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at the back of the north wind-第6节

小说: at the back of the north wind 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Then are you a bad thing?〃

〃No。 For you see me; Diamond; dear;〃 said the girl; and she looked

down at him; and Diamond saw the loving eyes of the great lady

beaming from the depths of her falling hair。

〃I had to make myself look like a bad thing before she could see me。 

If I had put on any other shape than a wolf's she would not have

seen me; for that is what is growing to be her own shape inside

of her。〃

〃I don't know what you mean;〃 said Diamond; 〃but I suppose it's

all right。〃

They were now climbing the slope of a grassy ascent。  It was

Primrose Hill; in fact; although Diamond had never heard of it。 

The moment they reached the top; North Wind stood and turned her face

towards London The stars were still shining clear and cold overhead。 

There was not a cloud to be seen。  The air was sharp; but Diamond did

not find it cold。

〃Now;〃 said the lady; 〃whatever you do; do not let my hand go。 

I might have lost you the last time; only I was not in a hurry then: 

now I am in a hurry。〃

Yet she stood still for a moment。



AND as she stood looking towards London; Diamond saw that she

was trembling。

〃Are you cold; North Wind?〃 he asked。

〃No; Diamond;〃 she answered; looking down upon him with a smile;

〃I am only getting ready to sweep one of my rooms。  Those careless;

greedy; untidy children make it in such a mess。〃

As she spoke he could have told by her voice; if he had not seen

with his eyes; that she was growing larger and larger。  Her head

went up and up towards the stars; and as she grew; still trembling

through all her body; her hair also grewlonger and longer;

and lifted itself from her head; and went out in black waves。 

The next moment; however; it fell back around her; and she grew less

and less till she was only a tall woman。  Then she put her hands

behind her head; and gathered some of her hair; and began weaving

and knotting it together。  When she had done; she bent down her

beautiful face close to his; and said

〃Diamond; I am afraid you would not keep hold of me; and if I

were to drop you; I don't know what might happen; so I have been

making a place for you in my hair。  Come。〃

Diamond held out his arms; for with that grand face looking at him;

he believed like a baby。  She took him in her hands; threw him over

her shoulder; and said; 〃Get in; Diamond。〃

And Diamond parted her hair with his hands; crept between; and feeling

about soon found the woven nest。  It was just like a pocket;

or like the shawl in which gipsy women carry their children。 

North Wind put her hands to her back; felt all about the nest;

and finding it safe; said

〃Are you comfortable; Diamond?〃

〃Yes; indeed;〃 answered Diamond。

The next moment he was rising in the air。  North Wind grew towering

up to the place of the clouds。  Her hair went streaming out from her;

till it spread like a mist over the stars。  She flung herself abroad

in space。

Diamond held on by two of the twisted ropes which; parted and interwoven;

formed his shelter; for he could not help being a little afraid。 

As soon as he had come to himself; he peeped through the woven meshes;

for he did not dare to look over the top of the nest。  The earth

was rushing past like a river or a sea below him。  Trees and water

and green grass hurried away beneath。  A great roar of wild animals

rose as they rushed over the Zoological Gardens; mixed with a

chattering of monkeys and a screaming of birds; but it died away

in a moment behind them。  And now there was nothing but the roofs

of houses; sweeping along like a great torrent of stones and rocks。 

Chimney…pots fell; and tiles flew from the roofs; but it looked

to him as if they were left behind by the roofs and the chimneys

as they scudded away。  There was a great roaring; for the wind was

dashing against London like a sea; but at North Wind's back Diamond;

of course; felt nothing of it all。  He was in a perfect calm。 

He could hear the sound of it; that was all。

By and by he raised himself and looked over the edge of his nest。 

There were the houses rushing up and shooting away below him;

like a fierce torrent of rocks instead of water。  Then he

looked up to the sky; but could see no stars; they were hidden

by the blinding masses of the lady's hair which swept between。 

He began to wonder whether she would hear him if he spoke。 

He would try。

〃Please; North Wind;〃 he said; 〃what is that noise?〃

From high over his head came the voice of North Wind;

