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at the back of the north wind-第9节

小说: at the back of the north wind 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Won't you?〃  And North Wind grew a tall lady; and looked him

in the eyes; and Diamond said

〃Please take me。  You cannot be cruel。〃

〃No; I could not be cruel if I would。  I can do nothing cruel;

although I often do what looks like cruel to those who do not know

what I really am doing。  The people they say I drown; I only carry

away tototowell; the back of the North Windthat is what they

used to call it long ago; only I never saw the place。〃

〃How can you carry them there if you never saw it?〃

〃I know the way。〃

〃But how is it you never saw it?〃

〃Because it is behind me。〃

〃But you can look round。〃

〃Not far enough to see my own back。  No; I always look before me。 

In fact; I grow quite blind and deaf when I try to see my back。 

I only mind my work。〃

〃But how does it be your work?〃

〃Ah; that I can't tell you。  I only know it is; because when I do it

I feel all right; and when I don't I feel all wrong。  East Wind says

only one does not exactly know how much to believe of what she says;

for she is very naughty sometimesshe says it is all managed

by a baby; but whether she is good or naughty when she says that;

I don't know。  I just stick to my work。  It is all one to me to

let a bee out of a tulip; or to sweep the cobwebs from the sky。 

You would like to go with me to…night?〃

〃I don't want to see a ship sunk。〃

〃But suppose I had to take you?〃

〃Why; then; of course I must go。〃

〃There's a good Diamond。I think I had better be growing a bit。 

Only you must go to bed first。  I can't take you till you're in bed。 

That's the law about the children。  So I had better go and do something

else first。〃

〃Very well; North Wind;〃 said Diamond。  〃What are you going

to do first; if you please?〃

〃I think I may tell you。  Jump up on the top of the wall; there。〃

〃I can't。〃

〃Ah! and I can't help youyou haven't been to bed yet; you see。 

Come out to the road with me; just in front of the coach…house; and I

will show you。〃

North Wind grew very small indeed; so small that she could not

have blown the dust off a dusty miller; as the Scotch children

call a yellow auricula。  Diamond could not even see the blades

of grass move as she flitted along by his foot。  They left the lawn;

went out by the wicket in the…coach…house gates; and then crossed

the road to the low wall that separated it from the river。

〃You can get up on this wall; Diamond;〃 said North Wind。

〃Yes; but my mother has forbidden me。〃

〃Then don't;〃 said North Wind。

〃But I can see over;〃 said Diamond。

〃Ah! to be sure。  I can't。〃

So saying; North Wind gave a little bound; and stood on the top

of the wall。  She was just about the height a dragon…fly would be;

if it stood on end。

〃You darling!〃 said Diamond; seeing what a lovely little toy…woman

she was。

〃Don't be impertinent; Master Diamond;〃 said North Wind。 

〃If there's one thing makes me more angry than another; it is the way

you humans judge things by their size。  I am quite as respectable

now as I shall be six hours after this; when I take an East

Indiaman by the royals; twist her round; and push her under。 

You have no right to address me in such a fashion。〃

But as she spoke; the tiny face wore the smile of a great; grand woman。 

She was only having her own beautiful fun out of Diamond; and true

woman's fun never hurts。

〃But look there!〃 she resumed。  〃Do you see a boat with one man in it

a green and white boat?〃

〃Yes; quite well。〃

〃That's a poet。〃

〃I thought you said it was a bo…at。〃

〃Stupid pet!  Don't you know what a poet is?〃

〃Why; a thing to sail on the water in。〃

〃Well; perhaps you're not so far wrong。  Some poets do carry

people over the sea。  But I have no business to talk so much。 

The man is a poet。〃

〃The boat is a boat;〃 said Diamond。

〃Can't you spell?〃 asked North Wind。

〃Not very well。〃

〃So I see。  A poet is not a bo…at; as you call it。  A poet is

a man who is glad of something; and tries to make other people

glad of it too。〃

〃Ah! now I know。  Like the man in the sweety…shop。〃

〃Not very。  But I see it is no use。  I wasn't sent to tell you;

