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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及38准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

of Trade察Board of Works察and I know not what besides。 In fact察_he is
the Government_察although the Datu Klana's signature or seal is
required to confirm a sentence of capital punishment察and possibly in
one or two other cases察and his Residential authority is subject only
to the limitations of his own honor and good sense察sharpened somewhat
were he other than what he is察by possible snubs from the Governor of
the Straits Settlements or the Colonial Secretary。 He is a thoroughly
honorable man察means well by all the interests of his little kingdom
and seems both beloved and trusted。

On Sunday morning we had English service and a sermon察the congregation
being augmented by the only other English peoplea man from Australia
who is here road´making察and his wife察and in the afternoon
disregarding a temperature of 85 degrees察we went through the Chinese
village of Serambang。

Tin is the staple product of Sungei Ujong察and until lately the Malay
peninsula and the adjacent regions were supposed to be the richest tin
producing countries in the world。  There is not a single tin mine
however察properly so´called。 The whole of the tin exported from Sungei
Ujong察which last year 1879察even at its present reduced price察was
valued at 81400 pounds察and contributed as export duty to the
Government 5800 pounds察is found in the detritus of ancient mountains
and is got察in mining parlance察in ;stream works;that is察by washing
the soil察just as gold is washed out of the soil in Australia and
California。 It is supposed that there is a sufficient supply to last
for ages察even though the demand for tin for new purposes is always on
the increase。 It is tin mining which has brought the Chinese in such
numbers to these States察and as miners and smelters they are equally
efficient and persevering。 In 1828察the number of Chinese working the
mines here was one thousand察and in the same year they were massacred
by the Malays。 They now number ten thousand察and under British
protection have nothing to fear。

It is still the New Year holidays察and hundreds of Chinamen were
lounging about察and every house was gayly decorated。  The Malays never
join house to house察the Chinese always do so察and this village has its
streets and plaza。 The houses are all to a certain extent
fire´proofthat is察when a fire occurs察and the attap´thatched roofs
are burned察the houses below察which are mostly shops察are safe。 These
shops察some of which are very large察are nearly dark。 They deal mainly
in Chinese goods and favorite Chinese articles of food察fireworks
mining tools察and kerosene oil。 In one shop twenty ;assistants察─with
only their loose cotton trousers on察were sitting at round tables
having a mealnot their ordinary diet察I should think察for they had
seventeen different sorts of soups and stews察some of them abominations
to our thinking。

We visited the little joss´house察very gaudily decorated察the main
feature of the decorations being two enormous red silk umbrellas
exquisitely embroidered in gold and silks。  The crowds in this village
remind me of Canton察but the Chinese look anything but picturesque
here察for none of themor at all events察only their ;Capitans;wear
the black satin skull cap察and their shaven heads察with the small patch
of hair which goes into the composition of the pigtail察look very ugly。
The pig´tail certainly begins with this lock of hair察but the greater
part of it is made up of silk or cotton thread plaited in with the
hair察and blue or red strands of silk in a pigtail indicate mourning or
rejoicing。 None of the Chinese here wear the beautiful long robes used
by their compatriots in China and Japan。 The rich wear a white
shirt´like garment of embroidered silk crepe over their trousers and
petticoat察and the poorer only loose blue or brown cotton trousers察so
that one is always being reminded of the excessive leanness of their
forms。 Some of the rich merchants invited us to go in and drink
champagne察but we declined everything but tea察which is ready all day
long in tea´pots kept hot in covered baskets very thickly padded察such
as are known with us as ;Norwegian Kitchens。;

In the middle of the village there is a large察covered察but open´sided
building like a market察which is crowded all dayand all night tooby
hundreds of these poor察half´naked creatures standing round the gaming
tables察silent察eager察excited察staking every cent they earn on the
turn of the dice察living on the excitement of their gainsa truly sad
spectacle。 Probably we were the first European ladies who had ever
walked through the gambling´house察but the gamblers were too intent
even to turn their heads。 There also they are always drinking tea。 Some
idea of the profits made by the men who ;farm; the gambling licenses
may be gained from the fact that the revenue derived by the Government
from the gambling ;farms; is over 900 pounds a year。

