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at the back of the north wind-第38节

小说: at the back of the north wind 字数: 每页4000字

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And thus things went on until she was nearly seventeen years of age。 

Her father and mother had by that time got so used to the odd

state of things that they had ceased to wonder at them。  All their

arrangements had reference to the state of the Princess Daylight;

and it is amazing how things contrive to accommodate themselves。 

But how any prince was ever to find and deliver her;

appeared inconceivable。

As she grew older she had grown more and more beautiful; with the

sunniest hair and the loveliest eyes of heavenly blue; brilliant and

profound as the sky of a June day。  But so much more painful and sad

was the change as her bad time came on。  The more beautiful she

was in the full moon; the more withered and worn did she become

as the moon waned。  At the time at which my story has now arrived;

she looked; when the moon was small or gone; like an old woman

exhausted with suffering。  This was the more painful that her

appearance was unnatural; for her hair and eyes did not change。 

Her wan face was both drawn and wrinkled; and had an eager hungry look。 

Her skinny hands moved as if wishing; but unable; to lay hold

of something。  Her shoulders were bent forward; her chest went in;

and she stooped as if she were eighty years old。  At last she had

to be put to bed; and there await the flow of the tide of life。 

But she grew to dislike being seen; still more being touched

by any hands; during this season。  One lovely summer evening;

when the moon lay all but gone upon the verge of the horizon;

she vanished from her attendants; and it was only after searching

for her a long time in great terror; that they found her fast

asleep in the forest; at the foot of a silver birch; and carried

her home。

A little way from the palace there was a great open glade; covered with

the greenest and softest grass。  This was her favourite haunt;

for here the full moon shone free and glorious; while through a vista

in the trees she could generally see more or less of the dying moon

as it crossed the opening。  Here she had a little rustic house

built for her; and here she mostly resided。  None of the court

might go there without leave; and her own attendants had learned

by this time not to be officious in waiting upon her; so that she

was very much at liberty。  Whether the good fairies had anything

to do with it or not I cannot tell; but at last she got into the way

of retreating further into the wood every night as the moon waned;

so that sometimes they had great trouble in finding her; but as she

was always very angry if she discovered they were watching her;

they scarcely dared to do so。  At length one night they thought they

had lost her altogether。  It was morning before they found her。 

Feeble as she was; she had wandered into a thicket a long way from

the glade; and there she layfast asleep; of course。

Although the fame of her beauty and sweetness had gone abroad;

yet as everybody knew she was under a bad spell; no king in the

neighbourhood had any desire to have her for a daughter…in…law。

There were serious objections to such a relation。

About this time in a neighbouring kingdom; in consequence of the

wickedness of the nobles; an insurrection took place upon the death

of the old king; the greater part of the nobility was massacred;

and the young prince was compelled to flee for his life; disguised

like a peasant。  For some time; until he got out of the country;

he suffered much from hunger and fatigue; but when he got into

that ruled by the princess's father; and had no longer any fear

of being recognised; he fared better; for the people were kind。 

He did not abandon his disguise; however。  One tolerable reason

was that he had no other clothes to put on; and another that he

had very little money; and did not know where to get any more。 

There was no good in telling everybody he met that he was a prince;

for he felt that a prince ought to be able to get on like other people;

else his rank only made a fool of him。  He had read of princes

setting out upon adventure; and here he was out in similar case;

only without having had a choice in the matter。  He would go on;

and see what would come of it。

For a day or two he had been walking through the palace…wood;

and had had next to nothing to eat; when he came upon the strangest

little house; inhabited by a very nice; tidy; motherly old woman。 

This was one of the good fairies。  The moment she saw him she knew quite

well who he was and what was going to come of it; but she was not at

liberty to interfere with the orderly march of events。  She received

him with the kindness she would have shown to any other traveller;

and gave him bread and milk; which he thought the most delicious food

he had ever tasted; wondering that they did not have it for dinner at

the palace sometimes。  The old woman pressed him to stay all night。 

When he awoke he was amazed to find how well and strong he felt。 

She would not take any of the money he offered; but begged him;

if he found occasion of continuing in the neighbourhood; to return

and occupy the same quarters。

〃Thank you much; good mother;〃 answered the prince; 〃but there is

little chance of that。  The sooner I get out of this wood the better。〃

〃I don't know that;〃 said the fairy。

〃What do you mean?〃 asked the prince。

〃Why; how should I know?〃 returned she。

〃I can't tell;〃 said the prince。

〃Very well;〃 said the fairy。

〃How strangely you talk!〃 said the prince。

〃Do I?〃 said the fairy。

〃Yes; you do;〃 said the prince。

〃Very well;〃 said the fairy。

The prince was not used to be spoken to in this fashion; so he felt

a little angry; and turned and walked away。  But this did not offend

the fairy。  She stood at the door of her little house looking

after him till the trees hid him quite。  Then she said 〃At last!〃

and went in。

The prince wandered and wandered; and got nowhere。  The sun sank

and sank and went out of sight; and he seemed no nearer the end

of the wood than ever。  He sat down on a fallen tree; ate a bit

of bread the old woman had given him; and waited for the moon;

for; although he was not much of an astronomer; he knew the moon

would rise some time; because she had risen the night before。 

Up she came; slow and slow; but of a good size; pretty nearly

round indeed; whereupon; greatly refreshed with his piece of bread;

he got up and wenthe knew not whither。

After walking a considerable distance; he thought he was coming

to the outside of the forest; but when he reached what he thought

the last of it; he found himself only upon the edge of a great open

space in it; covered with grass。  The moon shone very bright;

and he thought he had never seen a more lovely spot。  Still it looked

dreary because of its loneliness; for he could not see the house at

the other side。  He sat down; weary again; and gazed into the glade。 

He had not seen so much room for several days。

All at once he spied something in the middle of the grass。 

What could it be?  It moved; it came nearer。  Was it a human creature;

gliding acrossa girl dressed in white; gleaming in the moonshine? 

She came nearer and nearer。  He crept behind a tree and watched;

wondering。  It must be some strange being of the wooda nymph whom

the moonlight and the warm dusky air had enticed from her tree。 

But when she came close to where he stood; he no longer doubted she

was humanfor he had caught sight of her sunny hair; and her clear

blue eyes; and the loveliest face and form that he had ever seen。 

All at once she began singing like a nightingale; and dancing

to her own music; with her eyes ever turned towards the moon。 

She passed close to where he stood; dancing on by the edge of the trees

and away in a great circle towards the other side; until he could see

but a spot of white in the yellowish green of the moonlit grass。 

But when he feared it would vanish quite; the spot grew; and became

a figure once more。  She approached him again; singing and dancing;

and waving her arms over her head; until she had completed the circle。 

Just opposite his tree she stood; ceased her song; dropped her arms;

and broke out into a long clear laugh; musical as a brook。  Then; as

if tired; she threw herself on the grass; and lay gazing at the moon。 

The prince was almost afraid to breathe lest he should startle her;

and she should vanish from his sight。  As to venturing near her;

that never came into his head。

She had lain for a long hour or longer; when the prince began again

to doubt concerning her。  Perhaps she was but a vision of his own fancy。 

Or was she a spirit of the wood; after all?  If so; he too would

haunt the wood; glad to have lost kingdom and everything for the

hope of being near her。  He would build him a hut in the forest;

and there he would live for the pure chance of seeing her again。 

Upon nights like this at least she would com

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