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droll stories-3-第8节

小说: droll stories-3 字数: 每页4000字

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things so well; that madame was only conversing with her lord lover at

the time that her lord spouse was talking to the constable and the

king; at which he was pleased; and so was his wifea case of concord

rare in matrimony。

〃I was saying to monseigneur;〃 said the constable to the provost; as

he entered the king's apartment; 〃that every man in the kingdom has a

right to kill his wife and her lover if he finds them in an act of

infidelity。 But his majesty; who is clement; argues that he has only a

right to kill the man; and not the woman。 Now what would you do; Mr。

Provost; if by chance you found a gentleman taking a stroll in that

fair meadow of which laws; human and divine; enjoin you alone to

cultivate the verdure?〃

〃I would kill everything;〃 said the provost; 〃I would scrunch the five

hundred thousand devils of nature; flower and seed; and send them

flying; the pips and apples; the grass and the meadow; the woman and

the man。〃

〃You would be in the wrong;〃 said the king。 〃That is contrary to the

laws of the Church and of the State; of the State; because you might

deprive me of a subject; of the Church; because you would be sending

an innocent to limbo unshriven。〃

〃Sire; I admire your profound wisdom; and I clearly perceive you to be

the centre of all justice。〃

〃We can then only kill the knightAmen;〃 said constable; 〃Kill the

horseman。 Now go quickly to the house of the suspected lord; but

without letting yourself be bamboozled; do not forget what is due to

his position。〃

The provost; believing he would certainly be Chancellor of France if

he properly acquitted himself of the task; went from the castle into

the town; took his men; arrived at the nobleman's residence; arranged

his people outside; placed guards at all the doors; opened noiselessly

by order of the king; climbs the stairs; asks the servants in which

room their master is; puts them under arrest; goes up alone; and

knocks at the door of the room where the two lovers are tilting in

love's tournament; and says to them

〃Open; in the name of our lord the king!〃

The lady recognised her husband's voice; and could not repress a

smile; thinking that she had not waited for the king's orders to do

what she had done。 But after laughter came terror。 Her lover took his

cloak; threw it over him; and came to the door。 There; not knowing

that his life was in peril; he declared that he belonged to the court

and to the king's household。

〃Bah!〃 said the provost。 〃I have a strict order from the king; and

under pain of being treated as a rebel; you are bound instantly to

receive me。〃

Then the lord went out to him; still holding the door。

〃What do you want here?〃

〃An enemy of our lord the king; whom we command you to deliver into

our hands; otherwise you must follow me with him to the castle。〃

This; thought the lover; is a piece of treachery on the part of the

constable; whose proposition my dear mistress treated with scorn。 We

must get out of this scrape in some way。 Then turning towards the

provost; he went double or quits on the risk; reasoning thus with the


〃My friend; you know that I consider you but as gallant a man as it is

possible for a provost to be in the discharge of his duty。 Now; can I

have confidence in you? I have here with me the fairest lady of the

court。 As for Englishmen; I have not sufficient of one to make the

breakfast of the constable; M。 de Richmond; who sends you here。 This

is (to be candid with you) the result of a bet made between myself and

the constable; who shares it with the King。 Both have wagered that

they know who is the lady of my heart; and I have wagered to the

contrary。 No one more than myself hates the English; who took my

estates in Piccadilly。 Is it not a knavish trick to put justice in

motion against me? Ho! Ho! my lord constable; a chamberlain is worth

two of you; and I will beat you yet。 My dear Petit; I give you

permission to search by night and by day; every nook and cranny of my

house。 But come in here alone; search my room; turn the bed over; do

what you like。 Only allow me to cover with a cloth or a handkerchief

this fair lady; who is at present in the costume of an archangel; in

order that you may not know to what husband she belongs。〃

〃Willingly;〃 said the provost。 〃But I am an old bird; not easily

