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droll stories-3-及4准

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

abbey very distinctly察but which he did not wish to see。

;Monseigneur察I am the daughter of an homme de corps察thus whoever

unites himself to me by marriage察will become a bondsman察even if he

were a citizen of Paris察and would belong body and goods to the abbey。

If he loved me otherwise察his children would still belong to the

domain。 For this reason I am neglected by everyone察abandoned like a

poor beast of the field。 But what makes me most unhappy is察that

according to the pleasure of monseigneur the abbot察I shall be coupled

at some time with a bondsman。 And if I were less ugly than I am察at

the sight of my collar the most amorous would flee from me as from the

black plague。;

So saying察she pulled her cow by the cord to make it follow her。

;And how old are you拭─asked the silversmith。

;I do not know察monseigneur察but our master察the abbot察has kept


This great misery touched the heart of the good man察who had in his

day eaten the bread of sorrow。 He regulated his pace to the girl's

and they went together towards the water in painful silence。 The good

man gazed at the fine forehead察the round red arms察the queen's waist

the feet dusty察but made like those of a Virgin Mary察and the sweet

physiognomy of this girl察who was the living image of St。 Genevieve

the patroness of Paris察and the maidens who live in the fields。 And

make sure that this Joseph suspected the pretty white of this sweet

girl's breasts察which were by a modest grace carefully covered with an

old rag察and looked at them as a schoolboy looks at a rosy apple on a

hot day。 Also察may you depend upon it that these little hillocks of

nature denoted a wench fashioned with delicious perfection察like

everything that the monks possess。 Now察the more it was forbidden our

silversmith to touch them察the more his mouth watered for these fruits

of love。 And his heart leaped almost into his mouth。

;You have a fine cow察─said he。

;Would you like a little milk拭─replied she。 ;It is so warm these

early days of May。 You are far from the town。;

In truth察the sky was a cloudless blue察and glared like a forge。

Everything was radiant with youth察the leaves察the air察the girls察the

lads察everything was burning察was green察and smelt like balm。 This

naive offer察made without the hope of recompense察though a byzant

would not have paid for the special grace of this speech察and the

modesty of the gesture with which the poor girl turned to him gained

the heart of the jeweller察who would have liked to be able to put this

bondswoman into the skin of a queen察and Paris at her feet。

;Nay察my child察I thirst not for milk察but for you察whom I would have

leave to liberate。;

;That cannot be察and I shall die the property of the abbey。 For years

we have lived so察from father to son察from mother to daughter。 Like my

ancestors察I shall pass my days on this land察as will also my

children察because the abbot cannot legally let us go。;

;What ─said the Touranian察 has no gallant been tempted by your

bright eyes to buy your liberty察as I bought mine from the king拭

;It would cost too dear察thus it is those whom at first sight I

please察go as they came。;

;And you have never thought of gaining another country in company of a

lover on horseback on a fleet courser拭

;Oh yes。 But察monseigneur察if I were caught I should be hanged at

least察and my gallant察even were he a lord察would lose more than one

domain over it察besides other things。 I am not worth so much察besides

the abbey has arms longer than my feet are swift。 So I live on in

perfect obedience to God察who has placed me in this plight。;

;What is your father拭

;He tends the vines in the gardens of the abbey。;

;And your mother拭

;She is a washerwoman。;

;And what is your name拭

;I have no name察dear sir。 My father was baptised Etienne察my mother

is Etienne察and I am Tiennette察at your service。;

;Sweetheart察─said the jeweller察 never has woman pleased me as you

please me察and I believe that your heart contains a wealth of

goodness。 Now察since you offered yourself to my eyes at the moment

when I was firmly deliberating upon taking a companion察I believe that

I see in you a sign from heaven And if I am not displeasing to you察I

beg you to accept me as your friend。;

