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the angel and the author-第26节

小说: the angel and the author 字数: 每页4000字

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it's like when you're married。〃

My friend H。 G。 Wells wrote a book; 〃The Island of Dr。 Moreau。〃  I 
read it in MS。 one winter evening in a lonely country house upon the 
hills; wind screaming to wind in the dark without。  The story has 
haunted me ever since。  I hear the wind's shrill laughter。  The 
doctor had taken the beasts of the forest; apes; tigers; strange 
creatures from the deep; had fashioned them with hideous cruelty into 
the shapes of men; had given them souls; had taught to them the law。  
In all things else were they human; but their original instincts 
their creator's skill had failed to eliminate。  All their lives were 
one long torture。  The Law said; 〃We are men and women; this we shall 
do; this we shall not do。〃  But the ape and tiger still cried aloud 
within them。

Civilization lays her laws upon us; they are the laws of godsof the 
men that one day; perhaps; shall come。  But the primeval creature of 
the cave still cries within us。

'A few rules for Married Happiness。'

The wonder is that not being godsbeing mere men and womenmarriage 
works out as well as it does。  We take two creatures with the 
instincts of the ape still stirring within them; two creatures 
fashioned on the law of selfishness; two self…centred creatures of 
opposite appetites; of desires opposed to one another; of differing 
moods and fancies; two creatures not yet taught the lesson of self…
control; of self…renunciation; and bind them together for life in an 
union so close that one cannot snore o'nights without disturbing the 
other's rest; that one cannot; without risk to happiness; have a 
single taste unshared by the other; that neither; without danger of 
upsetting the whole applecart; so to speak; can have an opinion with 
which the other does not heartedly agree。

Could two angels exist together on such terms without ever 
quarrelling?  I doubt it。  To make marriage the ideal we love to 
picture it in romance; the elimination of human nature is the first 
essential。  Supreme unselfishness; perfect patience; changeless 
amiability; we should have to start with; and continue with; until 
the end。

'The real Darby and Joan。'

I do not believe in the 〃Darby and Joan〃 of the song。  They belong to 
song…land。  To accept them I need a piano; a sympathetic contralto 
voice; a firelight effect; and that sentimental mood in myself; the 
foundation of which is a good dinner well digested。  But there are 
Darbys and Joans of real flesh and blood to be met withGod bless 
them; and send more for our examplewholesome living men and women; 
brave; struggling; souls with common…sense。  Ah; yes! they have 
quarrelled; had their dark house of bitterness; of hate; when he 
wished to heaven he had never met her; and told her so。  How could he 
have guessed those sweet lips could utter such cruel words; those 
tender eyes; he loved to kiss; flash with scorn and anger?

And she; had she known what lay behind; those days when he knelt 
before her; swore that his only dream was to save her from all pain。  
Passion lies dead; it is a flame that burns out quickly。  The most 
beautiful face in the world grows indifferent to us when we have sat 
opposite it every morning at breakfast; every evening at supper; for 
a brief year or two。  Passion is the seed。  Love grows from it; a 
tender sapling; beautiful to look upon; but wondrous frail; easily 
broken; easily trampled on during those first years of wedded life。  
Only by much nursing; by long caring…for; watered with tears; shall 
it grow into a sturdy tree; defiant of the winds; 'neath which Darby 
and Joan shall sit sheltered in old age。

They had commonsense; brave hearts。  Darby had expected too much。  
Darby had not made allowance for human nature which he ought to have 
done; seeing how much he had of it himself。  Joan knows he did not 
mean it。  Joan has a nasty temper; she admits it。  Joan will try; 
Darby will try。  They kiss again with tears。  It is a workaday world; 
Darby and Joan will take it as it is; will do their best。  A little 
kindness; a little clasping of the hands before night comes。

'Many ways of Love'

Youth deems it heresy; but I sometimes wonder if our English speaking 
way is quite the best。  I discussed the subject once with an old 
French lady。  The English reader forms his idea of French life from 
the French novel; it leads to mistaken notions。  There are French 
Darbys; French Joans; many thousands of them。

