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at the back of the north wind-第48节

小说: at the back of the north wind 字数: 每页4000字

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the best part of six hours a day out of him since; but I'm always

afraid of his coming to grief again; and so I couldn't make the most

even of that。  I declare to you; sir; when he's between the shafts;

I sit on the box as miserable as if I'd stolen him。  He looks all

the time as if he was a bottling up of complaints to make of me

the minute he set eyes on you again。  There! look at him now;

squinting round at me with one eye!  I declare to you; on my word;

I haven't laid the whip on him more than three times。〃

〃I'm glad to hear it。  He never did want the whip。〃

〃I didn't say that; sir。  If ever a horse wanted the whip; he do。 

He's brought me to beggary almost with his snail's pace。  I'm very

glad you've come to rid me of him。〃

〃I don't know that;〃 said Mr。 Raymond。  〃Suppose I were to ask you

to buy him of mecheap。〃

〃I wouldn't have him in a present; sir。  I don't like him。 

And I wouldn't drive a horse that I didn't likeno; not for gold。 

It can't come to good where there's no love between 'em。〃

〃Just bring out your own horse; and let me see what sort of a pair

they'd make。〃

Joseph laughed rather bitterly as he went to fetch Diamond。

When the two were placed side by side; Mr。 Raymond could

hardly keep his countenance; but from a mingling of feelings。 

Beside the great; red; round barrel; Ruby; all body and no legs;

Diamond looked like a clothes…horse with a skin thrown over it。 

There was hardly a spot of him where you could not descry some

sign of a bone underneath。  Gaunt and grim and weary he stood;

kissing his master; and heeding no one else。

〃You haven't been using him well;〃 said Mr。 Raymond。

〃I must say;〃 returned Joseph; throwing an arm round his horse's neck;

〃that the remark had better have been spared; sir。  The horse

is worth three of the other now。〃

〃I don't think so。  I think they make a very nice pair。 

If the one's too fat; the other's too leanso that's all right。 

And if you won't buy my Ruby; I must buy your Diamond。〃

〃Thank you; sir;〃 said Joseph; in a tone implying anything but thanks。

〃You don't seem to like the proposal;〃 said Mr。 Raymond。

〃I don't;〃 returned Joseph。  〃I wouldn't part with my old Diamond

for his skin as full of nuggets as it is of bones。〃

〃Who said anything about parting with him?〃

〃You did now; sir。〃

〃No; I didn't。 I only spoke of buying him to make a pair with Ruby。 

We could pare Ruby and patch Diamond a bit。  And for height; they are

as near a match as I care about。  Of course you would be the coachman

if only you would consent to be reconciled to Ruby。〃

Joseph stood bewildered; unable to answer。

〃I've bought a small place in Kent;〃 continued Mr。 Raymond; 〃and I

must have a pair to my carriage; for the roads are hilly thereabouts。 

I don't want to make a show with a pair of high…steppers。 I think

these will just do。  Suppose; for a week or two; you set yourself

to take Ruby down and bring Diamond up。  If we could only lay a pipe

from Ruby's sides into Diamond's; it would be the work of a moment。 

But I fear that wouldn't answer。〃

A strong inclination to laugh intruded upon Joseph's inclination

to cry; and made speech still harder than before。

〃I beg your pardon; sir;〃 he said at length。  〃I've been so miserable;

and for so long; that I never thought you was only a chaffing of me

when you said I hadn't used the horses well。  I did grumble at you;

sir; many's the time in my trouble; but whenever I said anything;

my little Diamond would look at me with a smile; as much as to say: 

