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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及27准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

meeting´house。 A heavy shower察like a ;thunder´plump察─takes up a part
of the afternoon察after which the Governor's carriage察with servants in
scarlet liveries察rolls slowly out of Malacca察and through the
sago´palms and back again。 If aught else which is European breaks the
monotony of the day I am not aware of it。 The streets have no
particular features察though one cannot but be aware that a narrow
stream full of boats察and spanned by a handsome bridge察divides the
town into two portions察and that a handsome clock´tower both tower and
bridge erected by some wealthy Chinese merchants is a salient object
below the Stadthaus。 Trees察trailers察fruits察smother the houses察and
blossom and fruit all the year round察old leaves察young leaves察buds
blossom察and fruit察all appearing at once。 The mercury rarely falls
below 79 degrees or rises above 84 degrees。 The softest and least
perceptible of land and sea breezes blow alternately at stated hours。
The nights are very still。 The days are a tepid dream。 Since I arrived
not a leaf has stirred察not a bird has sung察the tides ebb and flow in
listless and soundless ripples。 Far off察on the shallow sea察phantom
ships hover and are gone察and on an indefinite horizon a blurred ocean
blends with a blurred sky。 On Mount Ophir heavy cloud´masses lie always
motionless。 The still察heavy察fragrant nights pass with no other sounds
than the aggressive hum of mosquitoes and the challenge of the
sentries。 But through the stormy days and the heavy nights Nature is
always busy in producing a rapidity and profusion of growth which would
turn Malacca into a jungle were it not for axe and billhook察but her
work does not jar upon the general silence。 Yet with all this
indefiniteness察dreaminess察featurelessness察indolence察and silence察of
which I have attempted to convey an idea察Malacca is very fascinating
and no city in the world察except Canton察will leave so vivid an
impression upon me察though it may be but of a fragrant tropic dream and
nothing more。

Yesterday Mrs。 Biggs took me a drive through Malacca and its forest
environs。 It was delightful察every hour adds to the fascination which
this place has for me。 I thought my tropic dreams were over察when seven
years ago I saw the summit peaks of Oahu sink sunset flushed into a
golden sea察but I am dreaming it again。 The road crosses the bridge
over the narrow stream察which is察in fact察the roadway of a colored and
highly picturesque street察and at once enters the main street of
Malacca察which is parallel to the sea。  On the sea side each house
consists of three or four divisions察one behind the other察each roof
being covered with red tiles。 The rearmost division is usually built
over the sea察on piles。 In the middle of each of the three front
divisions there is a courtyard。 The room through which you enter from
the street always has an open door察through which you see houses
showing a high degree of material civilization察lofty rooms察handsome
altars opposite the doors察massive察carved ebony tables察and carved
ebony chairs with marble seats and backs standing against the walls
hanging pictures of the kind called in Japan kakemono察and rich bronzes
and fine pieces of porcelain on ebony brackets。 At night察when these
rooms are lighted up with eight or ten massive lamps察the appearance is
splendid。 These are the houses of Chinese merchants of the middle

And now I must divulge the singular fact that Malacca is to most
intents and purposes a Chinese city。 The Dutch察as I wrote察have
scarcely left a trace。 The Portuguese察indolent察for thc most part
poor察and lowered by native marriages察are without influence察a most
truly stagnant population察hardly to be taken into account。 Their poor´
looking houses resemble those of Lisbon。 The English察except in so far
as relates to the administration of government察are nowhere察though it
is under our equitable rule that the queerly mixed population of
Tauists察Romanists察and Mohammedans ;enjoy great quietness。;* 
*By the census of 1881 the resident European population of the
Settlement of Malacca consists of 23 males and 9 females察a ;grand;
total of 32 The Eurasian population察mainly of Portuguese mixed blood
is 2213。 The Chinese numbers 19741察4020 being females。 The Malay
population is 67488察the females being 2000 in excess of the males
the Tamils or Klings are 1781察the Arabs 227察the Aborigines of the
Peninsula 308察the Javanese 399察the Boyanese 212察and the Jawi´Pekans
867。 Besides these there are stray Achinese察Africans察Anamese
Bengalis察Bugis察Dyaks察Manilamen察Siamese察and Singhalese察numbering
174。 The total population of the territory is 93579察viz。察52059 males
and 41520 females察an increase in ten years of 15823。 The decrease in
the number of resident Europeans is 31。9 per cent。 In ;natives of India;
42 per cent。察and in ;other nationalities; 48。9 per cent。 On the other
hand the Chinese population has increased by 6259 or 46。4 per cent。
and the Malays by 11264察or 19。3 per cent。 The town of Malacca contains
5538 houses察and the country districts 11177。 The area of the
settlement is 640 square miles察and the density of the population 146 to
the square mile察only twelve of the population are lunatics。