Immediately the maid lowered her eyes。 These words were uttered in

such a way察in so grave a tone察so penetrating a manner察that the said

Tiennette burst into tears。

;No察monseigneur察I should be the cause of a thousand

unpleasantnesses察and of your misfortune。 For a poor bondsmaid察the

conversation has gone far enough。;

;Ho ─cried Anseau察 you do not know察my child察the man you are

dealing with。;

The Touranian crossed himself察joined his hands察and said

;I make a vow to Monsieur the Saint Eloi察under whose invocation are

the silversmiths察to fashion two images of pure silver察with the best

workmanship I am able to perform。 One shall be a statue of Madame the

Virgin察to this end察to thank her for the liberty of my dear wife察and

the other for my said patron察if I am successful in my undertaking to

liberate the bondswoman Tiennette here present察and for which I rely

upon his assistance。 Moreover察I swear by my eternal salvation察to

persevere with courage in this affair察to spend therein all I process

and only to quit it with my life。 God has heard me察─said he。 ;And

you察little one察─he added察turning towards the maid。

;Ha monseigneur察look My cow is running about the fields察─cried

she察sobbing at the good man's knees。 ;I will love you all my life

but withdraw your vow。;

;Let us to look after the cow察─said the silversmith察raising her

without daring yet to kiss her察although the maid was well disposed to


;Yes察─said she察 for I shall be beaten。;

And behold now the silversmith察scampering after the cursed cow察who

gave no heed to their amours察she was taken by the horns察and held in

the grip of the Touranian察who for a trifle would have thrown her in

the air察like a straw。

;Adieu察my sweet one If you go into the town察come to my house察over

against St Leu's Church。 I am called Master Anseau察and am silversmith

to the King of France察at the sign of St。 Eloi。 Make me a promise to

be in this field the next Lord's´Day察fail not to come察even should it

rain halberds。;

;Yes察dear Sir。 For this I would leap the walls察and察in gratitude

would I be yours without mischief察and cause you no sorrow察at the

price of my everlasting future。 Awaiting the happy moment察I will pray

God for you with all my heart。;

And then she remained standing like a stone saint察moving not察until

she could see the good citizen no longer察and he went away with

lagging steps察turning from time to time further to gaze upon her。 And

when he was far off察and out of her sight察she stayed on察until

nightfall察lost in meditation察knowing not if she had dreamed that

which had happened to her。 Then she went back to the house察where she

was beaten for staying out察but felt not the blows。 The good

silversmith could neither eat nor drink察but closed his workshop

possessed of this girl察thinking of nothing but this girl察seeing

everywhere the girl察everything to him being to possess this girl。 Now

when the morrow was come察he went with great apprehension towards the

abbey to speak to the lord abbot。 On the road察however察he suddenly

thought of putting himself under the protection of one of the king's

people察and with this idea returned to the court察which was then held

in the town。 Being esteemed by all for his prudence察and loved for his

little works and kindnesses察the king's chamberlainfor whom he had

once made察for a present to a lady of the court察a golden casket set

with precious stones and unique of its kindpromised him assistance

had a horse saddled for himself察and a hack for the silversmith察with

whom he set out for the abbey察and asked to see the abbot察who was

Monseigneur Hugon de Sennecterre察aged ninety´three。 Being come into

the room with the silversmith察waiting nervously to receive his

sentence察the chamberlain begged the abbot to sell him in advance a

thing which was easy for him to sell察and which would be pleasant to


To which the abbot replied察looking at the chamberlain

;That the canons inhibited and forbade him thus to engage his word。;

;Behold察my dear father察─said the chamberlain察 the jeweller of the

Court who has conceived a great love for a bondswoman belonging to

your abbey察and I request you察in consideration of my obliging you in

any such desire as you may wish to see accomplished察to emancipate

this maid。;

;Which is she拭─asked the abbot of the citizen。

;Her name is Tiennette察─answered the silversmith察timidly。

;Ho ho ─said the good old Hugon察smiling。 ;The angler has caught us

a good fish This is a grave busin

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