the golden chersonese and the way thither-及70准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
and an elephant's tusk察the whole not weighing 100 lbs。
Mr。 Low was already at his work察writing and nursing Eblis at the same
time察the wild ape sitting on a beam looking on。 I left察wishing I were
coming instead of going察and had a delightful ride of eighteen miles。
The little horse walked very fast and cantered easily。 How peaceful
Perak is now察to allow of a lady riding so far through the jungle with
only an unarmed Malay attendant Major M'Nair writes此 The ordinary
native is a simple察courteous being察who joins with an intense love of
liberty a great affection for his simple home and its belongings察─and
I quite believe him。 Stories of amok running察 piracies察─treachery
revenge察poisoned krises察and assassinations察have been made very much
of察and any crime or slight disturbance in the native States throws the
Settlements into a panic。 It must have been under the influence of one
of these that such a large sea and land force was sent to Perak three
years ago。 Crime in the Malay districts in these States is so rare
that were it not for the Chinese察a few policemen would be all the
force that would be needed。 The ;village system察─the old Malay system
with its head man and village officials察though formerly abused察seems
under the new regime to work well察and by it the Malays have been long
accustomed to a species of self´government察and to the maintenance of
law and order。 I notice that all the European officials who speak their
language and act righteously toward them like them very much察and this
says much in their favor。
I met with no adventures on the journey。 I had a delightful canter of
several miles before the sun was above the tree´tops察the morning
mists察rose´flushed察rolled grandly away察and just as I reached the
beautiful pass of Bukit Berapit察the apes were hooting their morning
hymn察and the forests rang with the joyous trills and songs of birds。
;All Thy works praise Thee察O Lord
There were gorgeous butterflies。 Among them I noticed one with the
upper part of its body and the upper side of its wings of jet black
velvet察and the lower half of its body and the under side of its wings
of peacock´blue velvet察spotted察another of the same ;make察─but with
gold instead of blue察and a third with the upper part of the body and
wings of black velvet with cerise spots察the lower part of the body
cerise察and the under side of the wings white with cerise spots。 All
these measured fully five inches across their expanded wings。 In one
opening only I counted thirty´seven varieties of these brilliant
creatures察not in hundreds but in thousands察mixed up with blue and
crimson dragon´flies and iridescent flies察all joyous in the sunshine。
The loud´tongued stream of crystal water was very full察and through the
deep greenery察and among the great察gray察granite boulders察it flung
its broad drifts of foam察rejoicing in its strength察and every green
thing leaned lovingly toward it or stooped to touch it察and all
exquisite things which love damp察all tender mosses and selaginellas
all shade´loving ferns and aroids察flourish round it in perennial
beauty察while high above察in the sunshine察amid birds and butterflies
the graceful areca palm struggles with the feathery bamboo for
precarious root´hold on rocky ledges察and spikes of rose´crimson
blossoms察and dark green fronds of bananas察and all the leafy wealth
born of moisture and sunshine察cling about it tenderly。 And lower down
the great forest trees arch over it察and the sunbeams trickle through
them察and dance in many a quiet pool察turning the far´down sands to
gold察brightening majestic tree´ferns察and shining on the fragile
polypodium tamariscinum which clings tremblingly to the branches of the
graceful waringhan察on a beautiful lygodium which adorns the uncouth
trunk of an artocarpus察on glossy ginger´worts and trailing yams察on
climbers and epiphytes察and on gigantic lianas which察climbing to the
tops of the tallest trees察descend in vast festoons察many of them with
orange and scarlet flowers and fruitage察passing from tree to tree察and
interlacing the forest with a living network察while selaginellas and
lindsayas察and film ferns察and trichomanes radicans drape the rocks in
feathery green察along with mosses scarcely distinguishable from ferns。
Little rivulets flash out in foam among the dark foliage察and mingle
their musical warble with the deep bass of the torrent察and there are
twilight depths of leafy shade into which the sunshine never
penetrates察damp and cool察in which the music of the water is all too
