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the vision spendid(美景)-第23节

小说: the vision spendid(美景) 字数: 每页4000字

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Rome was the most analogous simile Farnum's brain could summon。 What 

freak    of  nature;    he  wondered;      had   been   responsible     for  so  alien   an 

offspring to this ruthless builder? And what under heaven had the two in 

common except the blood that ran in both their veins? 

     Peter   C。   Frome;   who   had   followed   his   brother…in…law  into   the   room; 

introduced the young man to the railroad king。 

     The great man's grip drove the blood from Farnum's hand。 

     〃I've heard about you; young man。 What do you mean by getting in my 


     The young man's veins glowed。 He had made Joe Powers notice him。 

Not for worlds would he have winked an eyelash; though the bones of his 

hand felt as if they were being ground to powder。 

     〃Do I get in your way; sir?〃 he asked innocently。 

     〃Do you?〃 boomed the deep bass of the railroader。 〃You and that mad 


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                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

brother of yours。〃 

     〃He's my cousin;〃 James explained。 

     〃Brother or cousin; he's got to get off the track or be run over。 And you; 

too; with that smooth tongue of yours。〃 

     Farnum laughed。 〃Jeff's pretty solid。 He may ditch the train; sir。〃 

     〃No!〃     roared   Powers。    〃He'll   be  flung   into   the  ditch。〃   He   turned 

abruptly to Frome。 〃Peter; take me to a room where I can talk to this young 

man。 I need him。〃 

     〃'Come into my little parlor;' said the spider to the fly。〃 

     They wheeled as at a common rein to the sound of the young mocking 

voice。    Alice   Frome    had   come    in  unnoticed     and   was   standing    in  the 

doorway smiling at them。 The effect she produced was demurely daring。 

The long lines of her slender sylph…like body; the girlishness of her golden 

charm; were vigorously contradicted in their suggestion of shyness by the 

square tilted chin and the challenge in the dancing eyes。 

     〃Alice;〃 admonished her father with a deprecatory apology in his voice 

to his brother…in…law。 

     Powers knit his shaggy brows in a frown not at all grim。 The young 

woman      smiled    back   confidently。    She   could   go   farther  with   him   than 

anybody else in the world could; and she knew it。 For he recognized in her 

vigorous strength of fiber a kinship of the spirit closer than that between 

him and his own daughter。 An autocrat to the   marrow; it pleased him  to 

recognize her an exception to his rule。 Valencia was also an exception; but 

in a different way。 

     〃Have you any remarks to make; Miss Frome?〃 he asked。 

     〃Oh; I've made it;〃 returned the girl unabashed。 She turned to   James 

and shook hands with him。 〃How do you do; Mr。 Farnum? I see you are 

going to be tied to Uncle Joe's kite; too。〃 

     Was there in her voice just a hint of scorn? James did not know。 He 

laughed a little uneasily。 

     〃Shall I be swallowed up alive; Miss Frome?〃 

     〃You think you won't; but you will。 He always gets what he wants。〃 

     For   all   the   warmth   and   energy   of   youth   in   her   there   was   a   vivid 

spiritual quality that had always made a deep appeal to James。 He sensed 


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the something fine and exquisite she breathed forth and did reverence to it。 

     〃And what does he want now?〃 the young man parried。 

     〃He wants YOU。〃 

     〃Unless you would like him yourself; Alice;〃 her uncle countered。 

     The   color   washed   into   her   cheeks。   〃Not   just   now;   thank   you。   I   was 

merely giving him a friendly warning。〃 

     〃I'm awfully obliged to you。 I'll be on my guard;〃 laughed James。 

     He stepped across to the lounge to make his farewell to Mrs。 Van Tyle。 

     〃You'll come again;〃 she said in a low voice。 

     〃Whenever the gallery is openif I am sent a ticket of admission。〃 

     〃Wouldn't   it   be   better   to   apply   for   a   ticket   and   not   wait   for   it   to   be 


     〃I think it wouldand to apply for one often。〃 

     〃I am waiting; Mr。 Farnum;〃 interrupted Powers impatiently。 

     To the young man the suggestion sounded like a command。 He bowed 

to Alice and followed the great man out of the room。 


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                                THE VISION SPLENDID 

