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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及55准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

coast察with the trees in straight lines forming long察broad avenues
which have a certain gloomy grandeur about them。 Then come sugarcane
and padi察and then palm plantations again。

The cocoa´nut palm grows best near salt water察no matter how loose and
sandy the soil is察and in these congenial circumstances needs neither
manure nor care of any kind。 It bends lovingly toward the sea察and
drops its ripe fruit into it。 But if it is planted more than two
hundred yards from the beach察it needs either rich or well´manured
soil察or the proximity of human habitations。 It begins to bear fruit
between its fourth and tenth years察according to soil察and a
well´placed察generous tree bears from one hundred and forty to one
hundred and fifty nuts a year。  They are of wonderfully slow growth。 It
is three months from the time the blossom appears before the fruit
sets察then it takes six months to grow察and three months more to ripen
and after that will hang two months on the tree before it
fallsfourteen months from the first appearance of the flower

It is certainly not beautiful as grown in Province Wellesley察and I am
becoming faithless to my allegiance to it in this region of areca and
other more graceful palms。

In returning we saw many Malay kampongs under the palms察each with a
fire lighted underneath it察and there were many other fires for the
water´buffaloes察with groups of these uncouth brutes gathered
invariably on the leeward side察glad to be smoked rather than bitten by
the mosquitoes。  These huge察thin´skinned animals have a strange
antipathy to white people。 They are petted and caressed by the Malays
and even small boys can do anything with them察and can ride upon their
backs察but constantly when they see white people they raise their
muzzles察and if there be room charge them madly。 A buffalo is
enormously strong察but he objects to the sun察and likes to bathe in
rivers察and plaster himself with mud察and his tastes are much humored
by his owners。 A buffalo has often been known to vanquish a tiger when
both have had fair play。 Most of the drive back was accomplished by
nearly incessant flashes of sheet lightning。

We had a most pleasant evening。 Mrs。 Isemonger察who is a sister of Mr。
Maxwell察my present host察is gentle察thoughtful察well´informed察and
studious察and instead of creating and living in an artificial English
atmosphere which is apt to make a residence in a foreign country a very
unproductive period察she has interested herself in the Malays察and has
not only acquired an excellent knowledge of Malayan察but is translating
a Malayan book。

I felt much humiliated by my ignorance of Province Wellesley察of which
in truth I had never heard until I reached Malacca。 It is a mere strip
however察only thirty´five miles long by about ten broad察but it is
highly cultivated察fertile察rich察prosperous察and populous。 From Pinang
one sees its broad stretches of bright green sugar´cane and the
chimneys of its sugar factories察and it grows rice and cocoa´nuts察and
is actually more populous than Pinang or Malacca察and contains as many
Malays as Sungei Ujong察Selangor and Pinang togetherfifty´eight
thousand  Mr。 Maxwell had promised to bring the Kinta察a steam´
launch察across from Georgetown by 8 P。M。察and it shows how very
pleasant the evening was察that though I was very tired察eight察nine
ten察and eleven came察and the conversation never flagged。

Soon after eleven the Kinta appeared察a black shadow on a silver sea
roaring for a boat察but the surf was so heavy that it was some time
before the police boat was got off察and then Mr。 Maxwell察whose cheery
energetic voice precedes him察and Mr。 Walker landed察bullying
everybody察as people often do when they know that they are the
delinquents It was lovely in the white moonlight with the curving
shadows of palms on the dewy grass察the grace of the drooping
casuarinas察the shining water察and the long drift of surf。 It was hard
to get off察and the surf broke into the boat察but when we were once
through it察the sea was like oil察the oars dripped flame察and察seen
from the water察the long line of surf broke on the shore not in snow
but in a long drift of greenish fire。

