droll stories-3-及33准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
statues察and curiosities察of his wife察who was a great connoisseur
which made this place equal to the most magnificent castles known。
The happy pair led a life so envied by all察that nothing was talked
about in Paris and at Court but this marriage察the good fortune of the
Sire de Beaumont察and察above all察of the perfect察loyal察gracious察and
religious life of his wife察who from habit many still called Madame
Imperia察who was no longer proud and sharp as steel察but had the
virtues and qualities of a respectable woman察and was an example in
many things to a queen。 She was much beloved by the Church on account
of her great religion察for she had never once forgotten God察having
as she once said察spent much of her time with churchmen察abbots
bishops察and cardinals察who had sprinkled her well with holy water
and under the curtains worked her eternal salvation。
The praises sung in honour of this lady had such an effect察that the
king came to Beauvoisis to gaze upon this wonder察and did the sire the
honour to sleep at Beaumont察remained there three days察and had a
royal hunt there with the queen and the whole Court。 You may be sure
that he was surprised察as were also the queen察the ladies察and the
Court察at the manners of this superb creature察who was proclaimed a
lady of courtesy and beauty。 The king first察then the queen察and
afterwards every individual member of the company察complemented l'Ile
Adam on having chosen such a wife。 The modesty of the chatelaine did
more than pride would have accomplished察for she was invited to court
and everywhere察so imperious was her great heart察so tyrannic her
violent love for her husband。 You may be sure that her charms察hidden
under the garments of virtue察were none the less exquisite。 The king
gave the vacant post of lieutenant of the Ile de France and provost of
Paris to his ancient ambassador察giving him the title of Viscount of
Beaumont察which established him as governor of the whole province察and
put him on an excellent footing at court。 But this was the cause of a
great wound in Madame's heart察because a wretch察jealous of this
unclouded happiness察asked her察playfully察if Beaumont had ever spoken
to her of his first love察Mademoiselle de Montmorency察who at that
time was twenty´two years of age察as she was sixteen at the time the
marriage took place in Romethe which young lady loved l'Ile Adam so
much that she remained a maiden察would listen to no proposals of
marriage察and was dying of a broken heart察unable to banish her
perfidious lover from her remembrance and was desirous of entering the
convent of Chelles。 Madame Imperia察during the six years of her
marriage察had never heard this name察and was sure from this fact that
she was indeed beloved。 You can imagine that this time had been passed
as a single day察that both believed that they had only been married
the evening before察and that each night was as a wedding night察and
that if business took the knight out of doors察he was quite
melancholy察being unwilling ever to have her out of his sight察and she
was the same with him。
The king察who was very partial to the viscount察also made a remark to
him which stung him to the quick察when he said察 You have no
To which Beaumont replied察with the face of a man whose raw place you
have touched with your finger察 Monsiegneur察my brother has察thus our
line is safe。;
Now it happened that his brother's two children died suddenlyone
from a fall from his horse at a tournament and the other from illness。
Monsieur l'Ile Adam the elder was so stricken with grief at these two
deaths that he expired soon after察so much did he love his two sons。
By this means the manor of Beaumont察the property at Carenelle察St。
Martin察Nointel察and the surrounding domains察were reunited to the
manor of l'Ile Adam察and the neighbouring forests察and the cadet
became the head of the house。 At this time Madame was forty´five察and
was still fit to bear children察but alas she conceived not。 As soon
as she saw the lineage of l'Ile Adam destroyed察she was anxious to
obtain offspring。
Now察as during the seven years which had elapsed she had never once
had the slightest hint of pregnancy察she believed察according to the
statement of a clever physician whom she sent for from Paris察that
this barrenness proceeded from the fact察that both she and her
husband察always more lovers than spouses察allowed pleasure to
interfere with business察and by this means engendering was prevented。
Then she endeavoured to restrain her impetuosity察and to take things
coolly察because the physician had explained to her that in a state of
nature animals never failed to breed察because the females employed
none of those artifices察tricks察and hanky´pankies with which women
accommodate the olives of Poissy察and for this reason they thoroughly
deserved the title of beasts。 She promised him no longer to play with
such a serious affair察and to forget all the ingenious devices in
which she had been so fertile。 But察alas although she kept as quiet
as that German woman who lay so still that her husband embraced her to
death察and then went察poor baron察to obtain absolution from the pope
who delivered his celebrated brief察in which he requested the ladies
of Franconia to be a little more lively察and prevent a repetition of
such a crime。 Madame de l'Ile Adam did not conceive察and fell into a
state of great melancholy。
Then she began to notice how thoughtful had become her husband察l'Ile
Adam察whom she watched when he thought she was not looking察and who
wept that he had no fruit of his great love。 Soon this pair mingled
their tears察for everything was common to the two in this fine
household察and as they never left the other察the thought of the one
was necessarily the thought of the other。 When Madame beheld a poor
person's child she nearly died of grief察and it took her a whole day
to recover。 Seeing this great sorrow察l'Ile Adam ordered all children
to be kept out of his wife's sight察and said soothing things to her
such as that children often turned out badly察to which she replied
that a child made by those who loved so passionately would be the
finest child in the world。 He told her that her sons might perish
like those of his poor brother察to which she replied察that she would
not let them stir further from her petticoats than a hen allows her
chickens。 In fact察she had an answer for everything。
Madame caused a woman to be sent for who dealt in magic察and who was
supposed to be learned in these mysteries察who told her that she had
often seen women unable to conceive in spite of every effort察but yet
they had succeeded by studying the manners and customs of animals。
Madame took the beasts of the fields for her preceptors察but she did
not increase in size察her flesh still remained firm and white as
marble。 She returned to the physical science of the master doctors of
Paris察and sent for a celebrated Arabian physician察who had just
arrived in France with a new science。 Then this savant察brought up in
the school of one Sieur Averroes察entered into certain medical
details察and declared that the loose life she had formerly led had for
ever ruined her chance of obtaining offspring。 The physical reasons
which he assigned were so contrary to the teaching of the holy books
which establish the majesty of man察made in the image of his creator
and so contrary to the system upheld by sound sense and good doctrine
that the doctors of Paris laughed them to scorn。 The Arabian physician
left the school where his master察the Sieur Averroes察was unknown。
The doctors told Madame察who had come to Paris察that she was to keep
on as usual察since she had had during her gay life the lovely
Theodora察by the cardinal of Ragusa察and that the right of having
children remained with women as long as their blood circulated察and
all that she had to do was to multiply the chances of conception。 This
advice appeared to her so good that she multiplied her victories察but
it was only multiplying her defeats察since she obtained the flowers of
love without its fruits。
The poor afflicted woman wrote then to the pope察who loved her much
and told him of her sorrows。 The good pope replied to her with a
gracious homily察written with his own hand察in which he told her that
when human science and things terrestrial had failed察we should turn
to Heaven and implore the grace of God。 Then she determined to go with
naked feet察accompanied by her husband察to Notre Dame de Liesse
celebrated for her intervention in similar cases察and made a vow to
build a magnificent cathedral in gratitude for the child。 But she
bruised and injured her pretty feet察and conceived nothing but a
violent grief察which was so great that some of her lovely tresses fell
off and some turned white。
At last the faculty of making children was taken from her察which
brought on the vapours conseq