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trade of insurance; therefore; may be carried on successfully by

a joint stock company without any exclusive privilege。 Neither

the London Assurance nor the Royal Exchange Assurance companies

have any such privilege。

     When a navigable cut or canal has been once made; the

management of it becomes quite simple and easy; and it is

reducible to strict rule and method。 Even the making of it is so

as it may be contracted for with undertakers at so much a mile;

and so much a lock。 The same thing may be said of a canal; an

aqueduct; or a great pipe for bringing water to supply a great

city。 Such undertakings; therefore; may be; and accordingly

frequently are; very successfully managed by joint stock

companies without any exclusive privilege。

     To establish a joint stock company; however; for any

undertaking; merely because such a company might be capable of

managing it successfully; or to exempt a particular set of

dealers from some of the general laws which take place with

regard to all their neighbours; merely because they might be

capable of thriving if they had such an exemption; would

certainly not be reasonable。 To render such an establishment

perfectly reasonable; with the circumstance of being reducible to

strict rule and method; two other circumstances ought to concur。

First; it ought to appear with the clearest evidence that the

undertaking is of greater and more general utility than the

greater part of common trades; and secondly; that it requires a

greater capital than can easily be collected into a private

copartnery。 If a moderate capital were sufficient; the great

utility of the undertaking would not be a sufficient reason for

establishing a joint stock company; because; in this case; the

demand for what it was to produce would readily and easily be

supplied by private adventures。 In the four trades above

mentioned; both those circumstances concur。

     The great and general utility of the banking trade when

prudently managed has been fully explained in the second; book of

this Inquiry。 But a public bank which is to support public

credit; and upon particular emergencies to advance to government

the whole produce of a tax; to the amount; perhaps; of several

millions; a year or two before it comes in; requires a greater

capital than can easily be collected into any private copartnery。

     The trade of insurance gives great security to the fortunes

of private people; and by dividing among a great many that loss

which would ruin an individual; makes it fall light and easy upon

the whole society。 In order to give this security; however; it is

necessary that the insurers should have a very large capital。

Before the establishment of the two joint stock companies for

insurance in London; a list; it is said; was laid before the

attorney…general of one hundred and fifty private insurers who

had failed in the course of a few years。

     That navigable cuts and canals; and the works which are

sometimes necessary for supplying a great city with water; are of

great and general utility; while at the same time they frequently

require a greater expense than suits the fortunes of private

people; is sufficiently obvious。

     Except the four trades above mentioned; I have not been able

to recollect any other in which all the three circumstances

requisite for rendering reasonable the establishment of a joint

stock company concur。 The English copper company of London; the

lead smelting company; the glass grinding company; have not even

the pretext of any great or singular utility in the object which

they pursue; nor does the pursuit of that object seem to require

any expense unsuitable to the fortunes of many private men。

Whether the trade which those companies carry on is reducible to

such strict rule and method as to render it fit for the

management of a joint stock company; or whether they have any

reason to boast of their extraordinary profits; I do not pretend

to know。 The mine…adventurers' company has been long ago

bankrupt。 A share in the stock of the British Linen Company of

Edinburgh sells; at present; very much below par; though less so

that it did some years ago。 The joint stock companies which are

established for the public…spirited purpose of promoting some

particular manufacture; over and above managing their own affairs

ill; to the dimunition of the general stock of the society; can

in other respects scarce ever fail to do more harm than good。

Notwithstanding the most upright intentions; the unavoidable

partiality of their directors to particular branches of the

manufacture of which the undertakers mislead and impose upon them

is a real discouragement to the rest; and necessarily breaks;

more or less; that natural proportion which would otherwise

establish itself between judicious industry and profit; and

which; to the general industry of the country; is of all

encouragements the greatest and the most effectual。 

                              ARTICLE II

      Of the Expense of the Institutions for the Education of


     The institutions for the education of the youth may; in the

same manner; furnish a revenue sufficient for defraying their own

expense。 The fee or honorary which the scholar pays to the master

naturally constitutes a revenue of this kind。

     Even where the reward of the master does not arise

altogether from this natural revenue; it still is not necessary

that it should be derived from that general revenue of the

society; of which the collection and application is; in most

countries; assigned to the executive power。 Through the greater

part of Europe; accordingly; the endowment of schools and

colleges makes either no charge upon that general revenue; or but

a very small one。 It everywhere arises chiefly from some local or

provincial revenue; from the rent of some landed estate; or from

the interest of some sum of money allotted and put under the

management of trustees for this particular purpose; sometimes by

the sovereign himself; and sometimes by some private donor。

     Have those public endowments contributed in general to

promote the end of their institution? Have they contributed to

encourage the diligence and to improve the abilities of the

teachers? Have they directed the course of education towards

objects more useful; both to the individual and to the public;

than those to which it would naturally have gone of its own

accord? It should not seem very difficult to give at least a

probable answer to each of those questions。

     In every profession; the exertion of the greater part of

those who exercise it is always in proportion to the necessity

they are under of making that exertion。 This necessity is

greatest with those to whom the emoluments of their profession

are the only source from which they expect their fortune; or even

their ordinary revenue and subsistence。 In order to acquire this

fortune; or even to get this subsistence; they must; in the

course of a year; execute a certain quantity of work of a known

value; and; where the competition is free; the rivalship of

competitors; who are all endeavouring to justle one another out

of employment; obliges every man to endeavour to execute his work

with a certain degree of exactness。 The greatness of the objects

which are to be acquired by success in some particular

professions may; no doubt; sometimes animate the exertion of a

few men of extraordinary spirit and ambition。 Great objects;

however; are evidently not necessary in order to occasion the

greatest exertions。 Rivalship and emulation render excellency;

even in mean professions; an object of ambition; and frequently

occasion the very greatest exertions。 Great objects; on the

contrary; alone and unsupported by the necessity of application;

have seldom been sufficient to occasion any considerable

exertion。 In England; success in the profession of the law leads

to some very great objects of ambition; and yet how few men; born

to easy fortunes; have ever in this country been eminent in that


     The endowments of schools and colleges have necessarily

diminished more or less the necessity of application in the

teachers。 Their subsistence; so far as it arises from their

salaries; is evidently derived from a fund altogether independent

of their success and reputation in their particular professions。

     In some universities the salary makes but a part; and

frequently but a small part; of the emoluments of the teacher; of

which the greater part arises from the honoraries or fees of his

pupils。 The necessity of application; though always more or less

diminished; is not in this case entirely taken away。 Reputation

in his profession is still of some importance to him; and he

still has some dependency upon the affection; gratitude; and

favourable report of those who have attended upon his

instructions; and these favourable sentiments he is likely to

gain i

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