droll stories-3-及19准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
twelve years had elapsed with no other alloy than the doubt which at
times embittered her joy。 Each year察according to her pledged faith
the monk of Marmoustier察who was unknown to everyone except the
servant´maid察came to pass a whole day at the chateau to see his
child察although Bertha had many times besought brother Jehan to yield
his right。 But Jehan pointed to the child察saying察 You see him every
day of the year察and I only once ─And the poor mother could find no
word to answer this speech with。
A few months before the last rebellion of the Dauphin Louis against
his father察the boy was treading closely on the heels of his twelfth
year察and appeared likely to become a great savant察so learned was he
in all the sciences。 Old Bastarnay had never been more delighted at
having been a father in his life察and resolved to take his son with
him to the Court of Burgundy察where Duke Charles promised to make for
this well´beloved son a position察which should be the envy of princes
for he was not at all averse to clever people。 Seeing matters thus
arranged察the devil judged the time to be ripe for his mischiefs。 He
took his tail and flapped it right into the middle of this happiness
so that he could stir it up in his own peculiar way。
The servant of the lady of Bastarnay察who was then about five´and´
thirty years old察fell in love with one of the master's men´at´arms
and was silly enough to let him take loaves out of the oven察until
there resulted therefrom a natural swelling察which certain wags in
these parts call a nine months' dropsy。 The poor woman begged her
mistress to intercede for her with the master察so that he might compel
this wicked man to finish at the altar that which he had commenced
elsewhere。 Madame de Bastarnay had no difficulty in obtaining this
favour from him察and the servant was quite satisfied。 But the old
warrior察who was always extremely rough察hastened into his pretorium
and blew him up sky´high察ordering him察under the pain of the gallows
to marry the girl察which the soldier preferred to do察thinking more of
his neck than of his peace of mind。
Bastarnay sent also for the female察to whom he imagined察for the
honour of his house察he ought to sing a litany察mixed with epithets
and ornamented with extremely strong expressions察and made her think
by way of punishment察that she was not going to be married察but flung
into one of the cells in the jail。 The girl fancied that Madame wanted
to get rid of her察in order to inter the secret of the birth of her
beloved son。 With this impression察when the old ape said such
outrageous things to hernamely察that he must have been a fool to
keep a harlot in his houseshe replied that he certainly was a very
big fool察seeing that for a long time past his wife had been played
the harlot察and with a monk too察which was the worst thing that could
happen to a warrior。
Think of the greatest storm you ever saw it in your life察and you will
have a weak sketch of the furious rage into which the old man fell
when thus assailed in a portion of his heart which was a triple life。
He seized the girl by the throat察and would have killed her there and
then察but she察to prove her story察detailed the how察the why察and the
when察and said that if he had no faith in her察he could have the
evidence of his own ears by hiding himself the day that Father Jehan
de Sacchez察the prior of Marmoustier察came。 He would then hear the
words of the father察who solaced herself for his year's fast察and in
one day kissed his son for the rest of the year。
Imbert ordered this woman instantly to leave the castle察since察if her
accusation were true察he would kill her just as though she had
invented a tissue of lies。 In an instant he had given her a hundred
crowns察besides her man察enjoining them not to sleep in Touraine察and
for greater security察they were conducted into Burgundy察by de
Bastarnay's officers。 He informed his wife of their departure察saying
that as her servant was a damaged article he had thought it best to
get rid of her察but had given her a hundred crowns察and found
employment for the man at the Court of Burgundy。 Bertha was astonished
to learn that her maid had left the castle without receiving her
dismissal from herself察her mistress察but she said nothing。 Soon
afterwards she had other fish to fry察for she became a prey to vague
apprehensions察because her husband completely changed in his manner
commenced to notice the likeness of his first´born to himself察and
could find nothing resembling his nose察or his forehead察his this察or
his that察in the youngest he loved so well。
;He is my very image察─replied Bertha one day that he was throwing out
these hints。 ;Know you not that in well regulated households察children
are formed from the father and mother察each in turn察or often from
both together察because the mother mingles her qualities with the vital
force of the father拭Some physicians declare that they have known many
children born without any resemblance to either father or mother察and
attribute these mysteries to the whim of the Almighty。;
;You have become very learned察my dear察─replied Bastarnay察 but I
who am an ignoramus察I should fancy that a child who resembles a
;Had a monk for a father ─said Bertha察looking at him with an
unflinching gaze察although ice rather than blood was coursing through
her veins。
The old fellow thought he was mistaken察and cursed the servant察but he
was none the less determined to make sure of the affair。 As the day of
Father Jehan's visit was close at hand察Bertha察whose suspicions were
aroused by this speech察wrote him that it was her wish that he should
not come this year察without察however察telling him her reason察then she
went in search of La Fallotte at Loches察who was to give her letter to
Jehan察and believed everything was safe for the present。 She was all
the more pleased at having written to her friend the prior察when
Imbert察who察towards the time appointed for the poor monk's annual
treat察had always been accustomed to take a journey into the province
of Maine察where he had considerable property察remained this time at
home察giving as his reason the preparations for rebellion which
monseigneur Louis was then making against his father察who as everyone
knows察was so cut up at this revolt that it caused his death。 This
reason was so good a one察that poor Bertha was quite satisfied with
it察and did not trouble herself。 On the regular day察however察the
prior arrived as usual。 Bertha seeing him察turned pale察and asked him
if he had not received her message。
;What message拭─said Jehan。
;Ah we are lost then察the child察thou察and I察─replied Bertha。
;Why so拭─said the prior。
;I know not察─said she察 but our last day has come。;
She inquired of her dearly beloved son where Bastarnay was。 The young
man told her that his father had been sent for by a special messenger
to Loches察and would not be back until evening。 Thereupon Jehan
wished察is spite of his mistress察to remain with her and his dear son
asserting that no harm would come of it察after the lapse of twelve
years察since the birth of their boy。
The days when that adventurous night you know of was celebrated
Bertha stayed in her room with the poor monk until supper time。 But on
this occasion the lovershastened by the apprehensions of Bertha
which was shared by Jehan directly she had informed him of themdined
immediately察although the prior of Marmoustier reassured Bertha by
pointing out to her the privileges of the Church察and how Bastarnay
already in bad odour at court察would be afraid to attack a dignitary
of Marmoustier。 When they were sitting down to table their little one
happened to be playing察and in spite of the reiterated prayers of his
mother察would not stop his games察since he was galloping about the
courtyard on a fine Spanish barb察which Duke Charles of Burgundy had
presented to Bastarnay。 And because young lads like to show off
varlets make themselves bachelors at arms察and bachelors wish to play
the knight察this boy was delighted at being able to show the monk what
a man he was becoming察he made the horse jump like a flea in the
bedclothes察and sat as steady as a trooper in the saddle。
;Let him have his way察my darling察─said the monk to Bertha。
;Disobedient children often become great characters。;
Bertha ate sparingly察for her heart was as swollen as a sponge in
water。 At the first mouthful察the monk察who was a great scholar察felt
in his stomach a pain察and on his palette a bitter taste of poison
that caused him to suspect that the Sire de Bastarnay had given them
all their quietus。 Before he had made this discovery Bertha had eaten。
Suddenly the monk pulled off the tablecloth and flung everything into
the fireplace察telling Be