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say something in answer to the allusion which Socrates had made to his own speech; when suddenly there was a great knocking at the door of the house; as of revellers; and the sound of a flute…girl was heard。 Agathon told the attendants to go and see who were the intruders。 〃If they are friends of ours;〃 he said; 〃invite them in; but if not; say that the drinking is over。〃 A little while afterwards they heard the voice of Alcibiades resounding in the court; he was in a great state of intoxication and kept roaring and shouting 〃Where is Agathon? Lead me to Agathon;〃 and at length; supported by the flute…girl and some of his attendants; he found his way to them。 〃Hail; friends;〃 he said; appearing…at the door crown; with a massive garland of ivy and violets; his head flowing with ribands。 〃Will you have a very drunken man as a companion of your revels? Or shall I crown Agathon; which was my intention in coming; and go away? For I was unable to come yesterday; and therefore I am here to…day; carrying on my head these ribands; that taking them from my own head; I may crown the head of this fairest and wisest of men; as I may be allowed to call him。 Will you laugh at me because I am drunk? Yet I know very well that I am speaking the truth; although you may laugh。 But first tell me; if I come in shall we have the understanding of which I spoke? Will you drink with me or not?〃   The company were vociferous in begging that he would take his place among them; and Agathon specially invited him。 Thereupon he was led in by the people who were with him; and as he was being led; intending to crown Agathon; he took the ribands from his own head and held them in front of his eyes; he was thus prevented from seeing Socrates; who made way for him; and Alcibiades took the vacant place between Agathon and Socrates; and in taking the place he embraced Agathon and crowned him。 Take off his sandals; said Agathon; and let him make a third on the same couch。   By all means; but who makes the third partner in our revels? said Alcibiades; turning round and starting up as he caught sight of Socrates。 By Heracles; he said; what is this? here is Socrates always lying in wait for me; and always; as his way is; coming out at all sorts of unsuspected places: and now; what have you to say for yourself; and why are you lying here; where I perceive that you have contrived to find a place; not by a joker or lover of jokes; like Aristophanes; but by the fairest of the company?   Socrates turned to Agathon and said: I must ask you to protect me; Agathon; for the passion of this man has grown quite a serious matter to me。 Since I became his admirer I have never been allowed to speak to any other fair one; or so much as to look at them。 If I do; he goes wild with envy and jealousy; and not only abuses me but can hardly keep his hands off me; and at this moment he may do me some harm。 Please to see to this; and either reconcile me to him; or; if he attempts violence; protect me; as I am in bodily fear of his mad and passionate attempts。   There can never be reconciliation between you and me; said Alcibiades; but for the present I will defer your chastisement。 And I must beg you; Agathoron; to give me back some of the ribands that I may crown the marvellous head of this universal despot…I would not have him complain of me for crowning you; and neglecting him; who in conversation is the conqueror of all mankind; and this not only once; as you were the day before yesterday; but always。 Whereupon; taking some of the ribands; he crowned Socrates; and again reclined。   Then he said: You seem; my friends; to be sober; which is a thing not to be endured; you must drink…for that was the agreement under which I was admitted…and I elect myself master of the feast until you are well drunk。 Let us have a large goblet; Agathon; or rather; he said; addressing the attendant; bring me that wine…cooler。 The wine…cooler which had caught his eye was a vessel holding more than two quarts…this he filled and emptied; and bade the attendant fill it again for Socrates。 Observe; my friends; said Alcibiades; that this ingenious trick of mine will have no effect on Socrates; for he can drink any quantity of wine and not be at all nearer being drunk。 Socrates drank the cup which the attendant filled for him。   Eryximachus said! What is this Alcibiades? Are we to have neither conversation nor singing over our cups; but simply to drink as if we were thirsty?   Alcibiades replied: Hail; worthy son of a most wise and worthy sire!   The same to you; said Eryximachus; but what shall we do?   That I leave to you; said Alcibiades。

     The wise physician skilled our wounds to heal

shall prescribe and we will obey。 What do you want?   Well; said Eryximachus; before you appeared we had passed a resolution that each one of us in turn should make a speech in praise of love; and as good a one as he could: the turn was passed round from left to right; and as all of us have spoken; and you have not spoken but have well drunken; you ought to speak; and then impose upon Socrates any task which you please; and he on his right hand neighbour; and so on。   That is good; Eryximachus; said Alcibiades; and yet the comparison; of a drunken man's speech with those of sober men is hardly fair; and I should like to know; sweet friend; whether you really believe…what Socrates was just now saying; for I can assure you that the very reverse is the fact; and that if I praise any one but himself in his presence; whether God or man; he will hardly keep his hands off me。   For shame; said Socrates。   Hold your tongue; said Alcibiades; for by Poseidon; there is no one else whom I will praise when you are…of the company。   Well then; said Eryximachus; if you like praise Socrates。   What do you think; Eryximachus…? said Alcibiades: shall I attack him: and inflict the punishment before you all?   What are you about? said Socrates; are you going to raise a laugh at my expense? Is that the meaning of your praise?   I am going to speak the truth; if you will permit me。   I not only permit; but exhort you to speak the truth。   Then I will begin at once; said Alcibiades; and if I say anything which is not true; you may interrupt me if you will; and say 〃that is a lie;〃 though my intention is to speak the truth。 But you must not wonder if I speak any how as things come into my mind; for the fluent and orderly enumeration of all your singularities is not a task which is easy to a man in my condition。   And now; my boys; I shall praise Socrates in a figure which will appear to him to be a caricature; and yet I speak; not to make fun of him; but only for the truth's sake。 I say; that he is exactly like the busts of Silenus; which are set up in the statuaries; shops; holding pipes and flutes in their mouths; and they are made to open in the middle; and have images of gods inside them。 I say also that hit is like Marsyas the satyr。 You yourself will not deny; Socrates; that your face is like that of a satyr。 Aye; and there is a resemblance in other points too。 For example; you are a bully; as I can prove by witnesses; if you will not confess。 And are you not a flute…player? That you are; and a performer far more wonderful than Marsyas。 He indeed with instruments used to charm the souls of men by the powers of his breath; and the players of his music do so still: for the melodies of Olympus are derived from Marsyas who taught them; and these; whether they are played by a great master or by a miserable flute…girl; have a power which no others have; they alone possess the soul and reveal the wants of those who have need of gods and mysteries; because they are divine。 But you produce the same effect with your words only; and do not require the flute; that is the difference between you and him。 When we hear any other speaker; even very good one; he produces absolutely no effect upon us; or not much; whereas the mere fragments of you and your words; even at second…hand; and however imperfectly repeated; amaze and possess the souls of every man; woman; and child who comes within hearing of them。 And if I were not; afraid that you would think me hopelessly drunk; I would have sworn as well as spoken to the influence which they have always had and still have over me。 For my heart leaps within me more than that of any Corybantian reveller; and my eyes rain tears when I hear them。 And I observe that many others are affected in the same manner。 I have heard Pericles and other great orators; and I thought that they spoke well; but I never had any similar feeling; my soul was not stirred by them; nor was I angry at the thought of my own slavish state。 But this Marsyas has often brought me to such pass; that I have felt as if I could hardly endure the life which I am leading (this; Socrates; you will admit); and I am conscious that if I did not shut my ears against him; and fly as from the voice of the siren; my fate would be like that of others;…he would transfix me; and I should grow old sitting at his feet。 For he makes me confess that I ought not to live as I do; neglecting the wants of my own soul; and busying myself with the concerns of the Athenians; therefore I hold my ears and tear myself away from him。 And he is the only person who ever made me ashamed; wh

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