The Kinta is a steam´launch of the Perak Government。 Her boilers察to
use an expressive Japanese phrase察are ;very sick察─and she is not
nearly so fine as the Abdulsamat察but a quiet察peaceful boat察without
any pretensions察and really any ;old tub; is safe on the Straits of
Malacca except in a ;Sumatran。; I stayed on deck for some time enjoying
the exquisite loveliness of the night察and the vivacity of two of my
companions察Mr。 Maxwell察the Assistant Resident here察a really able and
most energetic man察very argumentative察bright察and pleasant察and
Captain Walker察A。D。C。 to Sir W。  Robinson察on his way from the
ceaseless gayeties of Government House at Singapore to take command of
the Sikh military police in the solitary jungles of Perak。 The third
Mr。 Innes察Superintendent of Lower Perak察whose wife so nearly lost her
life in the horrible affair at Pulo Pangkor察was in dejected spirits
as if the swamps of Durion Sabatang had been too much for him。

The little cabin below was frightfully hot察and I shared it not only
with two nice Malay boys察sons of the exiled Abdullah察the late Sultan
who are being educated at Malacca察but with a number of large and
rampant rats。  Finding the heat and rats unbearable察I went on deck in
the rosy dawn察just as we were entering the Larut river察a muddy
stream察flowing swiftly between dense jungles and mangrove swamps察and
shores of shining slime察on which at low water the alligators bask in
the sunone of the many rivers of the Peninsula which do not widen at
their mouths。

The tide was high and the river brimming full察looking as if it must
drown all the forest察and the trestle´work roots on which the mangroves
are hoisted were all submerged。 It is a silent察lonely land察all
densely green。 Many an uprooted palm with its golden plumes and wealth
of golden husked nuts came floating down on the swirling waters察and
many a narrow creek well suited for murder察overarched with trees察and
up which one might travel far and still be among mangrove swamps and
alligators察came down into the Larut river察and once we passed a small
clearing察where some industrious Chinamen are living in huts on some
festering slime between the river and the jungle察and once a police
station on stilts察where six policemen stood in a row and saluted as we
passed察and at seven we reached Teluk Kartang察with a pier察a long
shed察two or three huts察and some officialism察white and partly white
all in a ;dismal swamp。; A small but very useful Chinese trading
steamer察the Sri Sarawak察was lying against the pier察and we landed
over her filthy deck察on which filthy Chinese swine察among half´naked
men almost as filthy察were wrangling for decomposing offal。 Dismal as
this place looks察an immense trade in imports and exports is done
there察and all the tin from the rich mines of the district is sent
thence to Pinang for transhipment。

While my friends transacted business察I waited for an age in an empty
office where was one chair察a table dark with years of ink splotches察a
mouldy inkstand察a piece of an old almanac察and an empty gin bottle。
Outside察cockle´shells were piled against the wall察then there were
ditches or streamlets cutting through profuse and almost loathsome
vegetation察and shining slime fat and iridescent察swarming with
loathsome forms of insect and reptile life all rioting under the fierce
sun察and among them察almost odious by proximity to such vileness察were
small crabs with shells of a heavenly blue。 The strong vegetable stench
was nearly overpowering察but I wrote to you and worked at your
embroidery a little察and so got through this detention pleasantly察as
through many a longer察though never a hotter one。

After a time three gharries arrived察and Mr。 Innes and I went in one
the two other gentlemen in another察and Sultan Abdullah's boys in the
third。 No amount of world´wide practice in the getting in and out of
strange vehicles is any help to the tortuous process necessary for
mounting and dismounting from a Larut gharrie。 A gharrie is a two´
wheeled cart with a seat across it for two people and a board in front
on which the driver sits when he is not running by his horse。 This
board and the low roof which covers the whole produce the complication
in getting in and out。 The bottom of the cart is filled up with grass
and leaves察and you put your feet on the board in front察and the little
rats of fiery Sumatra ponies察which will run till they drop察jolt you
along at great speed。 Klings察untroubled by much clothing察own and
drive these vehicles察which are increasing rapidly。 The traffic on the
road of heavy buffalo carts察loaded with tin察cuts it up so badly that
without care one might often be thrown upon the pony's back at the
river end of it。

Near the port we met three elephants察the centre one of great size
rolling along察one of them with a mahout seated behind his great
flapping ears。 These are part of the regalia of the deposed Sultan察and
were sent down from the interior for 

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