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mary stuart-第19节

小说: mary stuart 字数: 每页4000字

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viol d'amour; an instrument much resembling the mandolin。

Mary Seyton obeyed。

Arrived in the garden; the queen sat down in the deepest shade; and

there; having tuned her instrument; she at first drew from it lively

and light tones; which soon darkened little by little; at the same

time that her countenance assumed a hue of deep melancholy。  Mary

Seyton looked at her with uneasiness; although for a long time she

had been used to these sudden changes in her mistress's humour; and

she was about to ask the reason of this gloomy veil suddenly spread

over her face; when; regulating her harmonies; Mary began to sing in

a low voice; and as if for herself alone; the following verses:

    〃Caverns; meadows; plains and mounts;

     Lands of tree and stone;

     Rivers; rivulets and founts;

     By which I stray alone;

     Bewailing as I go;

     With tears that overflow;

     Sing will I

     The miserable woe

     That bids me grieve and sigh。

     Ay; but what is here to lend

     Ear to my lament?

     What is here can comprehend

     My dull discontent?

     Neither grass nor reed;

     Nor the ripples heed;

     Flowing by;

     While the stream with speed

     Hastens from my eye。

     Vainly does my wounded heart

     Hope; alas; to heal;

     Seeking; to allay its smart;

     Things that cannot feel。

     Better should my pain

     Bitterly complain;

     Crying shrill;

     To thee who dost constrain

     My spirit to such ill。

     Goddess; who shalt never die;

     List to what I say;

     Thou who makest me to lie

     Weak beneath thy sway;

     If my life must know

     Ending at thy blow;


     Own it perished so

     But at thy behest。

     Lo! my face may all men see

     Slowly pine and fade;

     E'en as ice doth melt and flee

     Near a furnace laid。

     Yet the burning ray

     Wasting me away

     Passion's glow;

     Wakens no display

     Of pity for my woe。

     Yet does every neighbour tree;

     Every rocky wall;

     This my sorrow know and see;

     So; in brief; doth all

     Nature know aright

     This my sorry plight;

     Thou alone

     Takest thy delight

     To hear me cry and moan。

     But if it be thy will;

     To see tormented still

     Wretched me;

     Then let my woful ill

     Immortal be。〃

This last verse died away as if the queen were exhausted; and at the

same time the mandolin slipped from her hands; and would have fallen

to the ground had not Mary Seyton thrown herself on her knees and

prevented it。  The young girl remained thus at her mistress's feet

for some time; gazing at her silently; and as she saw that she was

losing herself more and more in gloomy reverie

〃Have those lines brought back to your Majesty some sad remembrance?〃

she asked hesitatingly。

〃Oh; yes;〃 answered the queen; 〃they reminded me of the unfortunate

being who composed them。〃

〃And may I; without indiscretion; inquire of your grace who is their


〃Alas! he was a noble; brave; and handsome young man; with a faithful

heart and a hot head; who would defend me to…day; if I had defended

him then; but his boldness seemed to me rashness; and his fault a

crime。  What was to be done?  I did not love him。  Poor Chatelard! I

was very cruel to him。〃

〃But you did not prosecute him; it was your brother; you did not

condemn him; the judges did。〃

〃Yes; yes; I know that he too was Murray's victim; and that is no

doubt the reason that I am calling him to mind just now。  But I was

able to pardon him; Mary; and I was inflexible; I let ascend the

scaffold a man whose only crime was in loving me too well; and now I

am astonished and complain of being abandoned by everyone。  Listen;

darling; there is one thing that terrifies me: it is; that when I

search within myself I find that I have not only deserved my fate;

but even that God did not punish me severely enough。〃

〃What strange thoughts for your grace!〃 cried Mary; 〃and see where

those unlucky lines which returned to your mind have led you; the

very day when you were beginning to recover a little of your


〃Alas!〃 replied the queen; shaking her head and uttering a deep sigh;