answering him; gently

〃The noise of my besom。  I am the old woman that sweeps the cobwebs

from the; sky; only I'm busy with the floor now。〃

〃What makes the houses look as if they were running away?〃

〃I am sweeping so fast over them。〃

〃But; please; North Wind; I knew London was very big; but I didn't

know it was so big as this。  It seems as if we should never get

away from it。〃

〃We are going round and round; else we should have left it long ago。〃

〃Is this the way you sweep; North Wind?〃

〃Yes; I go round and round with my great besom。〃

〃Please; would you mind going a little slower; for I want to see

the streets?〃

〃You won't see much now。〃


〃Because I have nearly swept all the people home。〃

〃Oh!  I forgot;〃 said Diamond; and was quiet after that; for he

did not want to be troublesome。

But she dropped a little towards the roofs of the houses;

and Diamond could see down into the streets。  There were very few

people about; though。  The lamps flickered and flared again;

but nobody seemed to want them。

Suddenly Diamond espied a little girl coming along a street。  She was

dreadfully blown by the wind; and a broom she was trailing behind her

was very troublesome。  It seemed as if the wind had a spite at her

it kept worrying her like a wild beast; and tearing at her rags。 

She was so lonely there!

〃Oh! please; North Wind;〃 he cried; 〃won't you help that little girl?〃

〃No; Diamond; I mustn't leave my work。〃

〃But why shouldn't you be kind to her?〃

〃I am kind to her。  I am sweeping the wicked smells away。〃

〃But you're kinder to me; dear North Wind。  Why shouldn't you

be as kind to her as you are to me?〃

〃There are reasons; Diamond。  Everybody can't be done to all the same。 

Everybody is not ready for the same thing。〃

〃But I don't see why I should be kinder used than she。〃

〃Do you think nothing's to be done but what you can see; Diamond;

you silly!  It's all right。  Of course you can help her if you like。 

You've got nothing particular to do at this moment; I have。〃

〃Oh! do let me help her; then。  But you won't be able to wait; perhaps?〃

〃No; I can't wait; you must do it yourself。  And; mind; the wind

will get a hold of you; too。〃

〃Don't you want me to help her; North Wind?〃

〃Not without having some idea what will happen。  If you break

down and cry; that won't be much of a help to her; and it will

make a goose of little Diamond。〃

〃I want to go;〃 said Diamond。  〃Only there's just one thing

how am I to get home?〃

〃If you're anxious about that; perhaps you had better go with me。 

I am bound to take you home again; if you do。〃

〃There!〃 cried Diamond; who was still looking after the little girl。 

〃I'm sure the wind will blow her over; and perhaps kill her。 

Do let me go。〃

They had been sweeping more slowly along the line of the street。 

There was a lull in the roaring。

〃Well; though I cannot promise to take you home;〃 said North Wind;

as she sank nearer and nearer to the tops of the houses; 〃I can promise

you it will be all right in the end。  You will get home somehow。 

Have you made up your mind what to do?〃

〃Yes; to help the little girl;〃 said Diamond firmly。

The same moment North Wind dropt into the street and stood;

only a tall lady; but with her hair flying up over the housetops。 

She put her hands to her back; took Diamond; and set him down in

the street。  The same moment he was caught in the fierce coils of

the blast; and all but blown away。  North Wind stepped back a step;

and at once towered in stature to the height of the houses。 

A chimney…pot clashed at Diamond's feet。  He turned in terror;

but it was to look for the little girl; and when he turned again

the lady had vanished; and the wind was roaring along the street

as if it had been the bed of an invisible torrent。  The little girl

was scudding before the blast; her hair flying too; and behind her

she dragged her broom。  Her little legs were going as fast as ever

they could to keep her from falling。  Diamond crept into the shelter

of a doorway; thinking to stop her; but she passed him like a bird;

crying gently and pitifully。

〃Stop! stop! little girl;〃 shouted Diamond; starting in pursuit。

〃I can't;〃 wailed the girl; 〃the wind won't leave go of

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