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mary stuart-第45节

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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and protesting; to…day as every day; in public as in private; that I

have never plotted; consented to; nor desired the queen's death; nor

any other thing against her person; but that; on the contrary; I have

always loved her; and have always offered her good and reasonable

conditions to put an end to the troubles of the kingdom and deliver

me from my captivity; without my having ever been honoured with a

reply from her; and all this; my lords; you well know。  Finally; my

enemies have attained their end; which was to put me to death:

I do not pardon them less for it than I pardon all those who have

attempted anything against me。  After my; death; the authors of it

will be known。  But I die without accusing anyone; for fear the Lord

should hear me and avenge me。〃

Upon this; whether he was afraid that such a speech by so great a

queen should soften the assembly too much; or whether he found that

all these words were making too much delay; the Dean of Peterborough

placed himself before Mary; and; leaning on the barrier

〃Madam;〃 he said; 〃my much honoured mistress has commanded me to come

to you〃  But at these words; Mary; turning and interrupting him

〃Mr。 Dean;〃 she answered in a loud voice; 〃I have nothing to do with

you; I do not wish to hear you; and beg you to withdraw。〃

〃Madam;〃 said the dean; persisting in spite of this resolve expressed

in such firm and precise terms; 〃you have but a moment longer: change

your opinions; abjure your errors; and put your faith in Jesus Christ

alone; that you may be saved through Him。〃

〃Everything you can say is useless;〃 replied the queen; 〃and you will

gain nothing by it; be silent; then; I beg you; and let me die in


And as she saw that he wanted to go on; she sat down on the other

side of the chair and turned her back to him; but the dean

immediately walked round the scaffold till he faced her again; then;

as he was going to speak; the queen turned about once more; and sat

as at first。  Seeing which the Earl of Shrewsbury said

〃Madam; truly I despair that you are so attached to this folly of

papacy: allow us; if it please you; to pray for you。〃

〃My lord;〃 the queen answered; 〃if you desire to pray for me; I thank

you; for the intention is good; but I cannot join in your prayers;

for we are not of the same religion。〃

The earls then called the dean; and while the queen; seated in her

little chair; was praying in a low tone; he; kneeling on the scaffold

steps; prayed aloud; and the whole assembly except the queen and her

servants prayed after him; then; in the midst of her orison; which

she said with her Agnus Dei round her neck; a crucifix in one hand;

and her book of Hours in the other; she fell from her seat on to; her

knees; praying aloud in Latin; whilst the others prayed in English;

and when the others were silent; she continued in English in her

turn; so that they could hear her; praying for the afflicted Church

of Christ; for an end to the persecution of Catholics; arid for the

happiness of her son's reign; then she said; in accents full of faith

and fervour; that she hoped to be saved by the merits of Jesus

Christ; at the foot of whose cross she was going to shed her blood。

At these words the Earl of Kent could no longer contain himself; and

without respect for the sanctity of the moment

〃Oh; madam;〃 said he; 〃put Jesus Christ in your heart; and reject

all this rubbish of popish deceptions。〃

But she; without listening; went on; praying the saints to intercede

with God for her; and kissing the crucifix; she cried

〃Lord! Lord! receive me in Thy arms out stretched on the cross; and

forgive me all my sins!〃

Thereupon;she being again seated in the chair; the Earl of Kent

asked her if she had any confession to make; to which she replied

that; not being guilty of anything; to confess would be to give

herself; the lie。

〃It is well;〃 the earl answered; 〃then; madam; prepare。〃

The queen rose; and as the executioner approached to assist her


〃Allow me; my friend;〃 said she; I know how to do it better than you;

and am not accustomed to undress before so many spectators; nor to be


by such valets。〃

And then; calling her two women; she began to unpin her coiffure; and

as Jeanne Kennedy and Elspeth Curle; while performing this last

service for their mistress; could not help weeping bitterly

〃Do not weep;〃 she said to them in French; 〃for I have promised and

answered for you。〃

With these words; she made the sign of the cross upon the forehead of

each; kissed them; and recommended them to pray for her。

Then the queen began to undress; herself assisting; as she was wont

to do when preparing for bed; and taking the gold cross from her

neck; she wished to give it to Jeanne; saying to the executioner

〃My friend; I know that all I have upon me belongs to you; but this

is not in your way: let me bestow it; if you please; on this young

lady; and she will give you twice its value in money。〃

But the executioner; hardly allowing her to finish; snatched it from

her hands with

〃It is my right。〃

The queen was not moved much by this brutality; and went on taking

off her garments until she was simply in her petticoat。

Thus rid of all her garb; she again sat down; and Jeanne Kennedy

approaching her; took from her pocket the handkerchief of gold…

embroidered cambric which she had prepared the night before; and

bound her eyes with it; which the earls; lords; and gentlemen looked

upon with great surprise; it not being customary in England; and as

she thought that she was to be beheaded in the French waythat is to

say; seated in the chairshe held herself upright; motionless; and

with her neck stiffened to make it easier for the executioner; who;

for his part; not knowing how to proceed; was standing; without

striking; axe in hand: at last the man laid his hand on the queen's

head; and drawing her forward; made her fall on her knees: Mary then

understood what was required of her; and feeling for the block with

her hands; which were still holding her book of Hours and her

crucifix; she laid her neck on it; her hands joined beneath her chin;

that she might pray till the last moment: the executioner's assistant

drew them away; for fear they should be cut off with her head; and as

the queen was saying; 〃In manes teas; Domine;〃 the executioner raised

his axe; which was simply an axe far chopping wood; and struck the

first blow; which hit too high; and piercing the skull; made the

crucifix and the book fly from the condemned's hands by its violence;

but which did not sever the head。  However; stunned with the blow;

the queen made no movement; which gave the executioner time to

redouble it; but still the head did not fall; and a third stroke was

necessary to detach a shred of flesh which held it to the shoulders。

At last; when the head was quite severed; the executioner held it up

to show to the assembly; saying

〃God save Queen Elizabeth!〃

〃So perish all Her Majesty's enemies!〃 responded the Dean of


〃Amen;〃 said the Earl of Kent; but he was the only one: no other

voice could respond; for all were choked with sobs。

At that moment the queen's headdress falling; disclosed her hair; cut

very short; and as white as if she had been aged seventy: as to her

face; it had so changed during her death…agony that no one would have

recognised it had he not known it was hers。  The spectators cried out

aloud at this sign; for; frightful to see; the eyes were open; and

the lids went on moving as if they would still pray; and this

muscular movement lasted for more than a quarter of an hour after the

head had been cut off。

The queen's servants had rushed upon the scaffold; picking up the

book of Hours and the crucifix as relics; and Jeanne Kennedy;

remembering the little dog who had come to his mistress; looked about

for him on all sides; seeking him and calling him; but she sought and

called in vain。  He had disappeared。

At that moment; as one of the executioners was untying the queen's

garters; which were of blue satin embroidered in silver; he saw the

poor little animal; which had hidden in her petticoat; and which he

was obliged to bring out by force; then; having escaped from his

hands; it took refuge between the queen's shoulders and her head;

which the executioner had laid down near the trunk。  Jeanne took him

then; in spite of his howls; and carried him away; covered with

blood; for everyone had just been ordered to leave the hall。

Bourgoin and Gervais stayed behind; entreating Sir Amyas Paulet to

let them take the queen's heart; that they might carry it to France;

as they had promised her; but they were harshly refused and pushed

out of the hall; of which all the doors were closed; and there there

remained only the executioner and the corpse。

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