梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
nickel察platinum察cobalt察quicksilver察manganese or any other ore used in
manufactures and the arts察the first thing we do is to sink a shaft on the
most likely ore chimney and at every one hundred feet in depth we run
levels to develop it and if we continue to find ore as we go down and the
ground requires drainage察we survey for a drainage tunnel that will drain
the mine at the greatest depth察even if we have to run a tunnel ten miles。
We sink the shaft to within twenty feet of the tunnel level and then quit
sinking until the tunnel is completed。 We use a tunneling machine察boring
a tunnel six feet in diameter at the rate of one hundred feet per day。 We run
the tunnel directly under the shaft and then withdraw all the men and
machinery from the tunnel察put a six´inch drill into the shaft that makes a
hole into the tunnel察and quickly drains the mine。 Then we begin to stope
out at the lowest level察filling in the waste upward察and taking out only ore
to be conveyed to the mill or smelter。 While the shaft is being sunk the ore
taken out is sent to the reduction works and carefully tested to find out the
best way of reducing it so that when the mine is in good condition to work
we know how to handle ore to the best advantage。
;We have only a few reduction works for refractory ore察but they are
on a grand scale察some of them handling one hundred thousand tons daily察
and as the government owns and operates all the railways the cost of
transporting ore is under two mills a ton per mile。 We employ a corps of
metallurgists experimenting to discover better methods in reducing and
they have made great progress so that ores that were left in the mine or on
the dump are now worked with handsome profit to the government Our
workmen all carry life and health insurance察 one´half paid by the men
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monthly and the other half by the government察and where a mine is shut
down by the government the miners are furnished employment in another
place察so that they are never idle。
;We also bore thousands of artesian wells throughout the country察
some of them to the depth of five thousand feet察for artesian water察gas察
and petroleum察 and occasionally we locate fine bodies of coal by those
means and those that we don't need to supply the market we cap and stop
the flow and use them in the future察always using the best flowing wells
for the present time。 When we have to use drainage tunnels for our mines
we carry the water off from the mouth of the tunnel in a flume察placing
quicksilver in the riffles察and if it is a copper mine we place scrap iron in
the water and we also use the water for power to assist us in mining察so
that at the present time we extract and reduce ore at a lower rate than in
other parts of the world察 for there is no wastefill management and no
overproduction察for in all our mining operations we work those that cost
the least察and we operate our coal mines in the same way。;
I thanked him for the courtesy shown me and took the train for the
capital察and my next visit was to the Department of Education。
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I was ushered into the office of the Minister of Education and was
introduced to a charming lady who filled that position with signal ability。
;I am told that you are from the United States of America。 ; she said with
a winning smile察 and I hope that you will have a pleasant time while you
remain with its。; She spoke perfect English and informed me that it was
the language of Eurasia察 but that it differed from English used in other
countries in one way。 ;We write the words the way they sound and
eliminate all useless letters察 saving a great deal of time and paper。; She
informed me that in no school throughout the country察save one察were the
dead察or foreign察languages taught察and in that one only for the purpose of
correct translation in the interest of science察for practical education is what
people need。 ;We have one great university for orphan children and those
without a name察 and from it all the departments of the government are
supplied with secretaries察clerks察typewriters and messengers察and as they
are physically察mentally and morally trained for the duties of life察they are
highly prized in the matrimonial market。 All our common schools have a
gymnasium and swimming tank annexed to the study room察 the
gymnasium being divided into two compartments察 one for boys and one
for girls察with a door from each communicating with the study room and
also with the swimming tank。; The tank was only four feet deep so as to
remove as much as possible the chance for a child being drowned察and no
little children were allowed in the tank without two or more boys and girls
of fourteen years of age being present。
The doors leading into the tank room were kept under lock and key
and were only opened once a day and that at the noon hour。 The youngest
children察 up to the age of twelve years察 when they had learned their
lessons both in the forenoon and afternoon went into the gymnasium to
play察and by those means the children are physically well developed and
knowing how to swim are not liable to become frightened if thrown into
the water and know what to do to save others from drowning。 They are
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taught reading察 writing察 arithmetic察 geography察 typewriting察 typesetting
and practical geometry察 so as to draw lines察 angles and circles and find
their volumes and areas察 but algebra察 astronomy察 grammar察 geology察
physiology察 biology and metaphysics are reserved for the high schools察
where every boy and girl is sent when they are fifteen years of age and
kept there for three years at the expense of the government。 The high
school is located in the district reserve as near the center of the district as
conditions will permit in the vicinity of the court house and the Governor's
residence and has adjoining it not less than one thousand acres察according
to the population of the district察 so as to make it as self´sustaining as
possible and to teach the students agriculture察horticulture and the care and
management of stock and poultry。
;We have a foundry察 machine shop察 woolen mill察 cotton mill and
chemical works at every high school察 and while both sexes are taught
farming and gardening the boys are taught mechanical trades and the girls
knitting察spinning察weaving察cooking察housekeeping and nursing察so as to
know how to take care of the sick and injured察and at the age of eighteen
years the boys are drafted into the army and serve three years察 building
railways察 levees察 canals察 irrigation ditches察 docks察 warehouses and other
public buildings察and the girls are sent to the chemical factories察woolen
mills察 cotton mills察 paper mills察 flax mills察 sugar mills and tobacco
factories。 No exceptions are made from service察all must serve。 Both boys
and girls are dressed in military uniform and are drilled two hours in rifle
practice察firing ten shots at an imitation enemy in a military suit察stuffed
with straw察 in different positions察 from one hundred to one thousand
yards distance察 every Sunday weather permitting and in actual war one
brigade of girls is assigned to every division of the army to carry off the
wounded and nurse them and to assist in the defense whenever it is
necessary察and also to garrison and hold the lines of communication and
their presence in the field has been so inspiring to our boys that they never
have turned their backs to the enemy。;
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