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the conquest of new france-第13节

小说: the conquest of new france 字数: 每页4000字

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as an enlightened Briton said; 〃If they had pickaxe and spade

they would dig a way to Hell itself and storm that stronghold。〃

Behind all difficulties was the question whether; having taken

Louisbourg; the British could continue to hold it。 France

answered with a resolute 〃No。〃 To retake it she fitted out a

great fleet。 Nearly half her navy gathered under the Duc

d'Anville and put to sea on June 20; 1746。 If in the previous

summer God had helped the English with good weather; by a similar

proof His face now appeared turned a second time against the

French。 In the great array there were more than sixty ships;

which were to gather at Chebucto; now Halifax; harbor; and to be

joined there by four great ships of war from the West Indies。

Everything went wrong。 On the voyage across the Atlantic there

was a prolonged calm; followed by a heavy squall。 Several ships

were struck by lightning。 A magazine on the Mars blew up; killing

ten and wounding twenty…one men。 Pestilence broke out。 As a

crowning misfortune; the fleet was scattered by a terrific storm。

After great delay d'Anville's ship reached Chebucto; then a wild

and lonely spot。 The expected fleet from the West Indies had

indeed come; but had gone; since the ships from France; long

overdue; had not arrived。 D'Anville died suddenlysome said of

apoplexy; others of poison self…administered。 More ships arrived

full of sick men and short of provisions。 D'Estournel; who

succeeded d'Anville in chief command; in despair at the outlook

killed himself with his own sword after the experience of only a

day or two in his post。 La Jonquiere; a competent officer;

afterwards Governor of Canada; then led the expedition。 The

pestilence still raged; and from two to three thousand men died。

One day a Boston sloop boldly entered Chebucto harbor to find out

what was going on。 It is a wonder that the British did not

descend upon the stricken French and destroy them。 In October; La

Jonquiere; having pulled his force together; planned to win the

small success of taking Annapolis; but again storms scattered his

ships。 At the end of October he finally decided to return to

France。 But there were more heavy storms; and one French crew was

so near starvation that only a chance meeting with a Portuguese

ship kept them from killing and eating five English prisoners。

Only a battered remnant of the fleet eventually reached home


The disaster did not crush France。 In May of the next spring;

1747; a new fleet under La Jonquiere set out to retake

Louisbourg。 Near the coast of Europe; however; Admirals Anson and

Warren met and completely destroyed it; taking prisoner La

Jonquiere himself。 This disaster effected what was really the

most important result of the war: it made the British fleet

definitely superior to the French。 During the struggle England

had produced a new Drake; who attacked Spain in the spirit of the

sea…dogs of Elizabeth。 Anson had gone in 1740 into the Pacific;

where he seized and plundered Spanish ships as Drake had done

nearly two centuries earlier; and in 1744; when he had been given

up for lost; he completed the great exploit of sailing round the

world and bringing home rich booty。 Such feats went far to give

Britain that command of the sea on which her colonial Empire was

to depend。

The issue of the war hung more on events that occurred in Europe

than in America; and France had made gains as well as suffered

losses。 It was on the sea that she had sustained her chief

defeats。 In India she had gained by taking the English factory at

Madras; and in the Low Countries she was still aggressive。

Indeed; during the war England had been more hostile to Spain

than to France。 She had not taken very seriously her support of

the colonies in their attack on Louisbourg and she had failed

them utterly in their designs on Canada。 It is true that in

Europe England had grave problems to solve。 Austria; with which

she was allied; desired her to fight until Frederick of Prussia

should give up the province of Silesia seized by him in 1740。 In

this quarrel England had no vital interest。 France had occupied

the Austrian Netherlands and had refused to hand back to Austria

this territory unless she received Cape Breton in return。 Britain

might have kept Cape Breton if she would have allowed France to

keep Belgium。 This; in loyalty to Austria; she would not do。

Accordingly peace was made at Aix…la…Chapelle in 1748 on the

agreement that each side should restore to the other its

conquests; not merely in Europe but also in America and Asia。

Thus it happened that the British flag went up again at Madras

while it came down at Louisbourg。

Boston was of course angry at the terms of the treaty。 What

sacrifices had Massachusetts not made! The least of them was the

great burden of debt which she had piled up。 Her sons had borne

what Pepperrell called 〃almost incredible hardships。〃 They had

landed cannon on a lee shore when the great waves pounded to

pieces their boats and when men wading breast high were crushed

by the weight of iron。 Harnessed two and three hundred to a gun;

