梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
264´241 B。C。
by Plutarch
translated by John Dryden
THE fable of Ixion察who察embracing a cloud instead of Juno察begot
the Centaurs察has been ingeniously enough supposed to have been
invented to represent to us ambitious men察whose minds察doting on
glory察which is a mere image of virtue察produce nothing that is
genuine or uniform察but only察as might be expected of such a
conjunction察misshapen and unnatural actions。 Running after their
emulations and passions察and carried away by the impulses of the
moment察they may say with the herdsmen in the tragedy of Sophocles´
;We follow these察though born their rightful lords
And they command us察though they speak no words。;
For this is indeed the true condition of men in public life察who察to
gain the vain title of being the people's leaders and governors察are
content to make themselves the slaves and followers of all the
people's humours and caprices。 For as the lookout men at the ship's
prow察though they see what is ahead before the men at the helm察yet
constantly look back to the pilots there察and obey the orders they
give察so these men察steered察as I may say察by popular applause察though
they bear the name of governors察are in reality the mere underlings of
the multitude。 The man who is completely wise and virtuous has no need
at all of glory察except so far as it disposes and eases his way to
action by the greater trust that it procures him。 A young man察I
grant察may be permitted察while yet eager for distinction察to pride
himself a little in his good deeds察for as Theophrastus says his
virtues察which are yet tender and察as it were察in the blade察cherished
and supported by praises察grow stronger察and take the deeper root。 But
when this passion is exorbitant察it is dangerous in all men察and in
those who govern a commonwealth察utterly destructive。 For in the
possession of large power and authority察it transports men to a degree
of madness察so that now they no more think what is good察glorious察but
will have those actions only esteemed good that are glorious。 As
Phocion察therefore察answered King Antipater察who sought his
approbation of some unworthy action察 I cannot be your flatterer
and your friend察─so these men should answer the people察 I cannot
govern and obey you。; For it may happen to the commonwealth察as to the
serpent in the fable察whose tail察rising in rebellion against the
head察complained察as of a great grievance察that it was always forced
to follow察and required that it should be permitted by turns to lead
the way。 And taking the command accordingly察it soon inflicted察by its
senseless courses察mischiefs in abundance upon itself察while the
head was torn and lacerated with following察contrary to nature察a
guide that was deaf and blind。 And such we see to have been the lot of
many察who察submitting to be guided by the inclinations of an
uninformed and unreasoning multitude察could neither stop察nor
recover themselves out of the confusion。
This is what has occurred to us to say of that glory which depends
on the voice of large numbers察considering the sad effects of it in
the misfortunes of Caius and Tiberius Gracchus察men of noble nature
and whose generous natural dispositions were improved by the best of
educations察and who came to the administration of affairs with the
most laudable intentions察yet they were ruined察I cannot say by an
immoderate desire of glory察but by a more excusable fear of
disgrace。 For being excessively beloved and favoured by the people
they thought it a discredit to them not to make full repayment
endeavouring by new public acts to outdo the honours they had
received察and again察because of these new kindnesses察incurring yet
further distinctions察till the people and they察mutually inflamed察and
vying thus with each other in honours and benefits察brought things
at last to such a pass that they might say that to engage so far was
indeed a folly察but to retreat would now be a shame。
This the reader will easily gather from the story。 I will now
compare with them two Lacedaemonian popular leaders察the kings Agis
and Cleomenes。 For they察being desirous also to raise the people
and to restore the noble and just form of government察now long
fallen into disuse察incurred the hatred of the rich and powerful
who could not endure to be deprived of the selfish enjoyment to
which they were accustomed。 These were not indeed brothers by
nature察as the two Romans察but they had a kind of brotherly
resemblance in their actions and designs察which took a rise from
such beginnings and occasions as I am now about to relate。
When the love of gold and silver had once gained admittance into the
Lacedaemonian commonwealth察it was quickly followed by avarice and
baseness of spirit in the pursuit of it察and by luxury察effeminacy
and prodigality in the use。 Then Sparta fell from almost all her
former virtue and repute察and so continued till the days of Agis and
Leonidas察who both together were kings of the Lacedaemonians。
Agis was of the royal family of Eurypon察son of Eudamidas察and the
sixth in descent from Agesilaus察who made the expedition into Asia
and was the greatest man of his time in Greece。 Agesilaus left
behind him a son called Archidamus察the same who was slain at
Mandonium察in Italy察by the Messapians察and who was then succeeded
by his eldest son Agis。 He being killed by Antipater near Megalopolis
and leaving no issue察was succeeded by his brother Eudamidas察he by
a son called Archidamus察and Archidamus by another Eudamidas察the
father of this Agis of whom we now treat。
Leonidas察son of Cleonymus察was of the other royal house of the
Agiadae察and the eighth in descent from Pausanias察who defeated
Mardonius in the battle of Plataea。 Pausanias was succeeded by a son
called Plistoanax察and he by another Pausanias who was banished察and
lived as a private man at Tegea察while his eldest son察Agesipolis
reigned in his place。 He察dying without issue察was succeeded by a
younger brother察called Cleombrotus察who left two sons察the elder
was Agesipolis察who reigned but a short time察and died without
issue察the younger察who then became king察was called Cleomenes察and
had also two sons察Acrotatus and Cleonymus。 The first died before
his father察but left a son called Areus察who succeeded察and being
slain at Corinth察left the kingdom to his son Acrotatus。 This
Acrotatus was defeated察and slain near Megalopolis察in a battle
against the tyrant Aristodemus察he left his wife big with child察and
on her being delivered of a son察Leonidas察son of the above´named
Cleonymus察was made his guardian察and as the young king died before
becoming a man察he succeeded in the kingdom。
Leonidas was a king not particularly suitable to his people。 For
though there were at that time at Sparta a general decline in manners
yet a greater revolt from the old habits appeared in him than in
others。 For having lived a long time among the great lords of
Persia察and been a follower of King Seleucus察he unadvisedly thought
to imitate察among Greek institutions and in a lawful government察the
pride and assumption usual in those courts。 Agis察on the contrary
in fineness of nature and elevation of mind察not only far excelled
Leonidas察but in a manner all the kings that had reigned since the
great Agesilaus。 For though he had been bred very tenderly察in
abundance and even in luxury察by his mother Agesistrata and his
grandmother Archidamia察who were the wealthiest of the Lacedaemonians
yet察before the age of twenty察he renounced all indulgence in
pleasures。 Withdrawing himself as far as possible from the gaiety
and ornament which seemed becoming to the grace of his person察he made
it his pride to appear in the coarse Spartan coat。 In his meals察his
bathings察and in all his exercises察he followed the old Laconian
usage察and was often heard to say察he had no desire for the place of
king察if he did not hope by means of that authority to restore their
ancient laws and discipline。
The Lacedaemonians might date the beginning of their corruption from
their conquest of Athens察and the influx of gold and silver among them
that thence ensued。 Yet察nevertheless察the number of houses which
Lycurgus appointed being still maintained察and the law remaining in
force by which every one was obliged to leave his lot or portion of
land entirely to his son察a kind of order and equality was thereby
preserved察which still in some degree sustained the state amidst its
errors in other respects。 But one Epitadeus happening to be ephor察a
man of great influence察and of a willful察violent spirit察on some
occasion of a quarrel with his son察proposed a decree察that all men
should have liberty to dispose of their land by gift in their
lifetime察or by their last will and testament。 This being promoted
by him to satisfy a passion of revenge察and through covetousness
consented to by others察and thus enacted for a law察was the ruin of
the best state of the commonwealth。 For the rich men without scruple
drew the estate into their own