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mary stuart-第23节

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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tell you on the part of the Secret Council。〃

〃The Secret Council!〃 said the queen。  〃Instituted by me; by what

right does it act without me?  No matter; I am waiting for this

message: I suppose it is a petition to implore my mercy for the men

who have dared to reach to a power that I hold only from God。〃

〃Madam;〃 replied Ruthven; who appeared to have undertaken the painful

role of spokesman; while Lindsay; mute and impatient; fidgeted with

the hilt of his long sword; 〃it is distressing to me to have to

undeceive you on this point: it is not your mercy that I come to ask;

it is; on the contrary; the pardon of the Secret Council that I come

to offer you。〃

〃To me; my lord; to me!〃 cried Mary: 〃subjects offer pardon to their

queen! Oh! it is such a new and wonderful thing; that my amazement

outweighs my indignation; and that I beg you to continue; instead of

stopping you there; as perhaps I ought to do。〃

〃And I obey you so much the more willingly; madam;〃 went on Ruthven

imperturbably; 〃that this pardon is only granted on certain

conditions; stated in these documents; destined to re…establish the

tranquillity of the State; so cruelly compromised by the errors that

they are going to repair。〃

〃And shall I be permitted; my lord; to read these documents; or must

I; allured by my confidence in those who present them to me; sign

them with my eyes shut?〃

〃No; madam;〃 Ruthven returned; 〃the Secret Council desire; on the

contrary; that you acquaint yourself with them; for you must sign

them freely。〃

〃Read me these documents; my lord; for such a reading is; I think;

included in the strange duties you have accepted。〃

Lord Ruthven took one of the two papers that he had in his hand; and

read with the impassiveness of his usual voice the following:

〃Summoned from my tenderest youth to the government of the kingdom

and to the crown of Scotland; I have carefully attended to the

administration; but I have experienced so much fatigue and trouble

that I no longer find my mind free enough nor my strength great

enough to support the burden of affairs of State: accordingly; and as

Divine favour has granted us a son whom we desire to see during our

lifetime bear the crown which he has acquired by right of birth; we

have resolved to abdicate; and we abdicate in his favour; by these

presents; freely and voluntarily; all our rights to the crown and to

the government of Scotland; desiring that he may immediately ascend

the throne; as if he were called to it by our natural death; and not

as the effect of our own will; and that our present abdication may

have a more complete and solemn effect; and that no one should put

forward the claim of ignorance; we give full powers to our trusty and

faithful cousins; the lords Lindsay of Byres and William Ruthven; to

appear in our name before the nobility; the clergy; and the burgesses

of Scotland; of whom they will convoke an assembly at Stirling; and

to there renounce; publicly and solemnly; on our part; all our claims

to the crown and to the government of Scotland。

〃Signed freely and as the testimony of one of our last royal wishes;

in our castle of Lochleven; the ___ June 1567〃。  (The date was left


There was a moment's silence after this reading; then

〃Did you hear; madam?〃 asked Ruthven。

〃Yes;〃 replied Mary Stuart;〃 yes; I have heard rebellious words

that I have not understood; and I thought that my ears; that one has

tried to accustom for some time to a strange language; still deceived

me; and that I have thought for your honour; my lord William Ruthven;

and my lord Lindsay of Byres。〃

〃Madam;〃 answered Lindsay; out of patience at having kept silence so

long; 〃our honour has nothing to do with the opinion of a woman who

has so ill known how to watch over her own。〃

〃My lord!〃 said Melville; risking a word。

〃Let him speak; Robert;〃 returned the queen。  〃We have in our

conscience armour as well tempered as that with which Lord Lindsay is

so prudently covered; although; to the shame of justice; we no longer

have a sword。  Continue; my lord;〃 the queen went on; turning to Lord

Ruthven : 〃is this all that my subjects require of me?  A date and a

signature?  Ah! doubtless it is too little; and this second paper;

