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弌傍 eurasia(單跡歪) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

prisoners received no pay during the time they were on bread and water。 

Corporals   received   fifty   per   cent。   more   pay   than   privates察  and   sergeants 

and company clerks one hundred per cent。 more。 Prisoners were required 

to work eight hours each day察Sundays excepted´commencing at eight a。 

m。察with one hour for dinner察and ending at five p。 m。察and to attend night 

school from six p。 m。 until eight p。 m。 five nights in the week察and once a 

week musicians and singers visited the prison and gave entertainments。 

     The   company  quarters   were   only  one´story  high察  but   were   large   and 

well ventilated察being eighty feet square with wide verandas and furnished 

with steam and hot water pipes for cold weather察and lighted throughout 

by incandescent lamps。 

     The   beds   were   all   singly   arranged   in   rows   and   well   furnished   with 

mattresses察blankets察sheets and pillows察and the room had nine large wash 


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basins   at   one   end   of   the   room察  where   all   the   company  could   wash   their 

hands and faces and comb their hair。 

     The    captains    were    required    to  sleep   in  the   same    rooms    with   the 

prisoners察    and   to   eat  with   them    in   the  dining´room察     and    were   held 

responsible for their care and good conduct。 He could sentence them for 

misconduct to three days on bread and water察but for serious offences they 

were tried by a Court of three Judges察appointed by the Minister of Justice。 

     The     regimental     dining´room      where     all  the  companies      dined    was 

divided into three sections察with partitions eight feet high between them察

each   section   having   a   door   connecting   with   the   kitchen察  and   the   food 

furnished of good quality察but differing in degree according to grade。 

     The hospital was on one side of the square察and was fitted with every 

modern appliance and at the distance of half a mile was a pest house察to 

which     all  prisoners    suffering    from   leprosy察   cancer察  syphilis   and   other 

malignant diseases察were consigned。 What most attracted my attention was 

the bath house察a one´story building察one hundred feet long察adjoining the 

laundry。 It had a swimming tank in the middle of it sixty feet long察forty 

feet wide and twelve feet deep。 At the two ends were porcelain bathtubs 

for the old and feeble察with hot and cold water faucets察and on one side 

were shower´bath nozzles overhead察with hot and cold water connections察

on the side next the laundry were rows of shelves reaching to the ceiling 

and numbered from one to eighteen hundred察holding a change of clothing 

for   the   entire   regiment   of   prisoners察  with   a   passageway   and   counter   in 

front察and every prisoner was compelled to bathe on every Sunday察passing 

over   the   counter   the   clothes   worked   in察  when   they   had   undressed   and 

when they had bathed察they received clothes察washed and ironed察to put on。 

Any   prisoner   who   did   not   bathe   was   placed   in   solitary   confinement   for 

three   days   on    bread   and   water察  then   taken   to   the   bathhouse   and   well 


     Two prisoners were assigned to work as chiropodists to keep the feet 

of the prisoners in good condition察and the laundrymen察besides washing 

and    ironing    all  the  clothes察  sheets   and   pillowcases察    had   to  wash     and 

disinfect all the blankets once a month。 There were no walls surrounding 

the prison building察but the reservation being the headquarters of an army 


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corps with barracks on all sides察escapes by prisoners were very rare。 

     On marching out of the dining´room after breakfast the roll was called察

and also after supper察by the captains of companies察and after nine p。 m。 

the doors were locked and no smoking or talking was permitted。 

     A parole commissioner appointed by the Minister of Justice resided at 

the    prison察  who    was    also  Superintendent       of  the   Night   School察   with 

authority to parole any prisoner according to law that in his judgment was 

a fit person to be paroled。 A paroled prisoner察if he did not have friends to 

take   care   of   him察  was   given   employment   by   the   Government察  and   no 

money   deposit   was   required。   The   Government   paid   over   to   him   what 

money   he   had   earned察  and   gave   him   a   dress   suit   and   a   working   suit   of 

clothes and two changes of underclothing´by those acts of justice giving 

him    encouragement        to  become     a  useful    member     of   society。   He   was 

required to report by a letter once a month to the Governor of the District 

from which he came察and the Governor was authorized by law to pardon 

him when he thought proper。 Those rules and regulations applied equally 

to both sexes。 


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                              CHAPTER IV。 

                              THE BANK OF EURASIA。 

     Leaving     the   prison察  I  returned   to  the   Capitol   and察  calling   at  the 

Department   of   Finance察  was   given   a   copy  of   the   laws   governing   it察  and 

learned   that   it   operated   under   the   name   of   the   Bank   of   Eurasia察  with 

headquarters in the capital察having a branch in every district and in every 

town of one thousand inhabitants or more。 It paid out all money owed by 

the Government and received and receipted for all taxes due察and accepted 

all deposits from one dollar upwards察and issued all banknotes and bills of 

exchange察 and   in   consequence there   were   no panics   and   no   necessity  of 

issuing clearing´house certificates。 To avoid the folly of locking up large 

amounts      of  money     received    for  taxes  each    year  on   the  one   hand察  or 

permitting stock´gamblers and money´sharks察on the other hand察to use it察

each district was allowed by law to issue district banknotes of one dollar 

denomination察  guaranteed   by   the   Government察  drawing   two   per   cent。   a 

year interest up to eighty per cent。 of the yearly expenses of the district。 

The taxes were payable on the first day of November察and if not paid on 

that   day   a   delinquent   tax   of   ten   per   cent。   The   banknotes   issued   by   the 

district were called in and canceled by this means察keeping the money of 

the people in circulation。 

     Every branch bank in a district was required to send daily accounts of 

all money received and paid out to the central branch bank of the district察

which in turn sent a daily account of all bank transactions in the district to 

the Bank of Eurasia at the capital。 No district treasurers were required察nor 

treasurers in any department of the Government察but vouchers to be paid 

by the Government had to be signed and scaled by the proper authorities。 

The bank also conducted a National Lottery察with tickets for sale at every 

branch bank for one dollar per ticket察drawings monthly察and the highest 

prize  drawn   was   five   thousand dollars察  and   the   lowest   five   dollars。   Five 

per    cent。   of  the   gross    proceeds    going    to   the  Government       for   the 

maintenance and education of orphan children。 The amount received each 

month and the names of the prize winners was published in the National 


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Gazette   a   weekly   paper察  and   a   copy   sent   to   every   prize   winner。   This 

paper   was   published   by   the   Government   and   every   voter   was   free   to 

subscribe for it without cost察but no advertisements were allowed in it。 It 

published the work of every department of the Government and all bills 

approved by Parliament察and all laws recommended by the Parliament for 

whilst     the    Parliament      could    approve      and    legalize    all   Government 

expenditures察it could only recommend by a two´thirds vote the amending 

or creating of any acts pertaining to the Political察Civil and Penal Codes察

which had to go before the people at the next general election察when they 

became   the   law   of   the   land   by   a   two´thirds   vote   of   the   qualified   voters 

who   took   part   in   the   election察  and   had   a   universal   circulation察  as   the 

Government         owned      and    operated     all  railways察    telegraphs察    teleposts察

telephones察     wireless     telegraphy     stations    and   levees察   all  wa

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