                             CHAPTER 10 

    Many business men of every community are respectable cowards。 The 

sense   of   property   fills   them   with   a   cramping   timidity。   From   the   Note 

Book of a Dreamer。 


THE     COUNTRY。        THE     REBEL;     FRUSTRATED;          PLANS      FURTHER 


                                       PART 1 

    When James reached his office next morning he found Killen waiting 

for him。 One glance at the weak defiant face told him that the legislator 

was again in revolt。 The lawyer felt a surge of disgust sweep over him。 All 

through the session he had cajoled and argued the weak…kneed back into 

line。 Why didn't Hardy do his own dirty work instead of leaving it to him 

to soil his hands with these cheap grafters?〃 

    No   longer   ago   than   yesterday   it   had   been   a   keen   pleasure   to   feel 

himself so important a factor in the struggle; to know that his power and 

his personality were of increasing value to his side。 

    But to…daysomehow the salt had gone out of it。 The value of the issue 

had dwindled; his enthusiasm gone stale。 After all; what did it matter who 

was elected? Why should not the corporate wealth that was developing the 

country see that men were chosen to office who would safeguard vested 

interests?   It   was   all   very   well   for   Jeff   to   talk   about   democracy   and   the 

rights   of   the   people。   But   Jeff   was   an   impracticable   idealist。   He;   James; 

stood    for  success。   Within    the  past  twenty…four    hours   there   had  been 

something of a shift of standards for him。 

    His visit to The Brakes had done that for him。 He craved luxury just as 

he did power; and the house on the hill had said the final word of both to 

him in the personalities of Joe Powers and his daughter。 It had come home 

to him that the only way to satisfy his ambition was by making money and 

a lot of it。 This morning; with the sharpness of his hunger rendering him 

irritable;   he   was   in   no   mood   to   conciliate   disaffectants   to   the   cause   of 


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                                  THE VISION SPLENDID 

which he was himself beginning to weary。 

     〃Well?〃 he demanded sharply of Killen。 

     〃I've been looking for your cousin; but I can't find him。 He was to have 

met me here later。〃 

     〃Then I presume he'll be here when he said he would。〃 The eyes of the 

lawyer were cold and hard as jade。 

     〃You can tell him it won't be necessary for me to see him。 I've made 

other arrangements;〃 Killen said uneasily。  〃You   mean that you   repudiate 

your agreement with him。 Is that it?〃 Farnum's voice was like a whiplash。 

     〃I've decided to support Frome。 Fact is〃 

     〃Oh; damn the facts! You made an agreement。 You're going to sell out。 

That's all there is to it。〃 

     The young man's face was dark with furious disgust。 

     Killen   flared   up。   〃You   better   be   careful   how   you   talk   to   me;  Mr。 

Farnum。   I   might   want   to   know   what   Big   Tim   was   doing   in   your   office 

yesterday。 I might want to know what business took you up to The Brakes 

by a mighty roundabout way。〃 

     James strode forward in a rage。 〃Get out of here before I throw you out; 

you little spying blackguard。〃 

     〃You bet I'll get out;〃 screamed the mill man。 〃Get clear out and have 

nothing more to do with your outfit。 But I want to tell you that folks will 

talk a lot when they know how you and Big Tim fixed up a deal〃 Killen; 

backing toward the door as he spoke; broke off to hasten his exit before 

the lawyer's threatening advance。 

     James   slammed   the   door   shut   on him  and   paced   up   and   down   in   an 

impotent fury of passion。 〃The dirty little blackleg! He'd like to bracket me 

in the same class as himself。 He'd like to imply that IBy Heaven; if he 

opens   his   lying   mouth   to   a   hint   of   such   a   thing   I'll   horsewhip   the   little 


     But running uneasily through his mind was an undercurrent of disgust… 

…with   himself;   with   Jeff;   with   the   whole   situation。   Why   had   he   ever   let 

himself get mixed up with such an outfit? Government by the people! The 

thing was idiotic; mere demagogic cant。 Power was to the stro

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