly measure myself with merciless forces; when I

have learned so well how to stand aside and let them pass。  Why

shouldn't I turn my back upon it all and go home towhat awaits me?…

…to that sightless; soundless country life; and long days spent among

old books?  But if a man IS weak; he doesn't want to assent

beforehand to his weakness; he wants to taste whatever sweetness

there may be in paying for the knowledge。  So it is that it comes

backthis irresistible impulse to take my plungeto let myself

swing; to go where liberty leads me。〃  He paused a moment; fixing me

with his excited eyes; and perhaps perceived in my own an

irrepressible smile at his perplexity。  〃'Swing ahead; in Heaven's

name;' you want to say; 'and much good may it do you。'  I don't know

whether you are laughing at my scruples or at what possibly strikes

you as my depravity。  I doubt;〃 he went on gravely; 〃whether I have

an inclination toward wrong…doing; if I have; I am sure I shall not

prosper in it。  I honestly believe I may safely take out a license to

amuse myself。  But it isn't that I think of; any more than I dream

of; playing with suffering。  Pleasure and pain are empty words to me;

what I long for is knowledgesome other knowledge than comes to us

in formal; colourless; impersonal precept。  You would understand all

this better if you could breathe for an hour the musty in…door

atmosphere in which I have always lived。  To break a window and let

in light and airI feel as if at last I must ACT!〃

〃Act; by all means; now and always; when you have a chance;〃 I

answered。  〃But don't take things too hard; now or ever。  Your long


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