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the three partners-第32节

小说: the three partners 字数: 每页4000字

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But had she seen him passing through the hotel that night; and had

sought to draw from him some knowledge of his early intercourse

with the child; and confessed everything; and even produced the

paper with his signature as a proof of identity?  Women had been

known to do such desperate things。  Perhaps she disbelieved her

son's aversion to her; and was trying to sound Van Loo。  As for the

forged words by Van Loo; and the use he had put them to; he cared

little。  He believed the man was capable of forgery; indeed; he

suddenly remembered that in the old days his son had spoken

innocently; but admiringly; of Van Loo's wonderful chirographical

powers and his faculty of imitating the writings of others; and how

he had even offered to teach him。  A new and exasperating thought

came into his feverish consciousness。  What if Van Loo; in teaching

the boy; had even made use of him as an innocent accomplice to

cover up his own tricks!  The suggestion was no question of moral

ethics to Steptoe; nor of his son's possible contamination;

although since the night of the big strike he had held different

views; it was simply a fierce; selfish jealousy that ANOTHER might

have profited by the lad's helplessness and inexperience。  He had

been tormented by this jealousy before in his son's liking for Van

Loo。  He had at first encouraged his admiration and imitative

regard for this smooth swindler's graces and accomplishments;

which; though he scorned them himself; he was; after the common

parental infatuation; willing that the boy should profit by。

Incapable; through his own consciousness; of distinguishing between

Van Loo's superficial polish and the true breeding of a gentleman;

he had only looked upon it as an equipment for his son which might

be serviceable to himself。  He had told his wife the truth when he

informed her of Van Loo's fears of being reminded of their former

intimacy; but he had not told her how its discontinuance after they

had left Heavy Tree Hill had affected her son; and how he still

cherished his old admiration for that specious rascal。  Nor had he

told her how this had stung him; through his own selfish greed of

the boy's affection。  Yet now that it was possible that she had met

Van Loo that evening; she might have become aware of Van Loo's

power over her child。  How she would exult; for all her pretended

hatred of Van Loo!  How; perhaps; they had plotted together!  How

Van Loo might have become aware of the place where his son was

kept; and have been bribed by the mother to tell her!  He stopped

in a whirl of giddy fancies。  His strong common sense in all other

things had been hitherto proof against such idle dreams or

suggestions; but the very strength of his parental love and

jealousy had awakened in him at last the terrors of imagination。

His first impulse had been to seek his wife; regardless of

discovery or consequences; at Hymettus; where she had said she was

going。  It was on his way to the rendezvous at Marshall's claim。

But this he as instantly set aside; it was his SON he must find;

SHE might not confess; or might deceive himthe boy would not; and

if his fears were correct; she could be arraigned afterwards。  It

was possible for him to reach the little Mission church and school;

secluded in a remote valley by the old Franciscan fathers; where he

had placed the boy for the last few years unknown to his wife。  It

would be a long ride; but he could still reach Heavy Tree Hill

afterwards before Marshall and the expert arrived。  And he had a

feeling he had never felt before on the eve of a desperate

adventure;that he must see the boy first。  He remembered how the

child had often accompanied him in his flight; and how he had

gained strength; and; it seemed to him; a kind of luck; from the

touch of that small hand in his。  Surely it was necessary now that

at least his mind should be at rest regarding HIM on the eve of an

affair of this moment。  Perhaps he might never see him again。  At

any other time; and under the influence of any other emotion; he

would have scorned such a sentimentalismhe who had never troubled

himself either with preparation for the future or consideration for

the past。  But at that moment he felt both。  He drew a long breath。

He could catch the next train to the Three Boulders and ride thence

to San Felipe。  He hurriedly left the room; settled with the

landlord; and galloped to the station。  By the irony of circumstances

the only horse available for that purpose was Mr。 Hamlin's own。

By two o'clock he was at the Three Boulders; where he got a fast

horse and galloped into San Felipe by four。  As he descended the

last slope through the fastnesses of pines towards the little

valley overlooked in its remoteness and purely pastoral simplicity

by the gold…seeking immigrants;its seclusion as one of the

furthest northern Californian missions still preserved through its

insignificance and the efforts of the remaining Brotherhood; who

used it as an infirmary and a school for the few remaining Spanish

families;he remembered how he once blundered upon it with the boy

while hotly pursued by a hue and cry from one of the larger towns;

