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the vision spendid(美景)-第6节

小说: the vision spendid(美景) 字数: 每页4000字

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that he works everybody to shove him along。〃 

     〃He's     only   a  kid。   Give    him    time。   He'll   be   a   big   help   to  any 



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                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

     〃James K。's biggest achievement will always be James K。〃 

     Jeff chuckled at the apothegm even while he protested。 Sam capped it 

with another。 

     〃He's always sitting to himself for his own portrait。〃 

     〃He'll get over that when he brushes up against the world。〃 Jeff added 

his own criticism thoughtfully。 〃The weak spot in him is a sort of flatness 

of mind。 This makes him afraid of new ideas。 He wants to be respectable; 

and respectability is the most damning thing on earth。〃 

     After Miller had left Jeff buckled down to Ely's 〃Political Economy。〃 

He had not been at it long when James surprised him by dropping in。 His 

host offered the easiest chair and shoved tobacco toward him。 

     〃Been pretty busy with the team; I suppose?〃 Jeff suggested。 

     〃It's taken a lot of my time; but I think I've put the athletic association 

on a paying basis at last。〃 

     〃I see by your report in the 'Verdenian' that you made good。〃 

     〃A fellow ought to do well whatever he undertakes to do。〃 

     Jeff   grinned   across   at   him   from   where   he   lay   on   the   bed   with   his 

fingers laced beneath his head。 〃That's what the copybooks used to say。〃 

     〃I want to have a serious talk with you; Jeff。〃 

     〃Aren't you having it? What can be more important than the successes 

of James K。 Farnum?〃 

     The  senior looked   at   him  suspiciously。   He  was   not   strongly  fortified 

with   a   sense   of   humor。   〃Just   now   I   want   to   talk   about   the   failures   of 

Jefferson D。 Farnum;〃 he answered gravely。 

     Jeff's eyes twinkled。 〃Is it worth while? I am unworthy of this boon; O 

great Cesar。〃 

     〃Now that's the sort of thing that stands in your way;〃 James told him 

impatiently。 〃People never know when you're laughing at them。 There is 

no reason why you shouldn't succeed。 Your abilities are up to the average; 

but you fritter them away。〃 

     〃Thank you。〃 Jeff wore an air of being immensely pleased。 

     〃The truth is that   you're   your own   worst   enemy。  Now  that   you   have 

taken to dressing better you are not bad looking。 I find a good many of the 

fellows like youor they would if you'd let them。〃 


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                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

     〃Because I'm so well connected;〃 Jeff laughed。 

     〃I suppose it does help; your being my cousin。 But the thing depends 

on you。 Unless you make a decided change you'll never get on。〃 

     〃What change do you suggest? Item one; please?〃 

     James looked straight at him。 〃You lack bedrock principles; Jeff。〃 

     〃Do I?〃 

     〃Take your habits。 Two or three times you've been seen coming out of 


     〃Expect I went in to get a drink。〃 

     〃It's not generally known; of course; but if it reached Prexy he'd fire 

you so quick your head would swim。〃 

     〃I dare say。〃 

     The senior looked at him significantly。 〃You're the last man that ought 

to go to such places。 There's such a thing as an inherited tendency。〃 

     The jaw muscles stood out like ropes under the flesh of Jeff's lean face。 

〃We'll not discuss that。〃 

     〃Very well。 Cut it out。 A drinking man is handicapped too heavily to 


     〃Much obliged。 Second count in the indictment; please。〃 

     〃You've got strange; unsettling notions。 The profs don't like them。〃 

     〃Don't they?〃 

     〃You know what I mean。 We didn't make this world。 We've got to take 

it as it is。 You can't make it over。 There are always going to be rich people 

and   poor   ones。   Just   because   you've   fed   indigestibly   on   Ibsen   and   Shaw 

you can't change facts。〃 

     〃So you advise?〃 

     〃Soft pedal your ideas if you must have them。〃 

     〃Hasn't a man got to see things as straight as he can?〃 

     〃That's   no   reason   for   calling   in  the   neighbors   to   rejoice   with   him 

because he has astigmatism。〃 

     Jeff came back with a tag of Emerson; whose phrases James was fond 

of   quoting   in   his   speeches。   〃Whoso   would   be   a   man   must   be   a   non… 

conformist。 Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind。〃 

     〃You    can   push   that   too  far。  It  isn't  practical。  We've   got   to  make 


