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弌傍 eurasia(單跡歪) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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through   synetic   granite   and   encountered   very   little   water察  and   when   we 

were about to break through at the summit we provided the workmen with 

fur clothing察and with air respirators察so that they would not be overcome 

by    the  cold    and   rarety   of  the   atmosphere。      We    had   a  car   driven    by 

electricity   to   carry   the   men    and   material   into   the  tunnel察   having    four 

cogwheel drivers on each side察and the tunnel throughout was lighted by 

electricity。 We built the observatory of composition metal and glass察which 

was carried up on the car´but come along and you shall see for yourself。; 

     We entered an observatory car that was run by its own dynamo but in 

case   of   the   dynamo   giving   out   a   trolley   wire   overhead´   could   furnish 

power any  moment。 After a pleasant ride of an hour's duration we came 

out    of  the   tunnel   into   the   observatory     and    I  saw   two    magnificently 

mounted telescopes察one for visitors to look through and the other one for 

taking photographic views。 I looked through the visitors' telescope and to 

my     astonishment       the  sun    was    blue   and    when     I  asked    one   of   the 

astronomers present the reason for it he   replied that the sun was a   great 

dynamo and that the dazzling brightness seen at low altitudes was caused 

by our atmosphere offering like the filament in an incandescent lamp great 

resistance to the electric energy of the sun producing a brilliant glow and 

if you were able to go outside the atmosphere of our earth you would only 

see   the   sun   as   a   dark   body   in   space   and   you   would   find   yourself   in 

absolute darkness and eternal silence。 Night fell and when I looked again 

through      the  telescope     and   gazed    on   the   countless    hosts    of  heaven's 

millions of suns there came into my mind and I repeated aloud that noble 

passage   in   the   Bible察   The   heavens   declare   the   glory   of   God   and   the 

firmament showeth his handiwork。 I remarked to the Chief Engineer as we 

went down to the station察that a great many people visited the observatory察

for I had looked in the visitors' book察where every person was required to 

sign his name。 He replied察 Yes察if a private company owned it察it would 

make   the   stockholders   wealthy察  for   it   has   become   to   the   globe´trotters 

what Mecca is to the Mohammedans for no tourist would dare to return 


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home   without   registering   at   the   observatory   and   we   encourage   them   by 

publishing their names in the National Gazette。 

     ;If you would like to accompany me I think I can show you another 

work we are engaged in that is adding to the accumulated knowledge of 

the ages。; I gladly assented and after ten days of railway travel we arrived 

at   the   great   platinum   mine   of   Eurasia。   It   was   on   the   continental   divide 

between   Europe   and Asia   and   had   been   worked   on   a   small   scale   at   the 

surface for a great many years察but had not produced much platinum and 

owing   to   an   increasing   demand   for   it   in   the   arts   the   value   of   it   greatly 

exceeded that of gold察while at the present time it is on a par with silver察

owing to the government selling it in the market of the world for what it 

will bring and smashing any gambling ring that would attempt to corner 

the market。 We entered a cage and were lowered to the one thousand´foot 

level察  then   we   got out   of   the  cage   and察  walking   about   twenty   yards察  we 

entered a chamber where there was another shaft and hoisting works and 

were lowered to the two´thousand foot level察which opened out in every 

direction察   connecting      with   a  drainage    tunnel   eight   miles   long察  which 

carried     off  all  the  water    for   sixteen   square    miles   of   surface。   After 

explaining to me the old methods of mining he said with a smile此 Come 

with me now and I will show you our new method察─and entering a large 

chamber that looked like an immense warehouse察we stepped into a cage 

and went down察changing from one cage to another every thousand feet察

until we stopped at the sixty´four´thousand´foot level。 We visited several 

crosscuts and drifts on this level and found several hundred men at work 

taking out platinum ore of a high grade察and my companion told me that 

they were doing the same work on several other thousand´foot levels察the 

ore improving in quality as they went down。 ;You no doubt observed as 

we came down that the shaft was circular察but you may not have seen a 

second   shaft   of   the   same   diameter   as   the   hoisting   shaft   forty   feet   away。 

The second shaft is used for air pipes察water pipes and insulated electric 


     All the electric current to run the hoists and the compressed air to drive 

the drilling machines and to maintain free circulation of air throughout the 

workings察comes down that shaft and all the surplus water is pumped up it 


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to   the   two´thousand´foot   level察  where   it   is   carried   off   by   the   drainage 

tunnel and a complete system of escape ladders´besides at every level is a 

hoisting engine and cage to take the workmen up if danger threatens them。 

To insure an even temperature in the mine we keep a supply of liquid aid 

on every level察which is renewed daily察connecting the liquid air chest with 

the pipe that supplies fresh air to the workings。 No expense is spared in 

taking care of the health and safety of the workmen and if a man gets sick 

or injured he gets the same pay as if he is working察and if a workman gets 

killed his wife receives the same pay that he received as long as she lives察

and   his   children   are   as   well   provided   for   by   the   government。   None   but 

married     men    are  employed      and   there   is  lively  competition     to  secure 

employment with us。; 

     He informed me that they sank the shaft with rotary drilling machines察

cutting a channel one inch wide and five feet in depth察leaving a core nine 

feet ten inches in diameter in which four holes were drilled four feet six 

inches in depth and loaded with a new explosive as powerful as dynamite 

but    without    its  injurious   fumes    and   perfectly    safe  to   handle   at  any 

temperature。 They averaged in sinking twelve feet daily and as they went 

down the rock became more compact and finer grained。 As there were no 

hot    springs   in  the   vicinity   and   no   signs   of  volcanic    action   even   in 

prehistoric     times察 the   temperature     of  the  rock   even    at  the  sixty´four´ 

thousand´foot level was only one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit察

and any increase of temperature in the workings was owing to the electric 

light   generating   heat   in   the   dense   atmosphere   of   the   lower   levels。   My 

companion       invited   me   to  weigh    myself    on   the  ore  scales   and   to  my 

astonishment       I  only  weighed     one   hundred     and   twenty    pounds察   and   I 

exclaimed that something was wrong with the scales察but my companion 

offered to take the scales up with us to the surface and test them。 We did 

so and on weighing myself again the beam tipped at one hundred and sixty 

pounds my regular weight。 

     Then he informed me that there was a progressive fall in weights on 

every level as they went down and that if no unforeseen obstacle interfered 

they would reach the limit of attraction from the surface downward and in 

his opinion it would be at fifty miles。 I asked him what they would find 


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there and he replied   that in his opinion it would be the same subtle  and 

elastic essence that fills stellar space察but he added此 God alone knows the 

secret   of   the   universe    in  his  keeping。;   We     visited   the   great  smelting察

refining   and   assaying   works   in   the  vicinity  and   he introduced   me   to   the 

general   superintendent   of   all   the   mines   on   the   continental   divide察  who 

invited   me   to   accompany   him   on   a   mine   inspection   tour   and   he   would 

show     me    the  improved      method     they   used   in  prospecting      for  ore  and 

extracting and milling it to the best advantage。 ;When our mining experts 

discover   a   mineral   belt   containing   precious   metals   or   copper察  iron察 lead察

nickel察platinum察cobalt察quicksilver察manganese or any other ore used in 

manufactures and the arts察

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