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the horse and his boy_c,s,装叟帽-及6准

弌傍 the horse and his boy_c,s,装叟帽 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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the night。 i directed my course not to the  woods where my father supposed that i would go but north and east to tashbaan。

;now for three days and more i knew that my father would not seek me察being  deceived by the words i had said to him。 and on the fourth day we arrived at the  city of azim balda。 now azim balda stands at the meeting of many roads and from it the  posts of the tisroc may he live for ever ride on swift horses to every part of the  empire此and it is one of the rights and privileges of the greater tarkaans to send messages by  them。 i therefore went to the chief of the messengers in the house of imperial posts in azim  balda and said察 o dispatcher of messages察here is a letter from my uncle ahoshta  tarkaan to kidrash tarkaan lord of calavar。 take now these five crescents and cause it  to be sent to him。 and the chief of the messengers said察 to hear is to obey。  ;this letter was feigned to be written by ahoshta and this was the  signification of the writing此 ahoshta tarkaan to kidrash tarkaan察salutation and peace。 in the  name of tash the irresistible察the inexorable。 be it known to you that as i made my  journey towards your house to perform the contract of marriage between me and your daughter  aravis tarkheena察it pleased fortune and the gods that i fell in with her in the  forest when she had ended the rites and sacrifices of zardeenah according to the custom of  maidens。 and when i learned who she was察being delighted with her beauty and discretion察 i became inflamed with love and it appeared to me that the sun would be dark to me  if i did not marry her at once。 accordingly i prepared the necessary sacrifices and  married your daughter the same hour that i met her and have returned with her to my own  house。 and we both pray and charge you to e hither as speedily as you may that we  may be delighted with your face and speech察and also that you may bring with you  the dowry of my wife察which察by reason of my great charges and expenses察i require  without delay。

and because thou and i are brothers i assure myself that you will not be  angered by the haste of my marriage which is wholly occasioned by the great love i bear  your daughter。

and i mit you to the care of all the gods。  ;as soon as i had done this i rode on in all haste from azim balda察fearing  no pursuit and expecting that my father察having received such a letter察would send  messages to ahoshta or go to him himself察and that before the matter was discovered i should be  beyond tashbaan。 and that is the pith of my story until this very night when i was  chased by lions and met you at the swimming of the salt water。

;and what happened to the girl ´ the one you drugged拭─asked shasta。

;doubtless she was beaten for sleeping late察─said aravis coolly。 ;but she  was a tool and spy of my stepmothers。 i am very glad they should beat her。

;i say察that was hardly fair察─said shasta。

;i did not do any of these things for the sake of pleasing you察─said  aravis。

;and theres another thing i dont understand about that story察─said  shasta。 ;youre not grown up察i dont believe youre any older than i am。 i dont believe  youre as old。 how could you be getting married at your age垂

aravis said nothing察but bree at once said察 shasta察dont display your  ignorance。 theyre always married at that age in the great tarkaan families。

shasta turned very red though it was hardly light enough for the others to  see this and felt snubbed。 aravis asked bree for his story。 bree told it察and shasta  thought that he put in a great deal more than he needed about the falls and the bad riding。  bree obviously thought it very funny察but aravis did not laugh。 when bree had finished  they all went to sleep。

next day all four of them察two horses and two humans察continued their  journey together。

shasta thought it had been much pleasanter when he and bree were on their  own。 for now it was bree and aravis who did nearly all the talking。 bree had lived a  long time in calormen and had always been among tarkaans and tarkaans horses察and so of  course he knew a great many of the same people and places that aravis knew。 she  would always be saying things like察 but if you were at the fight of zulindreh you would  have seen my cousin alimash察─and bree would answer察 oh察yes察alimash察he was only  captain of the chariots察you know。 i dont quite hold with chariots or the kind of horses  who draw chariots。 thats not real cavalry。 but he is a worthy nobleman。 he filled  my nosebag with sugar after the taking of teebeth。; or else bree would say察 i was down at  the lake of mezreel that summer察─and aravis would say察 oh察mezreel i had a friend  there察lasaraleen tarkheena。 what a delightful place it is。 those gardens察and the  valley of the thousand perfumes ─bree was not in the least trying to leave shasta out of  things察though shasta sometimes nearly thought he was。 people who know a lot of the  same things can hardly help talking about them察and if youre there you can  hardly help feeling that youre out of it。

hwin the mare was rather shy before a great war´horse like bree and said  very little。 and aravis never spoke to shasta at all if she could help it。

soon察however察they had more important things to think of。 they were  getting near tashbaan。 there were more察and larger察villages察and more people on the  roads。 they now did nearly all their travelling by night and hid as best they could  during the day。 and  

at every halt they argued and argued about what they were to do when they  reached tashbaan。 everyone had been putting off this difficulty察but now it could  be put off no longer。 during these discussions aravis became a little察a very little察 less unfriendly to shasta察one usually gets on better with people when one is making plans  than when one is talking about nothing in particular。

bree said the first thing now to do was to fix a place where they would all  promise to meet on the far side of tashbaan even if察by any ill luck察they got  separated in passing the city。 he said the best place would be the tombs of the ancient kings on the  very edge of the desert。 ;things like great stone bee´hives察─he said察 you cant  possibly miss them。

and the best of it is that none of the calormenes will go near them because  they think the place is haunted by ghouls and are afraid of it。; aravis asked if it wasnt  really haunted by ghouls。 but bree said he was a free narnian horse and didnt believe in  these calormene tales。 and then shasta said he wasnt a calormene either and didnt care a  straw about these old stories of ghouls。 this wasnt quite true。 but it rather  impressed aravis though at the moment it annoyed her too and of course she said she didnt mind  any number of ghouls either。 so it was settled that the tombs should be their assembly  place on the other side of tashbaan察and everyone felt they were getting on very well  till hwin humbly pointed out that the real problem was not where they should go when  they had got through tashbaan but how they were to get through it。

;well settle that tomorrow察maam察─said bree。 ;time for a little sleep  now。

but it wasnt easy to settle。 araviss first suggestion was that they  should swim across the river below the city during the night and not go into tashbaan at all。 but  bree had two reasons against this。 one was that the river´mouth was very wide and it  would be far too long a swim for hwin to do察especially with a rider on her back。 he  thought it would be too long for himself too察but he said much less about that。 the other was  that it would be full of shipping and of course anyone on the deck of a ship who saw two  horses swimming past would be almost certain to be inquisitive。

shasta thought they should go up the river above tashbaan and cross it  where it was narrower。 but bree explained that there were gardens and pleasure houses on  both banks of the river for miles and that there would be tarkaans and tarkheenas  living in them and riding about the roads and having water parties on the river。 in fact it  would be the most likely place in the world for meeting someone who would recognize aravis or  even himself。

;well have to have a disguise察─said shasta。

hwin said it looked to her as if the safest thing was to go right through  the city itself from gate to gate because one was less likely to be noticed in the crowd。 but  she approved of the idea of disguise as well。 she said察 both the human will have to dress  in rags and look like peasants or slaves and all araviss armour and our saddles and things  must be made into bundles and put on our backs察and the children must pretend to drive  us and people will think were on pack´horses。

;my dear hwin ─said aravis rather scornfully。 ;as anyone could mistake  bree for anything but a war´hors however you disguised him≠

;i should think not察indeed察─said bree察snorting an letting his ears go  ever so little back。

;i know its not a very good plan察─said hwin。 ;but i think its our only  chance。 and we havent been groomed for ages and were not looking quite ourselves at  least察im sure im not。 i do think if we get well plastered with mud and go along with  our heads down as if were ti

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