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droll stories-3-及3准

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

pat the cat and pat the dog察to salute the friends察to flatter the

gout察or the cold of the aunt察to say to her at opportune moments ;You

have good looks察and will yet write the epitaph of the human race。; To

please all the relations察to tread on no one's corns察to break no

glasses察to waste no breath察to talk nonsense察to hold ice in his

hand察to say察 This is good ─or察 Really察madam察you are very

beautiful so。; And to vary that in a hundred different ways。 To keep

himself cool察to bear himself like a nobleman察to have a free tongue

and a modest one察to endure with a smile all the evils the devil may

invent on his behalf察to smother his anger察to hold nature in control

to have the finger of God察and the tail of the devil察to reward the

mother察the cousin察the servant察in fact察to put a good face on

everything。 In default of which the female escapes and leaves you in a

fix察without giving a single Christian reason。 In fact察the lover of

the most gentle maid that God ever created in a good´tempered moment

had he talked like a book察jumped like a flea察turned about like dice

played like King David察and built for the aforesaid woman the

Corinthian order of the columns of the devil察if he failed in the

essential and hidden thing which pleases his lady above all others

which often she does not know herself and which he has need to know

the lass leaves him like a red leper。 She is quite right。 No one can

blame her for so doing。 When this happens some men become ill´

tempered察cross察and more wretched than you can possibly imagine。 Have

not many of them killed themselves through this petticoat tyranny拭In

this matter the man distinguishes himself from the beast察seeing that

no animal ever yet lost his senses through blighted love察which proves

abundantly that animals have no souls。 The employment of a lover is

that of a mountebank察of a soldier察of a quack察of a buffoon察of a

prince察of a ninny察of a king察of an idler察of a monk察of a dupe察of a

blackguard察of a liar察of a braggart察of a sycophant察of a numskull

of a frivolous fool察of a blockhead察of a know´nothing察of a knave。 An

employment from which Jesus abstained察in imitation of whom folks of

great understanding likewise disdain it察it is a vocation in which a

man of worth is required to spend above all things察his time察his

life察his blood察his best words察besides his heart察his soul察and his

brain察things to which the women are cruelly partial察because directly

their tongues begin to go察they say among themselves that if they have

not the whole of a man they have none of him。 Be sure察also察that

there are cats察who察knitting their eyebrows察complain that a man does

but a hundred things for them察for the purpose of finding out if there

be a hundred察at first seeing that in everything they desire the most

thorough spirit of conquest and tyranny。 And this high jurisprudence

has always flourished among the customs of Paris察where the women

receive more wit at their baptism than in any other place in the

world察and thus are mischievous by birth。

But our silversmith察always busy at his work察burnishing gold and

melting silver察had no time to warm his love or to burnish and make

shine his fantasies察nor to show off察gad about察waste his time in

mischief察or to run after she´males。 Now seeing that in Paris virgins

do not fall into the beds of young men any more than roast pheasants

into the streets察not even when the young men are royal silversmiths

the Touranian had the advantage of having察as I have before observed

a continent member in his shirt。 However察the good man could not close

his eyes to the advantage of nature with which were so amply furnished

the ladies with whom he dilated upon the value of his jewels。 So it

was that察after listening to the gentle discourse of the ladies察who

tried to wheedle and to fondle him to obtain a favour from him察the

good Touranian would return to his home察dreamy as a poet察wretched as

a restless cuckoo察and would say to himself察 I must take to myself a

wife。 She would keep the house tidy察keep the plates hot for me察fold

the clothes for me察sew my buttons on察sing merrily about the house

tease me to do everything according to her taste察would say to me as

they all say to their husbands when they want a jewel察'Oh察my own

pet察look at this察is it not pretty' And every one in the quarter

will think of my wife and then of me察and say 'There's a happy man。'

Then the getting married察the bridal festivities察to fondle Madame

Silversmith察to dress her superbly察give her a fine gold chain察to

worship her from crown to toe察to give her the whole management of the

house察except the cash察to give her a nice little room upstairs察with

good windows察pretty察and hung around with tapestry察with a wonderful

chest in it and a fine large bed察with twisted columns and curtains of

yellow silk。 He would buy her beautiful mirrors察and there would

always be a dozen or so of children察his and hers察when he came home

to greet him。; Then wife and children would vanish into the clouds。 He

transferred his melancholy imaginings to fantastic designs察fashioned

his amorous thoughts into grotesque jewels that pleased their buyers

well察they not knowing how many wives and children were lost in the

productions of the good man察who察the more talent he threw into his

art察the more disordered he became。 Now if God had not had pity upon

him察he would have quitted this world without knowing what love was

but would have known it in the other without that metamorphosis of the

flesh which spares it察according to Monsieur Plato察a man of some

authority察but who察not being a Christian察was wrong。 But察there

these preparatory digressions are the idle digressions and fastidious

commentaries which certain unbelievers compel a man to wind about a

tale察swaddling clothes about an infant when it should run about stark

naked。 May the great devil give them a clyster with his red´hot three´

pronged fork。 I am going on with my story now without further


This is what happened to the silversmith in the one´and´fortieth year

of his age。 One Sabbath´day while walking on the left bank of the

Seine察led by an idle fancy察he ventured as far as that meadow which

has since been called the Pre´aux´Clercs and which at that time was in

the domain of the abbey of St。 Germain察and not in that of the

University。 There察still strolling on the Touranian found himself in

the open fields察and there met a poor young girl who察seeing that he

was well´dressed察curtsied to him察saying ;Heaven preserve you

monseigneur。; In saying this her voice had such sympathetic sweetness

that the silversmith felt his soul ravished by this feminine melody

and conceived an affection for the girl察the more so as察tormented

with ideas of marriage as he was察everything was favourable thereto。

Nevertheless察as he had passed the wench by he dared not go back

because he was as timid as a young maid who would die in her

petticoats rather than raise them for her pleasure。 But when he was a

bowshot off he bethought him that he was a man who for ten years had

been a master silversmith察had become a citizen察and was a man of

mark察and could look a woman in the face if his fancy so led him察the

more so as his imagination had great power over him。 So he turned

suddenly back察as if he had changed the direction of his stroll察and

came upon the girl察who held by an old cord her poor cow察who was

munching grass that had grown on the border of a ditch at the side of

the road。

;Ah察my pretty one察─said he察 you are not overburdened with the goods

of this world that you thus work with your hands upon the Lord's Day。

Are you not afraid of being cast into prison拭

;Monseigneur察─replied the maid察casting down her eyes察 I have

nothing to fear察because I belong to the abbey。 The Lord Abbot has

given me leave to exercise the cow after vespers。;

;You love your cow察then察more than the salvation of your soul拭

;Ah察monseigneur察our beast is almost the half of our poor lives。;

;I am astonished察my girl察to see you poor and in rags察clothed like a

fagot察running barefoot about the fields on the Sabbath察when you

carry about you more treasures than you could dig up in the grounds of

the abbey。 Do not the townspeople pursue察and torment you with love拭

;Oh察never monseigneur。 I belong to the abbey;察replied she察showing

the jeweller a collar on her left arm like those that the beasts of

the field have察but without the little bell察and at the same time

casting such a deplorable glance at our townsman that he was stricken

quite sad察for by the eyes are communicated contagions of the heart

when they are strong。

;And what does this mean拭─he said察wishing to hear all about it。

And he touched the collar察upon which was engraved the arms of the

abbey very distinctly察but which he did not wish to see。


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