which you have kept in order to proceed by degrees; probably contains

some demand more difficult to grant than that of yielding to a child

scarcely a year old a crown which belongs to me by birthright; and to

abandon my sceptre to take a distaff。〃

〃This other paper;〃 replied Ruthven; without letting himself be

intimidated by the tone of bitter irony adopted by the queen; 〃is the

deed by which your Grace confirms the decision of the Secret Council

which has named your beloved brother; the Earl of Murray; regent of

the kingdom。〃

〃Indeed!〃 said Mary。  〃The Secret Council thinks it needs my

confirmation to an act of such slight importance?  And my beloved

brother; to bear it without remorse; needs that it should be I who

add a fresh title to those of Earl of Mar and of Murray that I have

already bestowed upon him?  But one cannot desire anything more

respectful and touching than all this; and I should be very wrong to

complain。  My lords;〃 continued the queen; rising and changing her

tone; 〃return to those who have sent you; and tell them that to such

demands Mary Stuart has no answer to give。〃

〃Take care; madam;〃 responded Ruthven; 〃for I have told you it is

only on these conditions that your pardon can be granted you。〃

〃And if I refuse this generous pardon;〃 asked Mary; 〃what will


〃I cannot pronounce beforehand; madam; but your Grace has enough

knowledge of the laws; and above all of the history of Scotland and

England; to know that murder and adultery are crimes for which more

than one queen has been punished with death。〃

〃And upon what proofs could such a charge be founded; my lord?

Pardon my persistence; which takes up your precious time; but I am

sufficiently interested in the matter to be permitted such a


〃The proof; madam?〃 returned Ruthven。  〃There is but one; I know; but

that one is unexceptionable: it is the precipitate marriage of the

widow of the assassinated with the chief assassin; and the letters

which have been handed over to us by James Balfour; which prove that

the guilty persons had united their adulterous hearts before it was

permitted them to unite their bloody hands。〃

〃My lord;〃 cried the queen; 〃do you forget a certain repast given in

an Edinburgh tavern; by this same Bothwell; to those same noblemen

who treat him to…day as an adulterer and a murderer; do you forget

that at the end of that meal; and on the same table at which it had

been given; a paper was signed to invite that same woman; to whom to…

day you make the haste of her new wedding a crime; to leave off a

widow's mourning to reassume a marriage robe? for if you have

forgotten it; my lords; which would do no more honour to your

sobriety than to your memory; I undertake to show it to you; I who

have preserved it; and perhaps if we search well we shall find among

the signatures the names of Lindsay of Byres and William Ruthven。

O noble Lord Herries;〃 cried Mary; 〃loyal James Melville; you alone

were right then; when you threw yourselves at my feet; entreating me

not to conclude this marriage; which; I see it clearly to…day; was

only a trap set for an ignorant woman by perfidious advisers or

disloyal lords。〃

〃Madam;〃 cried Ruthven; in spite of his cold impassivity beginning to

lose command of himself; while Lindsay was giving still more noisy

and less equivocal signs of impatience; 〃madam; all these discussions

are beside our aim: I beg you to return to it; then; and inform us

if; your life and honour guaranteed; you consent to abdicate the

crown of Scotland。〃

〃And what safeguard should I have that the promises you here make me

will be kept?〃

〃Our word; madam;〃 proudly replied Ruthven。

〃Your word; my lord; is a very feeble pledge to offer; when one so

quickly forgets one's signature: have you not some trifle to add to

it; to make me a little easier than I should be with it alone?〃

〃Enough; Ruthven; enough;〃 cried Lindsay。  〃Do you not see that for

an hour this woman answers our proposals only by insults?〃

〃Yes; let us go;〃 said Ruthven; 〃and thank yourself only; madam; for

the day when the thread breaks which holds the sword suspended over

your head。〃

〃My lords;〃 cried Melville; 〃my lords; in Heaven's name; a little

patience; and forgive something to her who; accustomed to command; is

today forced to obey。〃

〃Very well;〃 said Lindsay; turning round; 〃stay with her; then; and

try to obtain by your smooth words what is refused to our frank and

loyal demand。  In a quarter of an hour we shall return: let the

answer be ready in a quarter of an hour!〃

With these words; t

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