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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

the Hebrews察and Queen Lucretia for the Romans察would keep his most

illustrious abbey of Turpenay察and indulged in other equally sapient

remarks。 But his monks察whoto our shame I confess itwere

unbelievers察reproached him with his happy´go´lucky way of looking at

things察and declared that察to bring the chariot of Providence to the

rescue in time察all the oxen in the province would have to be yoked

it察that the trumpets of Jericho were no longer made in any portion of

the world察that God was disgusted with His creation察and would have

nothing more to do with it此in short察a thousand and one things that

were doubts and contumelies against God。

At this desperate juncture there rose up a monk named Amador。 This

name had been given him by way of a joke察since his person offered a

perfect portrait of the false god Aegipan。 He was like him察strong in

the stomach察like him察had crooked legs察arms hairy as those of a

saddler察a back made to carry a wallet察a face as red as the phiz of a

drunkard察glistening eyes察a tangled beard察was hairy faced察and so

puffed out with fat and meat that you would have fancied him in an

interesting condition。 You may be sure that he sung his matins on the

steps of the wine´cellar察and said his vespers in the vineyards of

Lord。 He was as fond of his bed as a beggar with sores察and would go

about the valley fuddling察faddling察blessing the bridals察plucking

the grapes察and giving them to the girls to taste察in spite of the

prohibition of the abbot。 In fact察he was a pilferer察a loiterer察and

a bad soldier of the ecclesiastical militia察of whom nobody in the

abbey took any notice察but let him do as he liked from motives of

Christian charity察thinking him mad。

Amador察knowing that it was a question of the ruin of the Abbey察in

which he was as snug as a bug in a rug察put up his bristles察took

notice of this and of that察went into each of the cells察listened in

the refectory察shivered in his shoes察and declared that he would

attempt to save the abbey。 He took cognisance of the contested points

received from the abbot permission to postpone the case察and was

promised by the whole Chapter the Office of sub´prior if he succeeded

in putting an end to the litigation。 Then he set off across the

country察heedless of the cruelty and ill´treatment of the Sieur de

Cande察saying that he had that within his gown which would subdue him。

He went his way with nothing but the said gown for his viaticum此but

then in it was enough fat to feed a dwarf。 He selected to go to the

chateau察a day when it rained hard enough to fill the tubs of all the

housewives察and arrived without meeting a soul察in sight of Cande察and

looking like a drowned dog察stepped bravely into the courtyard察and

took shelter under a sty´roof to wait until the fury of the elements

had calmed down察and placed himself boldly in front of the room where

the owner of the chateau should be。 A servant perceiving him while

laying the supper察took pity on him察and told him to make himself

scarce察otherwise his master would give him a horsewhipping察just to

open the conversation察and asked him what made him so bold as to enter

a house where monks were hated more than a red leper。

;Ah ─said Amador察 I am on my way to Tours察sent thither by my lord

abbot。 If the lord of Cande were not so bitter against the poor

servant of God察I should not be kept during such a deluge in the

courtyard察but in the house。 I hope that he will find mercy in his

hour of need。;

The servant reported these words to his master察who at first wished to

have the monk thrown into the big trough of the castle among the other

filth。 But the lady of Cande察who had great authority over her spouse

and was respected by him察because through her he expected a large

inheritance察and because she was a little tyrannical察reprimanded him

saying察that it was possible this monk was a Christian察that in such

weather thieves would succour an officer of justice察that察besides察it

was necessary to treat him well to find out to what decision the

brethren of Turpenay had come with regard to the schism business察and

that her advice was put an end by kindness and not by force to the

difficulties arisen between the abbey and the domain of Cande察because

no lord since the coming of Christ had ever been stronger than the

Church察and that sooner or later the abbey would ruin the castle

finally察she gave utterance to a thousand wise arguments察such as

ladies use in the height of the storms of life察when they have had

about enough of them。 Amador's face was so piteous察his appearance so

wretched察and so open to banter察that the lord察saddened by the

weather察conceived the idea of enjoying a joke at his expense

tormenting him察playing tricks on him察and of giving him a lively

recollection of his reception at the chateau。 Then this gentleman察who

had secret relations with his wife's maid察sent this girl察who was

called Perrotte察to put an end to his ill´will towards the luckless

Amador。 As soon as the plot had been arranged between them察the wench

who hated monks察in order to please her master察went to the monk察who

was standing under the pigsty察assuming a courteous demeanour in order

the better to please him察said

;Holy father察the master of the house is ashamed to see a servant of

God out in the rain when there is room for him indoors察a good fire in

the chimney察and a table spread。 I invite you in his name and that of

the lady of the house to step in。;

;I thank the lady and lord察not for their hospitality which is a

Christian thing察but for having sent as an ambassador to me察a poor

sinner察an angel of such delicate beauty that I fancy I see the Virgin

over our altar。;

Saying which察Amador raised his nose in the air察and saluted with the

two flakes of fire that sparkled in his bright eyes the pretty

maidservant察who thought him neither so ugly nor so foul察nor so

bestial察when察following Perrotte up the steps察Amador received on the

nose察cheeks察and other portions of his face a slash of the whip

which made him see all the lights of the Magnificat察so well was the

dose administered by the Sieur de Cande察who察busy chastening his

greyhounds pretended not see the monk。 He requested Amador to pardon

him this accident察and ran after the dogs who had caused the mischief

to his guest。 The laughing servant察who knew what was coming察had

dexterously kept out of the way。 Noticing this business察Amador

suspected the relations of Perrotte and the chevalier察concerning whom

it is possible that the lasses of the valley had already whispered

something into his ear。 Of the people who were then in the room not

one made room for the man of God察who remained right in the draught

between the door and the window察where he stood freezing until the

moment when the Sieur de Cande察his wife察and his aged sister

Mademoiselle de Cande察who had the charge of the young heiress of the

house察aged about sixteen years察came and sat in their chairs at the

head of the table察far from the common people察according to the old

custom usual among the lords of the period察much to their discredit。

The Sieur de Cande察paying no attention to the monk察let him sit at

the extreme end of the table察in a corner察where two mischievous lads

had orders to squeeze and elbow him。 Indeed these fellows worried his

feet察his body察and his arms like real torturers察poured white wine

into his goblet for water察in order to fuddle him察and the better to

amuse themselves with him察but they made him drink seven large jugfuls

without making belch察break wind察sweat or snort察which horrified them

exceedingly察especially as his eye remained as clear as crystal。

Encouraged察however察by a glance from their lord察they still kept

throwing察while bowing to him察gravy into his beard察and wiping it dry

in a manner to tear every hair of it out。 The varlet who served a

caudle baptised his head with it察and took care to let the burning

liquor trickle down poor Amador's backbone。 All this agony he endured

with meekness察because the spirit of God was in him察and also the hope

of finishing the litigation by holding out in the castle。

Nevertheless察the mischievous lot burst out into such roars of

laughter at the warm baptism given by the cook's lad to the soaked

monk察even the butler making jokes at his expense察that the lady of

Cande was compelled to notice what was going on at the end of the

table。 Then she perceived Amador察who had a look of sublime

resignation upon his face察and was endeavouring to get something out

of the big beef bones that had been put upon his pewter platter。 At

this moment the poor monk察who had administered a dexterous blow of

the knife to a big ugly bone察took it into his hairy hands察snapped it

in two察sucked the warm marrow out of it察and found it good。

;Truly察─said she to herself察 God has put great strength into this


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