〃Believe me;〃 said my old French friend; 〃your English way is wrong; 
our way is not perfect; but it is the better; I am sure。  You leave 
it entirely to the young people。  What do they know of life; of 
themselves; even。  He falls in love with a pretty face。  Shehe 
danced so well! he was so agreeable that day of the picnic!  If 
marriage were only for a month or so; could be ended without harm 
when the passion was burnt out。  Ah; yes! then perhaps you would be 
right。  I loved at eighteen; madlynearly broke my heart。  I meet 
him occasionally now。  My dear〃her hair was silvery white; and I 
was only thirty…five; she always called me 〃my dear〃; it is pleasant 
at thirty…five to be talked to as a child。  〃He was a perfect brute; 
handsome he had been; yes; but all that was changed。  He was as 
stupid as an ox。  I never see his poor frightened…looking wife 
without shuddering thinking of what I have escaped。  They told me all 
that; but I looked only at his face; and did not believe them。  They 
forced me into marriage with the kindest man that ever lived。  I did 
not love him then; but I loved him for thirty years; was it not 

〃But; my dear friend;〃 I answered; 〃that poor; frightened…looking 
wife of your first love!  Her marriage also was; I take it; the 
result of parental choosing。  The love marriage; I admit; as often as 
not turns out sadly。  The children choose ill。  Parents also choose 
ill。  I fear there is no sure receipt for the happy marriage。〃

〃You are arguing from bad examples;〃 answered my silver…haired 
friend; 〃it is the system that I am defending。  A young girl is no 
judge of character。  She is easily deceived; is wishful to be 
deceived。  As I have said; she does not even know herself。  She 
imagines the mood of the moment will remain with her。  Only those who 
have watched over her with loving insight from her infancy know her 
real temperament。

〃The young man is blinded by his passion。  Nature knows nothing of 
marriage; of companionship。  She has only one aim。  That 
accomplished; she is indifferent to the future of those she has 
joined together。  I would have parents think only of their children's 
happiness; giving to worldly considerations their true value; but 
nothing beyond; choosing for their children with loving care; with 
sense of their great responsibility。〃

'Which is it?'

〃I fear our young people would not be contented with our choosing;〃 I 

〃Are they so contented with their own; the honeymoon over?〃 she 
responded with a smile。

We agreed it was a difficult problem viewed from any point。

But I still think it would be better were we to heap less ridicule 
upon the institution。  Matrimony cannot be 〃holy〃 and ridiculous at 
the same time。  We have been familiar with it long enough to make up 
our minds in which light to regard it。


'Man and his Tailor。'

What's wrong with the 〃Made…up Tie〃?  I gather from the fashionable 
novelist that no man can wear a made…up tie and be a gentleman。  He 
may be a worthy man; clever; well…to…do; eligible from every other 
point of view; but She; the refined heroine; can never get over the 
fact that he wears a made…up tie。  It causes a shudder down her high…
bred spine whenever she thinks of it。  There is nothing else to be 
said against him。  There is nothing worse about him than thishe 
wears a made…up tie。  It is all sufficient。  No true woman could ever 
care for him; no really classy society ever open its doors to him。

I am worried about this thing because; to confess the horrid truth; I 
wear a made…up tie myself。  On foggy afternoons I steal out of the 
house disguised。  They ask me where I am going in a hat that comes 
down over my ears; and why I am wearing blue spectacles and a false 
beard; but I will not tell them。  I creep along the wall till I find 
a common hosier's shop; and then; in an assumed voice; I tell the man 
what it is I want。  They come to fourpence halfpenny each; by taking 
the half…dozen I get them for a trifle less。  They are put on in a 
moment; and; to my vulgar eye; look neat and tasteful。

Of course; I know I am not a gentleman。  I have given up hopes of 
ever being one。  Years ago; when life presented possibilities; I 
thought that with pains and intelligence I might become one。  I never 
succeeded。  It all depends on being able to tie a bow。  Round the 
bed…post; or the neck of the water…jug; I could tie the wretched 
thing to perfection。  If only the bed…post or the water…jug could 
have taken my place and gone to the party instead of me; life would 
have been simpler。  The bed…post and the water…jug; in its neat white 
bow; looked like a gentlemanthe fas

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