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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及44准

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stars察and it always lies aslant and obvious。  It has become to me as
much a friend as is the Plough of the northern regions。

At daybreak the next morning we were steaming up the Klang river察whose
low shores are entirely mangrove swamps察and when the sun was high and
hot we anchored in front of the village of Klang察where a large fort on
an eminence察with grass embankments in which guns are mounted察is the
first prominent object。 Above this is a large wooden bungalow with an
attap roof察which is the British Residency。 There was no air察and the
British ensign in front of the house hung limp on the flag´staff。 Below
there is a village察with clusters of Chinese houses on the ground察and
Malay houses on stilts察standing singly察with one or two Government
offices bulking largely among them。 A substantial flight of stone steps
leads from the river to a skeleton jetty with an attap roof察and near
it a number of attap´roofed boats were lying察loaded with slabs of tin
from the diggings in the interior察to be transhipped to Pinang。 A
dainty steam´launch察the Abdulsamat察nominally the Sultan's yacht
flying a large red and yellow flag察was also lying in the river。

Mr。 Bloomfield Douglas察the Resident察a tall察vigorous察elderly man
with white hair察a florid complexion察and a strong voice heard
everywhere in authoritative tones察met me with a four´oared boat察and a
buggy with a good Australian horse brought me here。 From this house
there is a large but not a beautiful view of river windings察rolling
jungle察and blue hills。 The lower part of the house察which is supported
on pillars察is mainly open察and is used for billiard´room察church
lounging´room察afternoon tea´room察and audience´room察but I see nothing
of the friendly察easy´going to and fro of Chinese and Malays察which
was a pleasant feature of the Residency in Sungei Ujong。 In fact察there
is here much of the appearance of an armed post amidst a hostile
population。 In front of the Residency there is a six´pounder flanked by
two piles of shot。 Behind it there is a guard´room察with racks of
rifles and bayonets for the Resident's body´guard of twelve men察and
quarters for the married soldiers察for soldiers they are察though they
are called policemen。 A gong hangs in front of the porch on which to
sound the alarm察and a hundred men fully armed can turn out at five
minutes' notice。

The family consists of the Resident察his wife察a dignified and gracious
woman察with a sweet but plaintive expression of countenance察and an
afflicted daughter察on whom her mother attends with a loving察vigilant
and ceaseless devotion of a most pathetic kind。 The circle is completed
by a handsome black monkey tied to a post察and an ape which they call
an ouf察from the solitary monosyllable which it utters察but which I
believe to be the ;agile gibbon察─a creature so delicate that it has
never yet survived a voyage to England。

It is a beautiful creature。 I could ;put off; hours of time with it。 It
walks on its hind legs with a curious human walk察hanging its long arms
down by its sides like B´。  It will walk quietly by your side like
another person。 It has nice dark eyes察with well´formed lids like ours
a good nose察a human mouth with very nice white teeth察and a very
pleasant cheery look when it smiles察but when its face is at rest the
expression is sad and wistful。 It spends a good deal of its time in
swinging itself most energetically。 It has very pretty fingers and
finger´nails。 It looks fearfully near of kin to us察and yet the gulf is
measureless。 It can climb anywhere察and take long leaps。  This morning
it went into a house in which a cluster of bananas is hanging察leaped
up to the roof察and in no time had peeled two察which it ate very
neatly。 It has not even a rudimentary tail。 When it sits with its arms
folded it looks like a gentlemanly person in a close´fitting fur suit。

