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I hold my ears and tear myself away from him。 And he is the only person who ever made me ashamed; which you might think not to be in my nature; and there is no one else who does the same。 For I know that I cannot answer him or say that I ought not to do as he bids; but when I leave his presence the love of popularity gets the better of me。 And therefore I run away and fly from him; and when I see him I am ashamed of what I have confessed to him。 Many a time have I wished that he were dead; and yet I know that I should be much more sorry than glad; if he were to die: so that am at my wit's end。   And this is what I and many others have suffered; from the flute…playing of this satyr。 Yet hear me once more while I show you how exact the image is; and。 how marvellous his power。 For let me tell you; none of you know him; but I will reveal him to you; having begun; I must go on。 See you how fond he is of the fair? He is always with them and is always being smitten by them; and then again he knows nothing and is ignorant of all thing such is the appearance which he puts on。 Is he not like a Silenus in this? To be sure he is: his outer mask is the carved head of the Silenus; but; O my companions in drink; when he is opened; what temperance there is residing within! Know you that beauty and wealth and honour; at which the many wonder; are of no account with him; and are utterly despised by him: he regards not at all the persons who are gifted with them; mankind are nothing to him; all his life is spent in mocking and flouting at them。 But when I opened him; and looked within at his serious purpose; I saw in him divine and golden images of such fascinating beauty that I was ready to do in a moment whatever Socrates commanded: they may have escaped the observation of others; but I saw them。 Now I fancied that he was seriously enamoured of my beauty; and I thought that I should therefore have a grand opportunity of hearing him tell what he knew; for I had a wonderful opinion of the attractions of my youth。 In the prosecution of this design; when I next went to him; I sent away the attendant who usually accompanied me (I will confess the whole truth; and beg you to listen; and if I speak falsely; do you; Socrates; expose the falsehood)。 Well; he and I were alone together; and I thought that when there was nobody with us; I should hear him speak the language which lovers use to their loves when they are by themselves; and I was delighted。 Nothing of the sort; he conversed as usual; and spent the day with me and then went away。 Afterwards I challenged him to the palaestra; and he wrestled and closed with me; several times when there was no one present; I fancied that I might succeed in this manner。 Not a bit; I made no way with him。 Lastly; as I had failed hitherto; I thought that I must take stronger measures and attack him boldly; and; as I had begun; not give him up; but see how matters stood between him and me。 So I invited him to sup with me; just as if he were a fair youth; and I a designing lover。 He was not easily persuaded to come; he did; however; after a while accept the invitation; and when he came the first time; he wanted to go away at once as soon as supper was over; and I had not the face to detain him。 The second time; still in pursuance of my design; after we had supped; I went on conversing far into the night; and when he wanted to go away; I pretended that the hour was late and that he had much better remain。 So he lay down on the couch next to me; the same on which he had supped; and there was no one but ourselves sleeping in the apartment。 All this may be told without shame to any one。 But what follows I could hardly tell you if I were sober。 Yet as the proverb says; 〃In vino veritas;〃 whether with boys; or without them; and therefore I must speak。 Nor; again; should I be justified in concealing the lofty actions of Socrates when I come to praise him。 Moreover I have felt the serpent's sting; and he who has suffered; as they say; is willing to tell his fellow…sufferers only; as they alone will be likely to understand him; and will not be extreme in judging of the sayings or doings which have been wrung from his agony。 For I have been bitten by a more than viper's tooth; I have known in my soul; or in my heart; or in some other part; that worst of pangs; more violent in ingenuous youth than any serpent's tooth; the pang of philosophy; which will make a man say or do anything。 And you whom I see around me; Phaedrus and Agathon and Eryximachus and Pausanias and Aristodemus and Aristophanes; all of you; and I need not say Socrates himself; have had experience of the same madness and passion in your longing after wisdom。 Therefore listen and excuse my doings then and my sayings now。 But let the attendants and other profane and unmannered persons close up the doors of their ears。   When the lamp was put out and the servants had gone away; I thought that I must be plain with him and have no more ambiguity。 So I gave him a shake; and I said: 〃Socrates; are you asleep?〃 〃No;〃 he said。 〃Do you know what I am meditating? 〃What are you meditating?〃 he said。 〃I think;〃 I replied; 〃that of all the lovers whom I have ever had you are the only one who is worthy of me; and you appear to be too modest to speak。 Now I feel that I should be a fool to refuse you this or any other favour; and therefore I come to lay at your feet all that I have and all that my friends have; in the hope that you will assist me in the way of virtue; which I desire above all things; and in which I believe that you can help me better than any one else。 And I should certainly have more reason to be ashamed of what wise men would say if I were to refuse a favour to such as you; than of what the world who are mostly fools; would say of me if I granted it。〃 To these words he replied in the ironical manner which is so characteristic of him: 〃Alcibiades; my friend; you have indeed an elevated aim if what you say is true; and if there really is in me any power by which you may become better; truly you must see in me some rare beauty of a kind infinitely higher than any which I see in you。 And therefore; if you mean to share with me and to exchange beauty for beauty; you will have greatly the advantage of me; you will gain true beauty in return for appearance…like Diomede; gold in exchange for brass。 But look again; sweet friend; and see whether you are not deceived in me。 The mind begins to grow critical when the bodily eye fails; and it will be a long time before you get old。〃 Hearing this; I said: 〃I have told you my purpose; which is quite serious; and do you consider what you think best for you and me。〃 〃That is good;〃 he said; 〃at some other time then we will consider and act as seems best about this and about other matters。〃 Whereupon; I fancied that was smitten; and that the words which I had uttered like arrows had wounded him; and so without waiting to hear more I got up; and throwing my coat about him crept under his threadbare cloak; as the time of year was winter; and there I lay during the whole night having this wonderful monster in my arms。 This again; Socrates; will not be denied by you。 And yet; notwithstanding all; he was so superior to my solicitations; so contemptuous and derisive and disdainful of my beauty…which really; as I fancied; had some attractions…hear; O judges; for judges you shall be of the haughty virtue of Socrates…nothing more happened; but in the morning when I awoke (let all the gods and goddesses be my witnesses) I arose as from the couch of a father or an elder brother。   What do you suppose must have been my feelings; after this rejection; at the thought of my own dishonour? And yet I could not help wondering at his natural temperance and self…restraint and manliness。 I never imagined that I could have met with a man such as he is in wisdom and endurance。 And therefore I could not be angry with him or renounce his company; any more than I could hope to win him。 For I well knew that if Ajax could not be wounded by steel; much less he by money; and my only chance of captivating him by my personal attractions had faded。 So I was at my wit's end; no one was ever more hopelessly enslaved by another。 All this happened before he and I went on the expedition to Potidaea; there we messed together; and I had the opportunity of observing his extraordinary power of sustaining fatigue。 His endurance was simply marvellous when; being cut off from our supplies; we were compelled to go without food…on such occasions; which often happen in time of war; he was superior not only to me but to everybody; there was no one to be compared to him。 Yet at a festival he was the only person who had any real powers of enjoyment; though not willing to drink; he could if compelled beat us all at that;…wonderful to relate! no human being had ever seen Socrates drunk; and his powers; if I am not mistaken; will be tested before long。 His fortitude in enduring cold was also surprising。 There was a severe frost; for the winter in that region is really tremendous; and everybody else either remained indoors; or if they went out had on an amazing quantity of clothes; and were well shod; and had their feet swathed in felt and fleeces: in the midst of this; Socrates with his bare f

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