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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及40准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

ants looking like officers marching on both sides of the column察and
sometimes turning back as if to give orders。 Would that Sir John
Lubbock had been there to interpret their speech

Each ant of the column bore a yellowish burden察not too large to
interfere with his activity。 A column marshaled in the same fashion
but only half the width of the other察emerged equally continuously from
the lower entrance。 From the smaller size of this column I suppose that
a number of the carrier ants remain within察stowing away their burdens
in store´houses。 Attending this latter column for eighteen paces察I
came upon a marvelous scene of orderly activity。 A stump of a tree
from which the outer bark had been removed察leaving an under layer
apparently permeated with a rich察sweet secretion察was completely
covered with ants察which were removing the latter in minute portions。
Strange to say察however察a quantity of reddish ants of much larger size
and with large mandibles seemed to do the whole work of stripping off
this layer。 They were working from above察and had already bared some
inches of the stump察which was four feet six inches in diameter。 As the
small morsels fell among the myriads of ants which swarmed round the
base they were broken up察three or four ants sometimes working at one
bit till they had reduced it into manageable portions。 It was a
splendid sight to see this vast and busy crowd inspired by a common
purpose察and with the true instinct of discipline察forever forming into
column at the foot of the stump。

Toward dusk the reddish ants察which may be termed quarriers察gave up
work察and this was the signal for the workers below to return home。 The
quarriers came down the stump pushing the laborers察rather rudely as I
thought察out of their way察and then forming in what might be called
;light skirmishing order察─they marched to the lower entrance of the
town察meeting as they went the column of workers going up to the stump。
They met it of course at once察and a minute of great helter´skelter
followed察this column falling back on itself as if assailed察in great
confusion。 If this be the ordinary day's routine察why does that column
fall into confusion察and why察after throwing it into disorder察do the
reddish ants close their ranks and march into the town in compact
order察parallel with the working column going the other way察and which
they seemed to terrorize拭Is it possible that the smaller ants are only
slaves of the larger拭Inscrutable are the ways of ants  However察when
the advancing column had recovered from its confusion it formed up
and察wheeling round in most regular order察fell behind the rear´guard
of the working column察and before dark not an ant remained outside
except a dead body。

Soon after the last of its living comrades had disappeared察six ants
with a red one dare I say殖 ;in command察─came out and seemed to hold
a somewhat fussy consultation round the corpse which had fallen on the
line of march to the stump。 After a minute or two察three of them got
hold of it察and with the other four as spectators or mourners察they
dragged it for about six feet and concealed it under a leaf察after
which they returned home察all this was most fascinating。 A little later
Captain Murray destroyed both entrances to the town察but before
daylight察by dint of extraordinary labor察they were reconstructed lower
down the slope察and the work at the stump was going on as if nothing so
unprecedented had happened。

I should have liked also to study the ways of the white ant察the great
timber´destroying pest of this country察which abounds on this hill。 He
is a large ant of a pale buff color。  Up the trunk of a tree he builds
a tunnel of sand察held together by a viscid secretion察and under this
he works察cutting a deep groove in the wood察and always extending the
tunnel upward。 I broke away two inches of such a tunnel in the
afternoon察and by the next morning it was restored。  Among many other
varieties of ants察there is one found by the natives察which people call
the ;soldier ant。; I saw many of these big fellows察more than an inch
long察with great mandibles。 Their works must be on a gigantic scale
and their bite or grip very painful察but being with a party察I was not
able to make their acquaintance。

When it grew dark察tiny lamps began to move in all directions。 Some
came from on high察like falling stars察but most moved among the trees a
few feet from the ground with a slow undulatory motion察the fire having
a pale blue tinge察as one imagines an incandescent sapphire might have。
The great tree´crickets kept up for a time the most ludicrous sound I
ever heardone sitting in a tree and calling to another。 From the
deafening noise察which at times drowned our voices察one would suppose
the creature making it to be at least as large as an eagle。