they had dragged the pieces one after the other over rocks and

through bog and slime; and had then served them in the open under

the fire of the enemy。 New Englanders had died like 〃rotten

sheep〃 in Louisbourg。 The graves of nearly a thousand of them lay

on the bleak point outside the wall。 What they had gained by this

sacrifice must now be abandoned。 A spirit of discontent with the

mother country went abroad and; after this sacrifice of colonial

interests; never wholly died out。 It is not without interest to

note in passing that Gridley; the engineer who drew the plan of

the defenses of Louisbourg; thirty years later drew those of

Bunker Hill to protect men of the English race who fought against


Every one knew that the peace of 1748 was only a truce and

Britain began promptly new defenses。 Into the spacious harbor of

Chebucto; which three years earlier had been the scene of the

sorrows of d'Anville's fleet; there sailed in June; 1749; a

considerable British squadron bent on a momentous errand。 It

carried some thousands of settlers; Edward Cornwallis; a governor

clothed with adequate authority; and a force sufficient for the

defense of the new foundation。 Cornwallis was delighted with the

prospect。 〃All the officers agree the harbour is the finest they

have ever seen〃this; of Halifax harbor with the great Bedford

Basin; opening beyond it; spacious enough to contain the fleets

of the world。 〃The Country is one continuous Wood; no clear spot

to be seen or heard of。 D'Anville's fleet。。。cleared no

ground; they encamped their men on the beach。〃 The garrison was

withdrawn from Louisbourg and soon arrived at Halifax; with a

vast quantity of stores。 A town was marked out; lots were drawn

for sites; and every one knew where he might build his house。

There were prodigious digging; chopping; hammering。 〃I shall be

able to get them all Houses before winter;〃 wrote Cornwallis

cheerily。 Firm military discipline; indeed; did wonders。 Before

winter came; a town had been created; and with the town a

fortress which from that time has remained the chief naval and

military stronghold of Great Britain in North America。 At

Louisbourg some two hundred miles farther east on the coast;

France could reestablish her military strength; but now

Louisbourg had a rival and each was resolved to yield nothing to

the other。 The founding of Halifax was in truth the symbol of the

renewal of the struggle for a continent。

CHAPTER V。 The Great West

In days before the railway had made possible a bulky commerce by

overland routes; rivers furnished the chief means of access to

inland regions。 The fame of the Ganges; the Euphrates; the Nile;

and the Danube shows the part which great rivers have played in

history。 Of North America's four greatest river systems; the two

in the far north have become known in times so recent that their

place in history is not yet determined。 One of them; the

Mackenzie; a mighty stream some two thousand miles long; flows

into the Arctic Ocean through what remains chiefly a wilderness。

The waters of the other; the Saskatchewan; discharge into Hudson

Bay more than a thousand miles from their source; flowing through

rich prairie land which is still but scantily peopled。 On the

Saskatchewan; as on the remaining two systems; the St。 Lawrence

and the Mississippi; the French were the pioneers。 Though today

the regions drained by these four rivers are dominated by the

rival race; the story which we now follow is one of romantic

enterprise in which the honors are with France。

More perhaps by accident than by design had the French been the

first to settle on the St。 Lawrence。 Fishing vessels had hovered

round the entrance to the Gulf of St。 Lawrence for years before;

in 1535; the French sailor; Jacques Cartier; adva

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