The village of Klang is not interesting。 It looks like a place which
has ;seen better days察─and does not impress one favorably as regards
the prosperity of the State。 Above it the river passes through rich
alluvial deposits察well adapted for sugar察rice察and other products of
low´lying tropical lands察but though land can be purchased on a system
of deferred payments for two dollars an acre察these lands are still
covered with primeval jungle。 Steam´launches and flattish´bottomed
native boats go up the river eighteen miles farther to a village called
Damarsara察from which a good country road has been made to the great
Chinese village and tin mines of Kwala Lumpor。 The man´eating tigers
which almost until now infested the old jungle track察have been driven
back察and plantations of tobacco察tapioca察and rice have been started
along the road。 On a single Chinese plantation察near Kwala Lumpor
there are over two thousand acres of tapioca under cultivation察and the
enterprising Chinaman who owns it has imported European steam machinery
for converting the tapioca roots into the marketable article。 Whatever
enterprise I hear of in the interior is always in the hands of
Chinamen。 Klang looks as if an incubus oppressed it察and possibly the
Chinese are glad to be as far as possible from the seat of what
impresses me as a fussy Government。 At all events察Klang察from whatever
cause察has a blighted look察and deserted houses rapidly falling into
decay察overgrown roads察fields choked with weeds察and an absence of
life and traffic in the melancholy streets察have a depressing
influence。 The people are harassed by a vexatious and uncertain system
of fees and taxes察calculated to engender ill feeling察and things
connected with the administration seem somewhat ;mixed。;

You will be almost tired of the Chinese察but the more I see of them the
more I am impressed by them。 These States察as well as Malacca察would be
jungles with a few rice clearings among them were it not for their
energy and industry。  Actually the leading man察not only at Kwala
Lumpor now the seat of government察but in Selangor察is Ah Loi察a
Chinaman During the disturbances before we ;advised; the State察the
Malays burned the town of Kwala Lumpor three times察and he rebuilt it
and察in spite of many disasters stuck to it at the earnest request of
the native government。 He has made long roads for the purpose of
connecting the most important of the tin mines with the town。 His
countrymen place implicit confidence in him察and Mr。 Syers察the
admirable superintendent of police察tells me that by his influence and
exertions he has so successfully secured peace and order in his town
and district that during many years not a single serious crime has been
committed。 He employs on his estatein mines察brickfields察and
plantationsover four thousand men。 He has the largest tapioca estate
in the country and the best machinery。 He has introduced the
manufacture of bricks察has provided the sick with an asylum察has been
loyal to British interests察has been a most successful administrator in
the populous district intrusted to him察and has dispensed justice to
the complete satisfaction of his countrymen。 While he is the creator of
the commercial interests of Selangor察he is a man of large aims and of
an enlightened public spirit。 Is there no decoration of St。  Michael or
St。 George in reserve for Ah Loi* So far察however察from receiving any
suitable recognition of his services察it is certain that Ah Loi's
claims for compensation for losses察etc。察have not yet been settled。
*The months after my visit察Ah Loi received the Sultan of Selangor for
several days with great magnificence察and in July察1880察he entertained
the Governor of the Straits Settlements and his suite with yet greater
splendor察erecting for the occasion a fine banqueting´hall with open

Sir F。 A。 Weld writes of this visit;At Kwala Lumpor察besides the
reception and a dinner at the Capitan China's察a Chinese theatrical
performance was given representing a sultan and great rajahs
quarreling察but laying aside their quarrels on the appearance of a
'governor' who pacifies the country。 Addresses and odes were also sung
and recited to me from the stage察and the performers representing the
great personages prostrated themselves and made obeisances。  The
dresses were all real hand´worked gold and silver embroidery on thick
silks of the richest colors。 The princes were attended by their
warriors察some of whose helmets and arms were magnificent察with banners
and feather standards察and coats of arms察or their equivalents察borne
aloft by heralds察ladies also appeared察one a prima´donna察other
actresses rode hobby´horses察only the head of the woman and hobby´horse
being visible in the clouds of silk and gold。 Jesters jested察and
tumblers察in blue察loose tunics and wide scarlet trousers察shot across
the stage when there was any room in front of the crowd of actors with
the rapidity of meteors。 The pace was too great to be even sure that
they were human beings。 I have seen Kean's Shakespearian revival
pageants formerly in London察but I never realized what a mediaeval
court pageant might have been till in the heart of the Malay Peninsula
I saw the most gorgeous combination of color and picturesque effect
that I have ev

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