The accommodation of the ;Sanitarium; is most limited。 The two
gentlemen察well armed察slept in the veranda察the Misses Shaw in camp
beds in the inner cabin察and I in a swinging cot in the outer察the
table being removed to make room for it。 The bull´dog mounted guard
over all察and showed his vigilance by an occasional growl。 The eleven
attendants stowed themselves away under the cabin察except a garrulous
couple察who kept the fire blazing till daylight。 My cot was most
comfortable察but I failed to sleep。 The forest was full of quaint察busy
noises察broken in upon occasionally by the hoot of the ;spectre bird察
and the long察low察plaintive cry of some animal。

All the white residents in the Malacca Settlements have been greatly
excited about a tragedy which has just occurred at the Dindings察off
this coast察in which Mr。  Lloyd察the British superintendent察was
horribly murdered by the Chinese察his wife察and Mrs。 Innes察who was on
a visit to her察narrowly escaping the same fate。 Lying awake I could
not help thinking of this察and of the ease with which the Resident
could be overpowered and murdered by any of our followers who might
have a grudge against him察when察as I thought察the door behind my head
from the back ladder was burst open察and my cot and I came down on the
floor at the head察the simple fact being察that the head´rope察not
having been properly secured察gave way with a run。 An hour afterward
the foot´ropes gave way察and I was deposited on the floor altogether
and was soon covered with small ants。

Early in the morning the apes began to call to each other with a
plaintive ;Hoo´houey察─and in the gray dawn I saw an iguana fully four
feet long glide silently down the trunk of a tree察the branches of
which were loaded with epiphytes。 Captain Shaw asked the imaum of one
of the mosques of Malacca about alligator's eggs a few days ago察and
his reply was察that the young that went down to the sea became
alligators察and those which came up the rivers became iguanas。 At
daylight察after coffee and bananas察we left the hill察and after an
accident察promptly remedied by Mr。 Hayward察reached Serambang when the
sun was high in the heavens。 I should think that there are very few
circumstances which Mr。 Hayward is not prepared to meet。 He has a
reserve of quiet strength which I should like to see fully drawn upon。
He has the scar of a spear wound on his brow察which Captain Murray says
was received in holding sixty armed men at bay察while he secured the
retreat of some helpless persons。  Yet he continues to be much burdened
by his responsibility for these fair girls察who察however察are enjoying
themselves thoroughly察and will be none the worse。

We had scarcely returned when a large company of Chinamen察carrying
bannerets and joss´sticks察came to the Residency to give a spectacle or
miracle´play察the first part consisting of a representation of a huge
dragon察which kicked察and jumped察and crawled察and bellowed in a manner
totally unworthy of that ancient and splendid myth察and the second察of
a fierce melee察or succession of combats with spears察shields察and
battle´axes。 The performances were accompanied by much drumming察and by
the beating of tom´toms察an essentially infernal noise察which I cannot
help associating with the orgies of devil´worship。 The ;Capitan China察
in a beautiful costume察sat with us in the veranda to see the

I have written a great deal about the Chinese and very little about the
Malays察the nominal possessors of the country察but the Chinese may be
said to be everywhere察and the Malays nowhere。 You have to look for
them if you want to see them。 Besides察the Chinese are as ten to two of
the whole population。 Still the laws are administered in the name of
the Datu Klana察the Malay ruler。 The land owned by Malays is being
measured察and printed title´deeds are being given察a payment of 2s。 an
acre per annum being levied instead of any taxes on produce。 Export
duties are levied on certain articles察but the navigation of the rivers
is free。 Debt slavery察one curse of the Malay States察has been
abolished by the energy of Captain Murray with the cordial co´operation
of the Datu Klana察and now the whole population have the status and
rights of free men。 It is a great pity that this Prince is in Malacca
for he is said to be a very enlightened ruler。 The photograph

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