Spirits are sold in three or four places察and the license to sell them
brings in nearly 700 pounds a year察but a drunken Chinaman is never
seen。 There are a few opium inebriates察lean like skeletons察and very
vacant in expression察and every coolie smokes his three whiffs of opium
every night。 Only a few of the richer Chinamen have wives察and there
are very few women察as is usual in a mining population。 A good many
roads have been made in the State察and the Chinese are building
buggies察gharries察and wagons察and many of the richer ones own them and
import Sumatra ponies to draw them。 To say that the Chinese make as
good emigrants as the British is barely to give them their due。 They
have equal stamina and are more industrious and thrifty察and besides
that they are always sober察can bear with impunity the fiercest
tropical heat察and can thrive and save where Englishmen would starve。
The immense immigration of Chinese察all affiliated to clubs or secret
societies察might be a great risk to the peace of the State were it not
that they recognize certain leaders known as ;Capitans China察─who
contrive to preserve order察so far as is known by a wholesome influence
merely察and who in all cases察in return for the security which property
enjoys under our flag察work cordially with the Resident in all that
concerns the good of the State。 How these ;Capitans; are elected察and
how they exercise their authority察is as inscrutable as most else
belonging to the Chinese。 The Chinese seem not so much broadly
patriotic as provincial or clannish察and the ;Hoeys察─or secret
societies察belong to the different southern provinces。 The fights
between the factions察and the way in which the secret societies screen
criminals by false swearing and other means察are among the woes of the
Governor and Lieutenant´Governors of these Settlements。 Though they get
on very well up here察thanks to the ;Capitan China察─the clans live in
separate parts of the village察have separate markets and gaming houses
and a wooden arch across the street divides the two ;Nations。;

We went to pay complimentary visits for the New Year to these
;Capitans; with the Malay interpreter察and were received with a curious
mixture of good´will and solemnity。  Wine察tea and sweet´meats were
produced at each house。  Their houses are very rude察considering their
ample means察and have earthen floors。 They have comfortable carriages
and their gentle察sweet´mannered children were loaded with gold and
diamonds。 In one house察a sweet little girl handed round the tea and
cake察and all察even to babies who can scarcely toddle across the floor
came up and shook hands。  A Chinese family impresses one by its extreme
orderliness察filial reverence being regarded as the basis of all the
virtues。 The manners of these children are equally removed from shyness
and forwardness。 They all wore crowns of dark red gold of very
beautiful workmanship察set with diamonds。  When these girl´children are
twelve years old察they will察according to custom察be strictly secluded
and will not be seen by any man but their father till the bridegroom
lifts the veil at the marriage ceremony。

After these visits察in which the ;Capitans China察─through the
interpreter察assured us of their perpetual and renewed satisfaction
with British rule察Mr。 Hayward察the interpreter察and I察paid another
visit of a more leisurely kind to one of the Chinese gambling houses
which察as usual察was crowded。 At one end several barbers were at work。
A Chinaman is always being shaved察for he keeps his head and face quite
smooth察and never shaves himself。 The shaving the head was originally a
sign of subjection imposed by the Tartar conquerors察but it is now so
completely the national custom that prisoners feel it a deep disgrace
when their hair is allowed to grow。 Coolies twist their five feet of
pigtail round their heads while they are at work察but a servant or
other inferior察only insults his superior if he enter his presence with
his pigtail otherwise than pendent。 The gaming house察whose open sides
allow it to present a perpetual temptation察is full of tables察and at
each sits a croupier察well clothed察and as many half´naked Chinamen as
can see over each others' shoulders crowd round him。 Their silent
concentrated eagerne

卦指朕村 貧匯匈 和匯匈 指欺競何 1 1
