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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及24准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

like our rule察form a respectable class of merchants here察as in all
the great trading cities of the East。 The Javanese are numerous察and
make good servants and sailors。 Some of the small merchants and many of
the clerks are Portuguese immigrants from Malacca察and traders from
Borneo察Sumatra察Celebes察Bali察and other islands of the Malay
Archipelago are scattered among the throng。 The washermen and grooms
are nearly all Bengalees。 Jews and Arabs make money and keep it察and
are察as everywhere察shrewd and keen察and only meet their equals among
the Chinese。 Among the twelve thousand natives of India who have been
attracted to Singapore察and among all the mingled foreign
nationalities察the Klings from the Coromandel coast察besides being the
most numerous of all next to the Chinese察are the most attractive in
appearance察and as there is no check on the immigration of their women
one sees the unveiled Kling beauties in great numbers。* 
*The Singapore census returns for 1881 are by no means ;dry reading察
and they give a very imposing idea of the importance of the island。 It
is interesting to note that of the 434 enumerators employed only seven
were Europeans

The number of houses on the island is 20462察the total population is
139208 souls察viz。察105423 males and 33785 females。 The total
increase in ten years is divided as follows

     Europeans and Americans                            823
     Eurasians                                          930
     _Chinese_                                       32194
     Malays and other natives of the Archipelago      6954
     Tamils and other natives of India                  637
     Other nationalities                                559

Among these ;other nationalities; the great increase has been among the
Arabs察who have nearly doubled their numbers。 Among the ;Malays and
other natives of the Archipelago; are included察Achinese察Boyanese
Bugis察Dyaks察Jawi´Pekans察and Manilamen。

The European resident population察exclusive of the soldiers察is only
1283。 _The Chinese population is_ 86766察the Malay察22114察the
Tamil察10475察the Javanese察5881察and the Eurasian察3091。 In the
very small European population 19 nationalities are included察the
Germans numerically following the British。 Of 15368 domestic servants
only 844 are women。

These Klings are active and industrious察but they lack fibre
apparently察and that quick´sightedness for opportunities which makes
the Chinese the most successful of all emigrants。 Not a Malay or a
Kling has raised himself either as a merchant or in any other capacity
to wealth or distinction in the colony。 The Klings make splendid
boatmen察they drive gharries察run as syces察lend small sums of money at
usurious interest察sell fruit察keep small shops察carry ;chit books察
and make themselves as generally useful as their mediocre abilities
allow。 They are said to be a harmless people so far as deeds go。 They
neither fight察organize察nor get into police rows察but they quarrel
loudly and vociferously察and their vocabulary of abuse is said to be
inexhaustible。 The Kling men are very fine´looking察lithe and active
and察as they clothe but little察their forms are seen to great
advantage。 The women are察I think察beautifulnot so much in face as in
form and carriage。 I am never weary of watching and admiring their
inimitable grace of movement。 Their faces are oval察their foreheads
low察their eyes dark and liquid察their noses shapely察but disfigured by
the universal adoption of jewelled nose´rings察their lips full察but not
thick or coarse察their heads small察and exquisitely set on long
slender throats察their ears small察but much dragged out of shape by the
wearing of two or three hoop´earrings in each察and their glossy察wavy
black hair察which grows classically low on the forehead察is gathered
into a Grecian knot at the back。 Their clothing察or rather drapery察is
a mystery察for it covers and drapes perfectly察yet has no _make_察far
less fit察and leaves every graceful movement unimpeded。 It seems to
consist of ten wide yards of soft white muslin or soft red material察so
ingeniously disposed as to drape the bust and lower limbs察and form a
girdle at the same time。 One shoulder and arm are usually left bare。
The part which may be called a petticoatthough the word is a slur
upon the graceful draperyis short察and shows the finely turned
ankles察high insteps察and small feet。 These women are tall察and
straight as arrows察their limbs are long and rounded察their appearance
is timid察one might almost say modest察and their walk is the poetry of
movement。 A tall察graceful Kling woman察draped as I have described
gliding along the pavement察her statuesque figure the perfection of
graceful ease察a dark pitcher on her head察just touched by the
beautiful hand察showing the finely moulded arm察is a beautiful object
classical in form察exquisite in movement察and artistic in coloring察a
creation of the tropic sun。  What thinks she察I wonder察if she thinks
at all察of the pale European察paler for want of exercise and engrossing
occupation察who steps out of her carriage in front of her察an
ungraceful heap of poufs and frills察tottering painfully on high heels
in tight boots察her figure distorted into the shape of a Japanese sake
bottle察every movement a struggle or a jerk察the clothing utterly
unsuited to this or any climate察impeding motion察and affecting health
comfort察and beauty alike