〃I know him better than you; father;〃 and upon my word; I always

thought the boy must be right。〃

〃Will you sell me old Diamond; then?〃

〃I will; sir; on one conditionthat if ever you want to part

with him or me; you give me the option of buying him。  I could

not part with him; sir。  As to who calls him his; that's nothing;

for; as Diamond says; it's only loving a thing that can make it yours

and I do love old Diamond; sir; dearly。〃

〃Well; there's a cheque for twenty pounds; which I wrote to offer

you for him; in case I should find you had done the handsome thing

by Ruby。  Will that be enough?〃

〃It's too much; sir。  His body ain't worth itshoes and all。 

It's only his heart; sirthat's worth millionsbut his heart'll be

mine all the sameso it's too much; sir。〃

〃I don't think so。  It won't be; at least; by the time we've got him

fed up again。  You take it and welcome。  Just go on with your cabbing

for another month; only take it out of Ruby and let Diamond rest;

and by that time I shall be ready for you to go down into the country。〃

〃Thank you; sir。  thank you。  Diamond set you down for a friend;

sir; the moment he saw you。  I do believe that child of mine

knows more than other people。〃

〃I think so; too;〃 said Mr。 Raymond as he walked away。

He had meant to test Joseph when he made the bargain about Ruby;

but had no intention of so greatly prolonging the trial。  He had been

taken ill in Switzerland; and had been quite unable to return sooner。 

He went away now highly gratified at finding that he had stood the test;

and was a true man。

Joseph rushed in to his wife who had been standing at the window

anxiously waiting the result of the long colloquy。  When she

heard that the horses were to go together in double harness;

she burst forth into an immoderate fit of laughter。  Diamond came

up with the baby in his arms and made big anxious eyes at her; saying

〃What is the matter with you; mother dear?  Do cry a little。 

It will do you good。  When father takes ever so small a drop of spirits;

he puts water to it。〃

〃You silly darling!〃 said his mother; 〃how could I but laugh at

the notion of that great fat Ruby going side by side with our poor

old Diamond?〃

〃But why not; mother?  With a month's oats; and nothing to do;

Diamond'll be nearer Ruby's size than you will father's。 I think

it's very good for different sorts to go together。  Now Ruby will

have a chance of teaching Diamond better manners。〃

〃How dare you say such a thing; Diamond?〃 said his father; angrily。 

〃To compare the two for manners; there's no comparison possible。 

Our Diamond's a gentleman。〃

〃I don't mean to say he isn't; father; for I daresay some

gentlemen judge their neighbours unjustly。  That's all I mean。 

Diamond shouldn't have thought such bad things of Ruby。  He didn't

try to make the best of him。〃

〃How do you know that; pray?〃

〃I heard them talking about it one night。〃


〃Why Diamond and Ruby。  Ruby's an angel。〃

Joseph stared and said no more。  For all his new gladness;

he was very gloomy as he re…harnessed the angel; for he thought

his darling Diamond was going out of his mind。

He could not help thinking rather differently; however; when he found

the change that had come over Ruby。  Considering his fat; he exerted

himself amazingly; and got over the ground with incredible speed。 

So willing; even anxious; was he to go now; that Joseph had to hold

him quite tight。

Then as he laughed at his own fancies; a new fear came upon him lest

the horse should break his wind; and Mr。 Raymond have good cause

to think he had not been using him well。  He might even suppose

that he had taken advantage of his new instructions; to let out

upon the horse some of his pent…up dislike; whereas in truth;

it had so utterly vanished that he felt as if Ruby; too; had been

his friend all the time。



BEFORE the end of the month; Ruby had got respectably thin;

and Diamond respectably stout。  They really began to look fit

for double harness。

Joseph and his wife got their affairs in order; and everything ready

for migrating at the shortest notice; and they felt so peaceful

and happy that they judged all the trouble they had gone through

well worth enduring。  As for Nanny; she had been so happy ever

since she left the hospital; that she expected nothing better;

and saw nothing attractive in the notion of the country。 

At the same time; she had not the least idea of what the word

country meant; for she had never seen anything about her but streets

and gas…lamps。 Besides; she was more attached to Jim than to Diamond: 

Jim was a reasonable being; Diamond in her eyes at best only an amiable;

over…grown baby; whom no amount of expostulation would ever bring

to talk sense; not to say think it。  Now that she could manage

the baby as well as he; she judged herself altogether his superior。 

Towards his father and mother; she was all they could wish。

Diamond had taken a great deal of pains and trouble to find Jim;

and had at last succeeded through the help of the tall policeman;

who was glad to renew his acquaintance with the strange child。 

Jim had moved his quarters; and had not heard of Nanny's illness till

some time after she was t

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