太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > at the back of the north wind >


at the back of the north wind-第41节

小说: at the back of the north wind 字数: 每页4000字

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THE children were delighted with the story; and made many amusing

remarks upon it。  Mr。 Raymond promised to search his brain for another;

and when he had found one to bring it to them。  Diamond having

taken leave of Nanny; and promised to go and see her again soon;

went away with him。

Now Mr。 Raymond had been turning over in his mind what he could do both

for Diamond and for Nanny。  He had therefore made some acquaintance

with Diamond's father; and had been greatly pleased with him。 

But he had come to the resolution; before he did anything so good

as he would like to do for them; to put them all to a certain test。 

So as they walked away together; he began to talk with Diamond

as follows:

〃Nanny must leave the hospital soon; Diamond。〃

〃I'm glad of that; sir。〃

〃Why?  Don't you think it's a nice place?〃

〃Yes; very。  But it's better to be well and doing something; you know;

even if it's not quite so comfortable。〃

〃But they can't keep Nanny so long as they would like。  They can't

keep her till she's quite strong。  There are always so many sick

children they want to take in and make better。  And the question is;

What will she do when they send her out again?〃

〃That's just what I can't tell; though I've been thinking of it

over and over; sir。  Her crossing was taken long ago; and I couldn't

bear to see Nanny fighting for it; especially with such a poor

fellow as has taken it。  He's quite lame; sir。〃

〃She doesn't look much like fighting; now; does she; Diamond?〃

〃No; sir。  She looks too like an angel。  Angels don't fight

do they; sir?〃

〃Not to get things for themselves; at least;〃 said Mr。 Raymond。

〃Besides;〃 added Diamond; 〃I don't quite see that she would have

any better right to the crossing than the boy who has got it。 

Nobody gave it to her; she only took it。  And now he has taken it。〃

〃If she were to sweep a crossingsoon at leastafter the illness

she has had; she would be laid up again the very first wet day;〃

said Mr。 Raymond。

〃And there's hardly any money to be got except on the wet days;〃

remarked Diamond reflectively。  〃Is there nothing else she

could do; sir?〃

〃Not without being taught; I'm afraid。〃

〃Well; couldn't somebody teach her something?〃

〃Couldn't you teach her; Diamond?〃

〃I don't know anything myself; sir。  I could teach her to dress the;

baby; but nobody would give her anything for doing things like that: 

they are so easy。  There wouldn't be much good in teaching

her to drive a cab; for where would she get the cab to drive? 

There ain't fathers and old Diamonds everywhere。  At least poor

Nanny can't find any of them; I doubt。〃

〃Perhaps if she were taught to be nice and clean; and only speak

gentle words〃

〃Mother could teach her that;〃 interrupted Diamond。

〃And to dress babies; and feed them; and take care of them;〃

Mr。 Raymond proceeded; 〃she might get a place as a nurse somewhere;

you know。  People do give money for that。〃

〃Then I'll ask mother;〃 said Diamond。

〃But you'll have to give her her food then; and your father;

not being strong; has enough to do already without that。〃

〃But here's me;〃 said Diamond:  〃I help him out with it。  When he's tired

of driving; up I get。  It don't make any difference to old Diamond。 

I don't mean he likes me as well as my fatherof course he can't;

you knownobody could; but he does his duty all the same。 

It's got to be done; you know; sir; and Diamond's a good horse

isn't he; sir?〃

〃From your description I should say certainly; but I have not

the pleasure of his acquaintance myself。〃

〃Don't you think he will go to heaven; sir?〃

〃That I don't know anything about;〃 said Mr。 Raymond。  〃I confess

I should be glad to think so;〃 he added; smiling thoughtfully。

〃I'm sure he'll get to the back of the north wind; anyhow;〃

said Diamond to himself; but he had learned to be very careful

of saying such things aloud。

〃Isn't it rather too much for him to go in the cab all day

and every day?〃 resumed Mr。 Raymond。

〃So father says; when he feels his ribs of a morning。  But then he

says the old horse do eat well; and the moment he's had his supper;

down he goes; and never gets up till he's called; and; for the legs

of him; father says that makes no end of a differ。  Some horses; sir! they

won't lie down all night long; but go to sleep on their four pins;