caught with chaff; and would like to be sure that it is really a lady

of the court; and not an Englishman; for these English have flesh as

white and soft as women; and I know it well; because I've hanged so

many of them。〃

〃Well then;〃 said the lord; 〃seeing of what crime I am suspected; from

which I am bound to free myself; I will go and ask my lady…love to

consent for a moment to abandon her modesty。 She is too fond of me to

refuse to save me from reproach。 I will beg her to turn herself over

and show you a physiognomy; which will in no way compromise her; and

will be sufficient to enable you to recognise a noble woman; although

she will be in a sense upside down。〃

〃All right;〃 said the provost。

The lady having heard every word; had folded up all her clothes; and

put them under the bolster; had taken off her chemise; that her

husband should not recognise it; had twisted her head up in a sheet;

and had brought to light the carnal convexities which commenced where

her spine finished。

〃Come in; my friend;〃 said the lord。

The provost looked up the chimney; opened the cupboard; the clothes'

chest; felt under the bed; in the sheets; and everywhere。 Then he

began to study what was on the bed。

〃My lord;〃 said he; regarding his legitimate appurtenances; 〃I have

seen young English lads with backs like that。 You must forgive me

doing my duty; but I must see otherwise。〃

〃What do you call otherwise?〃 said the lord。

〃Well; the other physiognomy; or; if you prefer it; the physiognomy of

the other。〃

〃Then you will allow madame to cover herself and arrange only to show

you sufficient to convince you;〃 said the lover; knowing that the lady

had a mark or two easy to recognise。 〃Turn your back a moment; so that

my dear lady may satisfy propriety。〃

The wife smiled at her lover; kissed him for his dexterity; arranging

herself cunningly; and the husband seeing in full that which the jade

had never let him see before; was quite convinced that no English

person could be thus fashioned without being a charming Englishwoman。

〃Yes; my lord;〃 he whispered in the ear of his lieutenant; 〃this is

certainly a lady of the court; because the towns…women are neither so

well formed nor so charming。〃

Then the house being thoroughly searched; and no Englishman found; the

provost returned; as the constable had told him; to the king's


〃Is he slain?〃 said the constable。


〃He who grafted horns upon your forehead。〃

〃I only saw a lady in his couch; who seemed to be greatly enjoying

herself with him。〃

〃You; with your own eyes; saw this woman; cursed cuckold; and you did

not kill your rival?〃

〃It was not a common woman; but a lady of the court。〃

〃You saw her?〃

〃And verified her in both cases。〃

〃What do you mean by those words?〃 cried the king; who was bursting

with laughter。

〃I say; with all the respect due to your Majesty; that I have verified

the over and the under。〃

〃You do not; then; know the physiognomies of your own wife; you old

fool without memory! You deserve to be hanged。〃

〃I hold those features of my wife in too great respect to gaze upon

them。 Besides she is so modest that she would die rather than expose

an atom of her body。〃

〃True;〃 said the king; 〃it was not made to be shown。〃

〃Old coquedouille! that was your wife;〃 said the constable。

〃My lord constable; she is asleep; poor girl!〃

〃Quick; quick; then! To horse! Let us be off; and if she be in your

house I'll forgive you。〃

Then the constable; followed by the provost; went to the latter's

house in less time than it would have taken a beggar to empty the


〃Hullo! there; hi!〃

Hearing the noise made by the men; which threatened to bring the walls

about their ears; the maid…servant opened the door; yawning and

stretching her arms。 The constable and the provost rushed into the

room; where; with great difficulty; they succeeded in waking the lady;

who pretended to be terrified; and was so soundly asleep that her eyes

were full of gum。 At this the provost was in great glee; saying to the

constable that someone had certainly deceived him; that his wife was a

virtuous woman; and was more astonished than any of them at these

proceedings。 The constable turned on his heel and departed。 The good

provost began directly to undress to get to bed early; since this

adventure had brought his good wife to his memory。 When he was

harnessing himself; and was knocking off his nether garments; mad

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