droll stories-3-及27准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
appear at all cut up察saying察that he ;did not wish to damn himself
for this world's goods察and that he had studied philosophy in the
school of the birds。;
After having thoroughly enjoyed himself察of all his goods察there only
remained to him a goblet bought at Landict察and three dice察quite
sufficient furniture for drinking and gambling察so that he went about
without being encumbered察as are the great察with chariots察carpets
dripping pans察and an infinite number of varlets。 Tryballot wished to
see his good friends察but they no longer knew him察which fact gave him
leave no longer to recognise anyone。 Seeing this察he determined to
choose a profession in which there was nothing to do and plenty to
gain。 Thinking this over察he remembered the indulgences of the
blackbirds and the sparrows。 Then the good Tryballot selected for his
profession that of begging money at people's houses察and pilfering。
From the first day察charitable people gave him something察and
Tryballot was content察finding the business good察without advance
money or bad debts察on the contrary察full of accommodation。 He went
about it so heartily察that he was liked everywhere察and received a
thousand consolations refused to rich people。 The good man watched the
peasants planting察sowing察reaping察and making harvest察and said to
himself察that they worked a little for him as well。 He who had a pig
in his larder owed him a bit for it察without suspecting it。 The man
who baked a loaf in his oven often baked it for Tryballot without
knowing it。 He took nothing by force察on the contrary察people said to
him kindly察while making him a present察 Here Vieux par´Chemins察cheer
up察old fellow。 How are you拭Come察take this察the cat began it察you
can finish it。;
Vieux par´Chemins was at all the weddings察baptisms察and funerals
because he went everywhere where there was察openly or secretly
merriment and feasting。 He religiously kept the statutes and canons of
his ordernamely察to do nothing察because if he had been able to do
the smallest amount of work no one would ever give anything again。
After having refreshed himself察this wise man would lay full length in
a ditch察or against a church wall察and think over public affairs察and
then he would philosophise察like his pretty tutors察the blackbirds
jays察and sparrows察and thought a great deal while mumping察for
because his apparel was poor察was that a reason his understanding
should not be rich拭His philosophy amused his clients察to whom he
would repeat察by way of thanks察the finest aphorisms of his science。
According to him察suppers produced gout in the rich此he boasted that
he had nimble feet察because his shoemaker gave him boots that do not
pinch his corns。 There were aching heads beneath diadems察but his
never ached察because it was touched neither by luxury nor any other
chaplet。 And again察that jewelled rings hinder the circulation of the
blood。 Although he covered himself with sores察after the manner of
cadgers察you may be sure he was as sound as a child at the baptismal
The good man disported himself with other rogues察playing with his
three dice察which he kept to remind him to spend his coppers察in order
that he might always be poor。 In spite of his vow察he was察like all
the order of mendicants察so wealthy that one day at the Paschal feast
another beggar wishing to rent his profit from him察Vieux par´Chemins
refused ten crowns for it察in fact察the same evening he spent fourteen
crowns in drinking the health of the alms´givers察because it is the
statutes of beggary that one should show one's gratitude to donors。
Although he carefully got rid of that of which had been a source of
anxiety to others察who察having too much wealth went in search of
poverty察he was happier with nothing in the world than when he had his
father's money。 And seeing what are the conditions of nobility察he was
always on the high road to it察because he did nothing except according
to his fancy察and lived nobly without labour。 Thirty crowns would not
have got him out of a bed when he was in it。 The morrow always dawned
for him as it did for others察while leading this happy life察which
according to the statements of Plato察whose authority has more than
once been invoked in these narratives察certain ancient sages had led
before him。 At last察Vieux par´Chemins reached the age of eighty´two
years察having never been a single day without picking up money察and
possessed the healthiest colour and complexion imaginable。 He believed
that if he had persevered in the race for wealth he would have been
spoiled and buried years before。 It is possible he was right。
In his early youth Vieux par´Chemins had the illustrious virtue of
being very partial to the ladies察and his abundance of love was察it is
said察the result of his studies among the sparrows。 Thus it was that
he was always ready to give the ladies his assistance in counting the
joists察and this generosity finds its physical cause in the fact that
having nothing to do察he was always ready to do something。 His secret
virtues brought about察it is said察that popularity which he enjoyed in
the provinces。 Certain people say that the lady of Chaumont had him in
her castle察to learn the truth about these qualities察and kept him
there for a week察to prevent him begging。 But the good man jumped over
the hedges and fled in great terror of being rich。 Advancing in age
this great quintessencer found himself disdained察although his notable
faculties of loving were in no way impaired。 This unjust turning away
on the part of the female tribe caused the first trouble of Vieux par´
Chemins察and the celebrated trial of Rouen察to which it is time I
In this eighty´second year of his age he was compelled to remain
continent for about seven months察during which time he met no woman
kindly disposed towards him察and he declared before the judge that
that had caused the greatest astonishment of his long and honourable
life。 In this most pitiable state he saw in the fields during the
merry month of May a girl察who by chance was a maiden察and minding
cows。 The heat was so excessive that this cowherdess had stretched
herself beneath the shadow of a beech tree察her face to the ground
after the custom of people who labour in the fields察in order to get a
little nap while her animals were grazing。 She was awakened by the
deed of the old man察who had stolen from her that which a poor girl
could only lose once。 Finding herself ruined without receiving from
the process either knowledge or pleasure察she cried out so loudly that
the people working in the fields ran to her察and were called upon by
her as witnesses察at the time when that destruction was visible in her
which is appropriate only to a bridal night。 She cried and groaned
saying that the old ape might just as well have played his tricks on
her mother察who would have said nothing。
He made answer to the peasants察who had already raised their hoes to
kill him察that he had been compelled to enjoy himself。 These people
objected that a man can enjoy himself very well without enjoying a
maidena case for the provost察which would bring him straight to the
gallows察and he was taken with great clamour to the jail of Rouen。
The girl察interrogated by the provost察declared that she was sleeping
in order to do something察and that she thought she was dreaming of her
lover察with whom she was then at loggerheads察because before marriage
he wished to take certain liberties此and jokingly察in this dream she
let him reconnoiter to a certain extent察in order to avoid any dispute
afterwards察and that in spite of her prohibitions he went further than
she had given him leave to go察and finding more pain than pleasure in
the affair察she had been awakened by Vieux par´Chemins察who had
attacked her as a gray´friar would a ham at the end of lent。
This trial caused so great a commotion in the town of Rouen that the
provost was sent for by the duke察who had an intense desire to know if
the thing were true。 Upon the affirmation of the provost察he ordered
Vieux par´Chemins to be brought to his palace察in order that he might
hear what defence he had to make。 The poor old fellow appeared before
the prince察and informed him naively of the misfortune which his
impulsive nature brought upon him察declaring that he was like a young
fellow impelled by imperious desires察that up to the present year he
had sweethearts of his own察but for the last eight months he had been
a total abstainer察that he was too poor to find favour with the girls
of the town察that honest women who once were charitable to him察had
taken a dislike to his hair察which had feloniously turned white in
spite of the green youth of his love察and that he felt compelled to
avail himself of the chance when he saw this maiden察who察stretched at
full length under the beech tree察left visible the lining of her dress
and two hemispheres察whit