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                                   THE VISION SPLENDID 

compromises; especially with established things。〃 

     Jeff   sat   up   on   the   bed。   Points   of   light   were   dancing   in   his   big   eyes。 

〃That's what the Pharisees   said to   Jesus   when he   wouldn't stand   for   lies 

because   they   were   deep   rooted   and   for   injustice   because   it   had   become 


     〃Oh; if you're going to compare yourself to Christ〃 

     〃Verden University is supposed to stand for Christianity; isn't it? It was 

because Jesus whanged away at social and industrial freedom; at fraternity; 

at love on earth; that he had to endure the Cross。 He got under the upper 

class   skin   when   he   attacked   the   traditional   lies   of   vested   interests。   Now 

why doesn't Bland preach the things that Jesus taught?〃 

     〃He does。〃 

     〃Yes; he does;〃 Jeff scoffed。 〃He preaches good form; respectability; a 

narrow      personal    righteousness;      a  salvation     canned    and    petrified   three 

hundred years ago。〃 

     〃Do you want him to preach socialism?〃 

     〃I   want   him   to   preach   the   square   deal   in   our   social   life;   intellectual 

honesty; and a vital spiritual life。 Think of what this college might mean; 

how   it   might   stand   for   democracy   It   ought   to   pour   out   into   the   state 

hundreds of specialists on the problems of the country。 Instead; it is only a 

reflection of the caste system that is growing up in America。〃 

     James shrugged his broad shoulders。 〃I've been through all that。 It's a 

phase     we   pass。   You'll   get   over   it。  You've    got   to  if  you   are  going    to 


     A quizzical grin wrinkled Jeff's lean face。 〃What is success?〃 

     〃It's   setting   a   high   goal   and   reaching   it。   It's   taking   the   world   by   the 

throat and shaking from it whatever you want。〃 James leaned across the 

table; his eyes shining。 〃It's the journey's end for the strong; that's what it 

is。 I don't care whether a man is gathering gilt or fame; he's got to pound 

away with his eye right on it。 And he's got to trample down the things that 

get in his way。〃 

     Jeff's eye   fell upon   a book on the   table。   〃Ever hear of   a   chap   called 


     〃Of   course。   He   wrote   'The   School   for   Scandal。'   What's   he   got   to   do 


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                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

with it?〃 

     Jeff   smiled;   without   correcting   his   cousin。   〃I've   been   reading   about 

him。 Seems to have been a poor hack writer 'who threw away his life in 

handfuls。'   He   wrote   the   finest   poem;   the   best   novel;   the   most   charming 

comedy of his day。 He knew how to give; but he didn't know how to take。 

So he died alone in a garret。 He was a failure。〃 

     〃Probably his own fault。〃 

     〃And on   the   day  of   his   funeral   the   stairway  was   crowded   with   poor 

people he had helped。 All of them were in tears。〃 

     〃What good did that do him? He was inefficient。 He might have saved 

his money and helped them then。〃 

     〃Perhaps。 I don't know。 It might have been too late then。 He chose to 

give his life as he was living it。〃 

     〃Another reason for his poverty; wasn't there?〃 

     Jeff flushed。 〃He drank。〃 

     〃Thought so。〃 James rose triumphantly and put on his overcoat。 〃Well; 

think over what I've said。〃 

     〃I will。 And   tell the chancellor   I'm  much obliged   to him for  sending 


     For once the Senior was taken aback。 〃Eh; whatwhat?〃 

     〃You may tell him it won't be your fault that I'll never be a credit to 

Verden University。〃 

     As he walked across the campus to his fraternity house James did not 

feel that his call had been wholly successful。 With him he carried a picture 

of his cousin's thin satiric face in which big expressive eyes mocked his 

arguments。 But he let none of this sense of futility get into the report given 

next day to the Chancellor。 

     〃Jeff's rather light…minded; I'm afraid; sir。 He wanted to branch off to 

side lines。 But I insisted on a serious talk。 Before I left him he promise

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