〃for six years very few days have passed that I have not repeated

those lines to myself; although it may be for the first time to…day

that I repeat them aloud。  He was a Frenchman too; Mary: they have

exiled from me; taken or killed all who came to me from France。  Do

you remember that vessel which was swallowed up before our eyes when

we came out of Calais harbour?  I exclaimed then that it was a sad

omen: you all wanted to reassure me。  Well; who was right; now; you

or I?〃

The queen was in one of those fits of sadness for which tears are the

sole remedy; so Mary Seyton; perceiving that not only would every

consolation be vain; but also unreasonable; far from continuing to

react against her mistress's melancholy; fully agreed with her: it

followed that the queen; who was suffocating; began to weep; and that

her tears brought her comfort; then little by little she regained

self…control; and this crisis passed as usual; leaving her firmer and

more resolute than ever; so that when she went up to her room again

it was impossible to read the slightest alteration in her


The dinner…hour was approaching; and Mary; who in the morning was

looking forward impatiently to the enjoyment of her triumph over Lady

Lochleven; now saw her advance with uneasiness: the mere idea of

again facing this woman; whose pride one was always obliged to oppose

with insolence; was; after the moral fatigues of the day; a fresh

weariness。  So she decided not to appear for dinner; as on the day

before: she was all the more glad she had taken this resolution; that

this time it was not Lady Lochleven who came to fulfil the duties

enjoined on a member of the family to make the queen easy; but George

Douglas; whom his mother in her displeasure at the morning scene sent

to replace her。  Thus; when Mary Seyton told the queen that she saw

the young man with dark hair cross the courtyard on his way to her;

Mary still further congratulated herself on her decision; for this

young man's insolence had wounded her more deeply than all his

mother's haughty insults。  The queen was not a little astonished;

then; when in a few minutes Mary Seyton returned and informed her

that George Douglas; having sent away the servants; desired the

honour of speaking to her on a matter of importance。  At first the

queen refused; but Mary Seyton told her that the young man's air and

manner this time were so different from what she had seen two days

before; that she thought her mistress would be wrong to refuse his


The queen rose then; and with the pride and majesty habitual to her;

entered the adjoining room; and; having taken three steps; stopped

with a disdainful air; waiting for George to address her。

Mary Seyton had spoken truly: George Douglas was now another man。

To…day he seemed to be as respectful and timid as the preceding day

he had seemed haughty and proud。  He; in his turn; made a step

towards the queen; but seeing Mary Seyton standing behind her

〃Madam;〃 said he; 〃I wished to speak with your Majesty alone: shall I

not obtain this favour?〃

〃Mary Seyton is not a stranger to me; Sir: she is my sister; my

friend; she is more than all that; she is my companion in captivity。〃

〃And by all these claims; madam; I have the utmost veneration for

her; but what I have to tell you cannot be heard by other ears than

yours。  Thus; madam; as the opportunity furnished now may perhaps

never present itself again; in the name of what is dearest to you;

grant me what I ask。〃

There was such a tone of respectful prayer in George's voice that

Mary turned to the young girl; and; making her a friendly sign with

her hand

〃Go; then; darling;〃 said she; 〃but be easy; you will lose nothing by

not hearing。  Go。〃

Mary Seyton withdrew; the queen smilingly looked after her; till the

door was shut; then; turning to George

〃Now; sir;〃 said she; 〃we are alone; speak。〃

But George; instead of replying; advanced to the queen; and; kneeling

on one knee; drew from his breast a paper which he presented to her。

Mary took it with amazement; unfolded it; glancing at Douglas; who

remained in the same posture; and read as follows:

We; earls; lords; and barons; in consideration that our queen is

detained at Lochleven; and that her faithful subjects cannot have

access to her person; seeing; on the other hand; that our duty

pledges us to provide for her safety; promise and swear to employ all

reasonable means which will depend on us to set her at liberty again

on conditions compatible with the honour of her Majesty; the welfa

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