and how he found sanctuary there。  He remembered how; when the

pursuit was over; he had placed the boy there under the padre's

charge。  He had lied to his wife regarding the whereabouts of her

son; but he had spoken truly regarding his free expenditure for

the boy's maintenance; and the good fathers had accepted; equally

for the child's sake as for the Church's sake; the generous

〃restitution〃 which this coarse; powerful; ruffianly looking father

was apparently seeking to make。  He was quite aware of it at the

time; and had equally accepted it with grim cynicism; but it now

came back to him with a new and smarting significance。  Might THEY;

too; not succeed in weaning the boy's affection from him; or if the

mother had interfered; would they not side with her in claiming an

equal right?  He had sometimes laughed to himself over the security

of this hiding…place; so unknown and so unlikely to be discovered

by her; yet within easy reach of her friends and his enemies; he

now ground his teeth over the mistake which his doting desire to

keep his son accessible to him had caused him to make。  He put

spurs to his horse; dashed down the little; narrow; ill…paved

street; through the deserted plaza; and pulled up in a cloud of

dust before the only remaining tower; with its cracked belfry; of

the half…ruined Mission church。  A new dormitory and school…

building had been extended from its walls; but in a subdued;

harmonious; modest way; quite unlike the usual glaring white…pine

glories of provincial towns。  Steptoe laughed to himself bitterly。

Some of his money had gone in it。

He seized the horsehair rope dangling from a bell by the wall and

rang it sharply。  A soft…footed priest appeared;Father Dominico。

〃Eddy Horncastle?  Ah! yes。  Eddy; dear child; is gone。〃

〃Gone!〃 shouted Steptoe in a voice that startled the padre。

〃Where?  When?  With whom?〃

〃Pardon; senor; but for a timeonly a pasear to the next village。

It is his saint's dayhe has half…holiday。  He is a good boy。  It

is a little pleasure for him and for us。〃

〃Oh!〃 said Steptoe; softened into a rough apology。  〃I forgot。  All

right。  Has he had any visitors latelylady; for instance?〃

Father Dominico cast a look half of fright; half of reproval upon

his guest。

〃A lady HERE!〃

In his relief Steptoe burst into a coarse laugh。  〃Of course; you

see I forgot that; too。  I was thinking of one of his woman folks;

you knowrelativesaunts。  Was there any other visitor?〃

〃Only one。  Ah! we know the senor's rules regarding his son。〃

〃One?〃 repeated Steptoe。  〃Who was it?〃

〃Oh; quite an hidalgoan old friend of the child'smost polite;

most accomplished; fluent in Spanish; perfect in deportment。  The

Senor Horncastle surely could find nothing to object to。  Father

Pedro was charmed with him。  A man of affairs; and yet a good

Catholic; too。  It was a Senor Van LooDon Paul the boy called

him; and they talked of the boy's studies in the old days as if

indeed; but for the stranger being a caballero and man of the

worldas if he had been his teacher。〃

It was a proof of the intensity of the father's feelings that they

had passed beyond the power of his usual coarse; brutal expression;

and he only stared at the priest with a dull red face in which the

blood seemed to have stagnated。  Presently he said thickly; 〃When

did he come?〃

〃A few days ago。〃

〃Which way did Eddy go?〃

〃To Brown's Mills; scarcely a league away。  He will be hereeven

nowon the instant。  But the senor will come into the refectory

and take some of the old Mission wine from the Catalan grape;

planted one hundred and fifty years ago; until the dear child

returns。  He will be so happy。〃

〃No!  I'm in a hurry。  I will go on a

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