like a haystack; father says。  I think it's very stupid of them;

and so does old Diamond。  But then I suppose they don't know better;

and so they can't help it。  We mustn't be too hard upon them;

father says。〃

〃Your father must be a good man; Diamond。〃  Diamond looked up

in Mr。 Raymond's face; wondering what he could mean。

〃I said your father must be a good man; Diamond。〃

〃Of course;〃 said Diamond。  〃How could he drive a cab if he wasn't?〃

〃There are some men who drive cabs who are not very good;〃

objected Mr。 Raymond。

Diamond remembered the drunken cabman; and saw that his friend

was right。

〃Ah; but;〃 he returned; 〃he must be; you know; with such a horse

as old Diamond。〃

〃That does make a difference;〃 said Mr。 Raymond。  〃But it is quite

enough that he is a good man without our trying to account for it。 

Now; if you like; I will give you a proof that I think him a good man。 

I am going away on the Continent for a whilefor three months;

I believeand I am going to let my house to a gentleman who does

not want the use of my brougham。  My horse is nearly as old; I fancy;

as your Diamond; but I don't want to part with him; and I don't

want him to be idle; for nobody; as you say; ought to be idle;

but neither do I want him to be worked very hard。  Now; it has come

into my head that perhaps your father would take charge of him;

and work him under certain conditions。〃

〃My father will do what's right;〃 said Diamond。  〃I'm sure of that。〃

〃Well; so I think。  Will you ask him when he comes home to call

and have a little chat with meto…day; some time?〃

〃He must have his dinner first;〃 said Diamond。  〃No; he's got

his dinner with him to…day。 It must be after he's had his tea。〃

〃Of course; of course。  Any time will do。  I shall be at home

all day。〃

〃Very well; sir。  I will tell him。  You may be sure he will come。 

My father thinks you a very kind gentleman; and I know he is right;

for I know your very own self; sir。〃

Mr。 Raymond smiled; and as they had now reached his door;

they parted; and Diamond went home。  As soon as his father entered

the house; Diamond gave him Mr。 Raymond's message; and recounted

the conversation that had preceded it。  His father said little;

but took thought…sauce to his bread and butter; and as soon as he

had finished his meal; rose; saying:

〃I will go to your friend directly; Diamond。  It would be a grand thing

to get a little more money。  We do want it。〃  Diamond accompanied

his father to Mr。 Raymond's door; and there left him。

He was shown at once into Mr。 Raymond's study; where he gazed with

some wonder at the multitude of books on the walls; and thought

what a learned man Mr。 Raymond must be。

Presently Mr。 Raymond entered; and after saying much the same

about his old horse; made the following distinct proposal

one not over…advantageous to Diamond's father; but for which he

had reasonsnamely; that Joseph should have the use of Mr。 Raymond's

horse while he was away; on condition that he never worked him

more than six hours a day; and fed him well; and that; besides;

he should take Nanny home as soon as she was able to leave

the hospital; and provide for her as one of his own children;

neither better nor worseso long; that is; as he had the horse。

Diamond's father could not help thinking it a pretty close bargain。 

He should have both the girl and the horse to feed; and only six hours'

work out of the horse。

〃It will save your own horse;〃 said Mr。 Raymond。

〃That is true;〃 answered Joseph; 〃but all I can get by my own horse

is only enough to keep us; and if I save him and feed your horse

and the girldon't you see; sir?〃

〃Well; you can go home and think about it; and let me know

by the end of the week。  I am in no hurry before then。〃

So Joseph went home and recounted the proposal to his wife;

adding that he did not think there was much advantage to be got

out of it。

〃Not much that way; husband;〃 said Diamond's mother; 〃but there

would be an advantage; and what matter who gets it!〃

〃I don't see it;〃 answered her husband。  〃Mr。 Raymond is a gentleman

of property; and I don't discover any much good in helping him to save

a little more。  He won't easily get one to make such a bargain; and I

don't mean he shall get me。  It would be a loss rather than a gain

I do thinkat least if I took less work out of our own horse。〃

〃One hour would make a differ

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