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droll stories-3-及23准

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

and was so wretchedly attired that but for his princely air he might

have been taken for a blackguard。 It was possible that his horse had

died of hunger or fatigue察on disembarking from the foreign shore for

which he came察on the faith of the good luck which happened to the

French in Sicily察which was true in every respect。

The Sicilian knight察whose name was Pezare察was a Venetian long absent

from the Venetian Republic察and with no desire to return there察since

he had obtained a footing in the Court of the King of Sicily。 Being

short of funds in Venice察because he was a younger son察he had no

fancy for commerce察and was for that reason eventually abandoned by

his family察a most illustrious one。 He therefore remained at this

Court察where he was much liked by the king。

This gentleman was riding a splendid Spanish horse察and thinking to

himself how lonely he was in this strange court察without trusty

friends察and how in such cases fortune was harsh to helpless people

and became a traitress察when he met the poor French knight察who

appeared far worse off that he察who had good weapons察a fine horse

and a mansion where servants were then preparing a sumptuous supper。

;You must have come a long way to have so much dust on your feet察

said the Venetian。

;My feet have not as much dust as the road was long察─answered the


;If you have travelled so much察─continued the Venetian察 you must be

a learned man。;

;I have learned察─replied the Frenchman察 to give no heed to those who

do not trouble about me。 I have learnt that however high a man's head

was察his feet were always level with my own察more than that察I have

learnt to have no confidence in the warm days of winter察in the sleep

of my enemies察or the words of my friends。;

;You are察then察richer than I am察─said the Venetian察astonished

;since you tell me things of which I never thought。;

;Everyone must think for himself察─said the Frenchman察 and as you

have interrogated me察I can request from you the kindness of pointing

to me the road to Palermo or some inn察for the night is closing in。;

;Are you then察acquainted with no French or Sicilian gentlemen at



;Then you are not certain of being received拭

;I am disposed to forgive those who reject me。 The road察sir察if you


;I am lost like yourself察─said the Venetian。 ;Let us look for it in


;To do that we must go together察but you are on horseback察I am on


The Venetian took the French knight on his saddle behind him察and


;Do you know with whom you are拭

;With a man察apparently。;

;Do you think you are in safety拭

;If you were a robber察you would have to take care of yourself察─said

the Frenchman察putting the point of his dagger to the Venetian's


;Well察now察my noble Frenchman察you appear to be a man of great

learning and sound sense察know that I am a noble察established at the

Court of Sicily察but alone察and I seek a friend。 You seem to be in the

same plight察and察judging from appearances察you do not seem friendly

with your lot察and have apparently need of everybody。;

;Should I be happier if everybody wanted me拭

;You are a devil察who turns every one of my words against me。 By St。

Mark my lord knight察can one trust you拭

;More than yourself察who commenced our federal friendship by deceiving

me察since you guide your horse like a man who knows his way察and you

said you were lost。;

;And did not you deceive me拭─said the Venetian察 by making a sage of

your years walk察and giving a noble knight the appearance of a

vagabond拭Here is my abode察my servants have prepared supper for us。;

The Frenchman jumped off the horse察and entered the house with the

Venetian cavalier察accepting his supper。 They both seated themselves

at the table。 The Frenchman fought so well with his jaws察he twisted

the morsels with so much agility察that he showed herself equally

learned in suppers察and showed it again in dexterously draining the

wine flasks without his eye becoming dimmed or his understanding

affected。 Then you may be sure that the Venetian thought to himself he

had fallen in with a fine son of Adam察sprung from the right side and

the wrong one。 While they were drinking together察the Venetian

endeavoured to find some joint through which to sound the secret

depths of his friend's cogitations。 He察however察clearly perceived

that he would cast aside his shirt sooner than his prudence察and

judged it opportune to gain his esteem by opening his doublet to him。

Therefore he told him in what state was Sicily察where reigned Prince

Leufroid and his gentle wife察how gallant was the Court察what courtesy

there flourished察that there abounded many lords of Spain察Italy

France察and other countries察lords in high feather and well feathered

many princesses察as rich as noble察and as noble as rich察that this

prince had the loftiest aspirationssuch as to conquer Morocco

Constantinople察Jerusalem察the lands of Soudan察and other African

places。 Certain men of vast minds conducted his affairs察bringing

together the ban and arriere ban of the flower of Christian chivalry

and kept up his splendour with the idea of causing to reign over the

Mediterranean this Sicily察so opulent in times gone by察and of ruining

Venice察which had not a foot of land。 These designs had been planted

in the king's mind by him察Pezare察but although he was high in that

prince's favour察he felt himself weak察had no assistance from the

courtiers察and desired to make a friend。 In this great trouble he had

gone for a little ride to turn matters over in his mind察and decide

upon the course to pursue。 Now察since while in this idea he had met a

man of so much sense as the chevalier had proved herself to be察he

proposed to fraternise with him察to open his purse to him察and give

him his palace to live in。 They would journey in company through life

in search of honours and pleasure察without concealing one single

thought察and would assist each other on all occasions as the brothers´

in´arms did at the Crusades。 Now察as the Frenchman was seeking his

fortune察and required assistance察the Venetian did not for a moment

expect that this offer of mutual consolation would be refused。

;Although I stand in need of no assistance察─said the Frenchman

;because I rely upon a point which will procure me all that I desire

I should like to acknowledge your courtesy察dear Chevalier Pezare。 You

will soon see that you will yet be the debtor of Gauttier de

Monsoreau察a gentleman of the fair land of Touraine。;

;Do you possess any relic with which your fortune is wound up拭─said

the Venetian。

;A talisman given me by my dear mother察─said the Touranian察 with

which castles and cities are built and demolished察a hammer to coin

money察a remedy for every ill察a traveller's staff always ready to be

tried察and worth most when in a state of readiness察a master tool

which executes wondrous works in all sorts of forges察without making

the slightest noise。;

;Eh by St。 Mark you have察then察a mystery concealed in your hauberk拭

;No察─said the French knight察 it is a perfectly natural thing。 Here

it is。;

And rising suddenly from the table to prepare for bed察Gauttier showed

to the Venetian the finest talisman to procure joy that he had ever


;This察─said the Frenchman察as they both got into bed together

according to the custom of the times察 overcomes every obstacle察by

making itself master of female hearts察and as the ladies are the

queens in this court察your friend Gauttier will soon reign there。;

The Venetian remained in great astonishment at the sight of the secret

charms of the said Gauttier察who had indeed been bounteously endowed

by his mother察and perhaps also by his father察and would thus triumph

over everything察since he joined to this corporeal perfection the wit

of a young page察and the wisdom of an old devil。 Then they swore an

eternal friendship察regarding as nothing therein a woman's heart

vowing to have one and the same idea察as if their heads had been in

the same helmet察and they fell asleep on the same pillow enchanted

with this fraternity。 This was a common occurrence in those days。

On the morrow the Venetian gave a fine horse to his friend Gauttier

also a purse full of money察fine silken hose察a velvet doublet

fringed with gold察and an embroidered mantle察which garments set off

his figure so well察and showed up his beauties察that the Venetian was

certain he would captivate all the ladies。 The servants received

orders to obey this Gauttier as they would himself察so that they

fancied their master had been fishing察and had caught this Frenchman。

Then the two friends made their entry into Palermo at the hour when

the princes and princesses were taking the air。 Pezare presented his

French friend察speaking so hig

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