Of the population of the town the majority are said to be Chinese察and
still their crowded junks are rolling down on the north´east monsoon。
As I remarked before察the coasting trade of the Straits of Malacca is
in their hands察and to such an extent have they absorbed the trade of
this colony察that I am told there is not a resident British merchant in
Malacca。 And it is not察as elsewhere察that they come察make money察and
then return to settle in China察but they come here with their wives and
families察buy or build these handsome houses察as well as large
bungalows in the neighboring cocoa´groves察own most of the plantations
up the country察and have obtained the finest site on the hill behind
the town for their stately tombs。 Every afternoon their carriages roll
out into the country察conveying them to their substantial bungalows to
smoke and gamble。 They have fabulous riches in diamonds察pearls
sapphires察rubies察and emeralds。 They love Malacca察and take a pride in
beautifying it。 They have fashioned their dwellings upon the model of
those in Canton察but whereas cogent reasons compel the rich Chinaman at
home to conceal the evidences of his wealth察he glories in displaying
it under the security of British rule。 The upper class of the Chinese
merchants live in immense houses within walled gardens。 The wives of
all are secluded察and inhabit the back regions and have no share in the
remarkably ;good time; which the men seem to have。 Along with their
industrious habits and their character for fair trading察the Chinese
have brought to Malacca gambling and opium´smoking。 One´seventh of the
whole quantity of opium exported from India to China is intercepted and
consumed in the Straits Settlements察and the Malacca Government makes a
large revenue from it。 The Chinaman who ;farms the opium;i。e。察who
purchases from the Government the exclusive right to sell itpays for
his monopoly about 50 pounds per day。 It must be remembered察however
that every man who smokes opium is not what we understand by an
;opium´smoker察─and that between the man who takes his daily pipe of
opium after his supper察and the unhappy opium´slave who reduces himself
to imbecility in such dens as I saw in Canton察there is just as much
difference as there is in England between the ;moderate drinker; and
the ;habitual drunkard。; Slavery is prohibited in Malacca察and slaves
from the neighboring State fly for freedom to the shelter of the
British flag察but there is reason to suppose that the numerous women in
the households of the Chinese merchants察though called servants察are
persons who have been purchased in China察and are actually held in
bondage。 Apart from these exceptions察the Chinese population is a
valuable one察and is察in its upper classes察singularly public´spirited
law´abiding察and strongly attached to British rule。

I saw no shops except those for the sale of fish察fruit察and coarse
native pottery察but doubtless most things which are suited to the wants
of the mixed population can be had in the bazaars。 As we drove out of
the town the houses became fewer and the trees denser察with mosques
here and there among them察and in a few minutes we were in the great
dark forest of cocoa察betel察and sago palms察awfully solemn and
oppressive in the hot stillness of the evening。 Every sight was new
for though I have seen the cocoa´palm before察the palm´fringes of the
coral islands察with their feathery plumes have little kinship with the
dark察crowded cocoa´forests of Malacca察with their endless vistas and
mysterious gloom。 These forests are intersected by narrow察muddy
streams察suggestive of alligators察up which you can go in canoes if you
lie down察and are content with the yet darker shade produced by the
nipah察a species of stemless palm察of which the poorer natives make
their houses察and whose magnificent fronds are often from t

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