It is all fascinating。 Here is none of the indolence and apathy which
one associates with Oriental life察and which I have seen in Polynesia。
These yellow察brown察tawny察swarthy察olive´tinted men are all intent on
gain察busy察industrious察frugal察striving察and察no matter what their
creed is察all paying homage to Daikoku。 In spite of the activity
rapidity察and earnestness察the movements of all but the Chinese are
graceful察gliding察stealthy察the swarthy faces have no expression that
I can read察and the dark察liquid eyes are no more intelligible to me
than the eyes of oxen。 It is the ;Asian mystery; all over。

It is only the European part of Singapore which is dull and sleepy
looking。 No life and movement congregate round the shops。 The
merchants察hidden away behind jalousies in their offices察or dashing
down the streets in covered buggies察make but a poor show。 Their houses
are mostly pale察roomy察detached bungalows察almost altogether hidden by
the bountiful vegetation of the climate。 In these their wives察growing
paler every week察lead half´expiring lives察kept alive by the efforts
of ubiquitous ;punkah´wallahs察─writing for the mail察the one active
occupation。 At a given hour they emerge察and drive in given directions
specially round the esplanade察where for two hours at a time a double
row of handsome and showy equipages moves continuously in opposite
directions。 The number of carriages and the style of dress of their
occupants are surprising察and yet people say that large fortunes are
not made now´a´days in Singapore Besides the daily drive察the ladies
the officers察and any men who may be described as of ;no occupation察
divert themselves with kettle´drums察dances察lawn tennis察and various
other devices for killing time察and this with the mercury at 80
degrees Just now the Maharajah of Johore察sovereign of a small state
on the nearest part of the mainland察a man much petted and decorated by
the British Government for unswerving fidelity to British interests
has a house here察and his receptions and dinner parties vary the
monotonous round of gayeties。

The native streets monopolize the picturesqueness of Singapore with
their bizarre crowds察but more interesting still are the bazaars or
continuous rows of open shops which create for themselves a perpetual
twilight by hanging tatties or other screens outside the sidewalks
forming long shady alleys察in which crowds of buyers and sellers
chaffer over their goods察the Chinese shopkeepers asking a little more
than they mean to take察and the Klings always asking double。 The bustle
and noise of this quarter are considerable察and the vociferation
mingles with the ringing of bells and the rapid beating of drums and
tom´tomsan intensely heathenish sound。 And heathenish this great city
is。 Chinese joss´houses察Hindu temples察and Mohammedan mosques almost
jostle each other察and the indescribable clamor of the temples and the
din of the joss´houses are faintly pierced by the shrill cry from the
minarets calling the faithful to prayer察and proclaiming the divine
unity and the mission of Mahomet in one breath。

How I wish I could convey an idea察however faint察of this huge
mingled察colored察busy察Oriental population察of the old Kling and
Chinese bazaars察of the itinerant sellers of seaweed jelly察water
vegetables察soup察fruit察and cooked fish察whose unintelligible street
cries are heard above the din of the crowds of coolies察boatmen察and
gharriemen waiting for hire察of the far´stretching suburbs of Malay and
Chinese cottages察of the sheet of water察by no means clean察round which
hundreds of Bengalis are to be seen at all hours of daylight
unmercifully beating on great stones the delicate laces察gauzy silks

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