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               Chris。 Evans 


´ Page 2´



     In ;Eurasia; the author describes an ideal republic where many of the 

problems      that  confront    us  are  worked     out。  The    book   describes    in  an 

interesting and readable way how government is administered in this ideal 

republic。 The government is one in which women take their full share of 

responsibility察  the   school   children   are   trained   in   the   problems   they   will 

meet in life察and more emphasis is laid on character building than on the 

dead   languages。 The   children   of   both   sexes   are taught   useful   trades。 All 

school     children    are  taught    to  swim。    The    idle   are  employed      in  the 

construction      of  roads察  canals    and   irrigation   works。    The   problems     of 

distribution   are   so   arranged   that   the   worker   receives   a   more   equitable 

reward for his labor。 

     The author察Chris。 Evans察speaks with a firsthand knowledge when he 

discusses the army prison management and the administration of law。 Mr。 

Evans察who was born in Vermont察is an old cavalryman察having served in 

the   Civil   War。   After   the   war   he   served  with  the   cavalry   in   the   West察

fighting Indians。 


´ Page 3´


                                CHAPTER I。 

                       A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE。 

     One pleasant afternoon in the month of May察19察I launched my boat察

and after rowing about half a mile from shore I shipped my oars察stepped 

the mast察hoisted sail and reclining on a cushioned seat at the stern with 

my   hand   on   the   tiller察  I   waited   for   a   breeze   to   spring   up察  and   whilst   so 

doing I fell asleep。 How long I slept I know not察for when I awoke my boat 

was close to shore察and to my' astonishment I was in strange waters。 I went 

ashore察    when    I  was   accosted    in  English     with   a  foreign   accent    by   a 

venerable looking man with the question此 Where did you come from拭─I 

replied此   From  the  United   States   of America察 and   what   country  is   this拭─

His   answer   was   Eurasia察  and   beckoning   to   a   man   in   uniform察  who   was 

passing by and who immediately joined us察he told him that I was from the 

United   States   of America   and   did   not   know   what   country  I   was   in。 The 

official addressed me very kindly and invited me to accompany him察and 

leaving   the   boat   in   charge   of   my  first   acquaintance察  with   instructions   to 

take good care of it察he escorted me into the city and left me at a hotel with 

a request that I would permit him to call on me the next day at ten a。 m。察

and he would show me all the principal buildings and introduce me to the 

President察   who   I   have   no   doubt   will   be   delighted   to   see   you。;   At   the 

appointed      time   he   arrived察  and察  taking    my   place    by   his  side   in  an 

automobile   driven   by   electricity察  we   passed   in   succession   the   buildings 

occupied by the different Departments of State察and stopped in front of a 

modest building set back a short distance from the street察and at the gate 

we were at once admitted by the officer on duty察who informed us that the 

President       was    holding      a   Cabinet      meeting      and    would      receive 

meimmediately。 The President's private secretary met me at the door and 

introduced      me    to  the   President察   who    shook     my    hand    warmly察   and 

introduced me to his Cabinet in the following order此

     Mr。 __察the Minister of State。 Mrs。 __察the Minister of Justice。 Mr。 __察

the Minister of Railways。 Mrs。 __察the Minister of Education。 Mr。 __察the 

Minister   of   Finance。   Mrs。   __察  the   Minister   of   Information。   Mr。   __察  the 


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Minister   of   Agriculture。        Mrs。   __察  the   Minister     of   Health。   Mr。   __察  the 

Minister of Commerce。 Mrs。 __察the Minister of Manufactures。 Mr。 __察the 

Minister of Mines。 Mrs。 __察the Minister of War。 Mr。 __察the Minister of 

Foreign Affairs。 Mrs。 __察the Minister of Labor。 

     I   informed   the   President   that   I   wished   to   learn   all   I   could   about   the 

Government         and    Institutions     of  the   country察    to  which     he   replied    by 

handing   me   the   Official   Directory察  and   added   that   he   and   his   Cabinet 

would assist me to the fullest extent。 I expressed my heartfelt thanks for 

their    kindness察    and察   going    back    to   my    hotel察  I  opened     the察  Official 

Directory。 I found the country governed by a President elected directly by 

the people for five years察but the law provided that if his government was 

not   satisfactory   to   the   people察  a   petition   signed   by   five   per   cent。   of   the 

voters called for an election察and if a majority voted against him察he was 

removed from office and the Minister of State assumed the Presidency for 

the    remainder      of   the   term。    The    Cabinet     was    composed        of  fourteen 

members´seven men and seven women´and were chosen by the Parliament察

who     were     free  to   select   them    from    their   own    members       or   outsiders察

provided that the person chosen was a voter and twenty´five years of age。 

When   the   Parliament   met察  which   it   did   on   the   first   day   of   January察  and 

adjourned   on   the   first   of   March察  sine   die察  the   Ministers   presented   their 

reports   of   their   work   for   the   previous   two   years察  and   if   the   Parliament 

approved       them察   they    continued     in   office察  but   if  the   Parliament      by   a 

majority vote disapproved of any of them察then the Minister resigned and 

the   Parliament   appointed   another   person   to   take   his   or   her   place。   The 

members   of   Parliament   were   elected   for   two   years   and to   serve   without 

pay察  but   their   expenses   were   paid   by   the   Government   and   the   amount 

necessary was fixed by law and could not be raised or lowered察only by 

two´thirds   vote   of   the   qualified   voters   of   the   Nation。   The   country   was 

divided      into   districts   and    every    district   elected    a   member      for   every 

hundred thousand of population察provided that every other member from a 

district   should   be   a   female察 thus   giving both   sexes   full   representation   in 

the   Government。   Each   district   was   governed   by   a   Governor察  elected   for 

two     years察   and   a   Court    of   Judges察   consisting      of  a   Chief    Justice察   a 

Prosecuting   Attorney察        an   Attorney   for   the    Defense   and      twelve    Justice 


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Jurors察who tried all felony cases and civil cases that could not be settled 

by    Arbitration察    and   who    sat   also  as   a  Board     of  Equalization      and   as 


     The law provided that eight Jurors or two´thirds of them if any were 

absent   through   sickness   or   any   other   reasonable   cause察  in   every   case 

could bring in a verdict of guilty in criminal cases or for the Complainant 

or Defendant in civil cases察and if eight did not find the Defendant guilty察

the   case   was   dismissed´but   if   guilty   the   Defendant   had   only   to   say   ;I 

appeal察─and a copy of the evidence was sent immediately to the Supreme 

Court察composed of Judges察elected by the people察one from each district察

to serve for five years。 

     The   Court   sat   six   days   in   each   week察  excepting   four   weeks   inJuly´ 

August察  when   all   the   Courts   were   allowed   by  law   four   weeks'   vacation。 

They were required to work eight hours each day beginning at eight a。 m。察

with one hour rest at noon察and ending at five p。 m。察but they could work 

longer   if   they   so   desired察  but   the   law   forbade   any   adjournment   and   to 

prevent   bribery   the   documents         in   every   case´civil   or   criminal´arriving 

daily were placed in a lottery wheel察and察on the Court assembling at eight 

a。   m。察  the   wheel   was   revolved察  and   in   the   presence   of   the   Minister   of 

Justice a blind boy and girl drew the documents out and handed them to 

pages     who    delivered     them    to  the   Judges    i

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