and so I can't tell you。  I must be off。  Only first just look at

the man。〃

〃He's not much of a rower〃 said Diamond〃paddling first with one

fin and then with the other。〃

〃Now look here!〃 said North Wind。

And she flashed like a dragon…fly across the water; whose surface

rippled and puckered as she passed。  The next moment the man

in the boat glanced about him; and bent to his oars。  The boat

flew over the rippling water。  Man and boat and river were awake。 

The same instant almost; North Wind perched again upon the river wall。

〃How did you do that?〃 asked Diamond。

〃I blew in his face;〃 answered North Wind。  〃I don't see how

that could do it;〃 said Diamond。  〃I daresay not。  And therefore

you will say you don't believe it could。〃

〃No; no; dear North Wind。  I know you too well not to believe you。〃

〃Well; I blew in his face; and that woke him up。〃

〃But what was the good of it?〃

〃Why! don't you see?  Look at himhow he is pulling。  I blew

the mist out of him。〃

〃How was that?〃

〃That is just what I cannot tell you。〃

〃But you did it。〃

〃Yes。  I have to do ten thousand things without being able to tell how。〃

〃I don't like that;〃 said Diamond。

He was staring after the boat。  Hearing no answer; he looked down

to the wall。

North Wind was gone。  Away across the river went a long ripple

what sailors call a cat's paw。  The man in the boat was putting up

a sail。  The moon was coming to herself on the edge of a great cloud;

and the sail began to shine white。  Diamond rubbed his eyes;

and wondered what it was all about。  Things seemed going on around him;

and all to understand each other; but he could make nothing of it。 

So he put his hands in his pockets; and went in to have his tea。 

The night was very hot; for the wind had fallen again。

〃You don't seem very well to…night; Diamond;〃 said his mother。

〃I am quite well; mother;〃 returned Diamond; who was only puzzled。

〃I think you had better go to bed;〃 she added。

〃Very well; mother;〃 he answered。

He stopped for one moment to look out of the window。  Above the

moon the clouds were going different ways。  Somehow or other this

troubled him; but; notwithstanding; he was soon fast asleep。

He woke in the middle of the night and the darkness。  A terrible

noise was rumbling overhead; like the rolling beat of great drums

echoing through a brazen vault。  The roof of the loft in which he

lay had no ceiling; only the tiles were between him and the sky。 

For a while he could not come quite awake; for the noise kept beating

him down; so that his heart was troubled and fluttered painfully。 

A second peal of thunder burst over his head; and almost choked him

with fear。  Nor did he recover until the great blast that followed;

having torn some tiles off the roof; sent a spout of wind down

into his bed and over his face; which brought him wide awake;

and gave him back his courage。  The same moment he heard a mighty

yet musical voice calling him。

〃Come up; Diamond;〃 it said。  〃It's all ready。  I'm waiting for you。〃

He looked out of the bed; and saw a gigantic; powerful; but most

lovely armwith a hand whose fingers were nothing the less ladylike

that they could have strangled a boa…constrictor; or choked a tigress

off its preystretched down through a big hole in the roof。 

Without a moment's hesitation he reached out his tiny one; and laid

it in the grand palm before him。



THE hand felt its way up his arm; and; grasping it gently and

strongly above the elbow; lifted Diamond from the bed。  The moment

he was through the hole in the roof; all the winds of heaven

seemed to lay hold upon him; and buffet him hither and thither。 

His hair blew one way; his night…gown another; his legs threatened

to float from under him; and his head to grow dizzy with the swiftness

of the invisible assailant。  Cowering; he clung with the other

hand to the huge hand which held his arm; and fear invaded his heart。

〃Oh; North Wind!〃 he murmured; but the words vanished from his lips

as he had seen the soap…bubbles that burst too soon vanish from the

mouth of his pipe。  The wind caught them; and they were nowhere。 

They couldn't get out at all; but were torn away and strangled。 

And yet North Wind heard them; and in her answer it seemed to Diamond

that just because she was so big and could not help it; and just

because her ear and her mouth must seem to him so dreadfully far away;

she spoke to him more tenderly and graciously than ever before。 

Her voice was like the bass of a deep organ; without the groan in it;

like the most delicate

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