sweet察and the loveliness too entrancing察creating that sadness hardly
;akin to pain; which is latent in all intense enjoyment。
Gunong Pondok察the limestone butte察twelve hundred feet in nearly
perpendicular height察showed all its brilliancy of color察and Gunong
Bubu察one of the highest mountains in Perak察reared his granite crest
above the forest。 The lotus lake at Bukit Gantang was infinitely more
beautiful than under the grayer sky of Friday察a thousand rosy vases
were drinking in the sunshine察and ten thousand classic leaves were
spreading their blue´green shields below them察all nature smiled and
sang。 I was loath to exchange my good horse for a gharrie察with a Kling
driver draped slightly in Turkey´red cotton sitting on the shafts察who
statuesque as he was察had a far less human expression than Mahmoud and
Eblis。 In the noonday the indigo´colored Hijan hills察with their
swollen waterfall coming down in a sheet of foam察looked cool察but as
we dashed through Taipeng I felt overpowered once more by what seems
the ;wearing world察─after beautiful察silent Kwala Kangsa察for there
are large shops with gaudy sign´boards察stalls in the streets察tribal
halls察buffalo´carts with buffaloes yoked singly察for the spread of
their huge horns is so great that they cannot be yoked in pairs察trains
of carts with cinnamon´colored察humped bullocks yoked in pairs standing
at shop doors察gharries with fiery Sumatra ponies dashing about察crowds
of Chinese coolies察busy and half´naked察filling the air with the din
of their ceaseless industry察and all the epitomized stir of a world
which toils察and strives察and thirsts for gain。
But I must give these coolies their due察for in some ways they show
more self´respect than the ordinary English laborer察inasmuch as in bad
times they don't become chargeable to anyone察and when the price of the
commodity which they produce falls察as that of tin has done察instead of
;striking; and abusing everybody all round察they accept the situation
keep quiet察live more frugally察and work for lower wages till things
mend。 But I don't intend to hold up the Taipeng Chinese as patterns of
the virtues in other respects察for they are not。 They are turbulent
and crime察growing chiefly out of their passion for gain察is very rife
among them。 The first thing I heard on arriving here was that a Chinese
gang had waylaid a revenue officer in one of the narrow creeks察and
that his hacked and mutilated body had drifted down to Permatang this
Mr。 Maxwell tells me that察as he returned from escorting me to Bukit
Gantang察he overtook a gharrie with a Malay woman in it察and
dismounting joined her husband who was walking察but did not speak to
the woman。 to´day the man told him that his wife woke the following
night with a scream which was succeeded by a trance察and that察knowing
that a devil had entered into her察he sent for a pawan a wise man or
sorcerer察who on arriving asked questions of the bad spirit察who
answered with the woman's tongue。 ;How did you come拭─ With the tuan察
i。e。察Mr。 Maxwell。 ;How did you come with him拭─ On the tail of his
gray horse。; ;Where from拭─ Changat´Jering。; The husband said that
these Changat´Jering devils were very bad ones。 The pawan then
exorcised the devil察and burned strong´smelling drugs under the woman's
nose察after which he came out of her察and she fell asleep察the ;wise
man; receiving a fee。
I never heard of any country of such universal belief in devils
familiars察omens察ghosts察sorceries察and witchcrafts。 The Malays have
many queer notions about tigers察and usually only speak of them in
whispers察because they think that certain souls of human beings who
have departed this life have taken up their abode in these beasts察and
in some places察for this reason察they will not kill a tiger unless he
commits some specially bad aggression。 They also believe that some men
are tigers by night and men by day
The pelisit察the bad spirit which rode on the tail of Mr。 Maxwell's
horse察is supposed to be the ghost of a woman who has died in
childbirth。 In the form of a large bird uttering a harsh cry察it is
believed to haunt forests and burial´grounds and to afflict children。
The Malays have a bottle´imp察the polong察which will take no other
sustenance than the blood of its owner察but it rewards him by aiding
him in carrying out revengeful purposes。 The harmless owl has strange
superstitions attaching to it察and is called the ;specter bird察─you
may remember that the fear of encountering it was one of the reasons
why the Permatang Pasir men would not go with us through the jungle to