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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及12准

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indescribable察either by pen or pencil。

There are junks with big eyes on either side of the stem察 without
which they could not see their way察* and with open bows with two
six´pounders grinning through them。  Along the sides there are ten
guns察and at the lofty察square察quaint察broad察carved stern察two more。
This heavy armament is carried nominally for protection against
pirates察but its chief use is for the production of those stunning
noises which Chinamen delight in on all occasions。  In these helpless
and unwieldy´looking vessels which are sailed with an amount of noise
and apparent confusion which is absolutely shocking to anyone used to
our strict nautical discipline察the rudder projects astern six feet and
more察the masts are single poles察the large sails of fine matting察and
what with their antique shape察rich coloring察lattice work and carving
they are the most picturesque craft afloat。 Then there are ;passage
boats; from the whole interior network of rivers and canals察each
district having its special rig and build察recognizable at once by the
initiated。 These sail when they can察and when they can't are propelled
by large sweeps察each of which is worked by six men who stand on a
platform outside。 These boats are always heavily laden察crowded with
passengers and ;armed to the teeth; as a protection against river
pirates察and they carry crews of from thirty´five to fifty men。
*These eyes are really charms察but the above is the explanation given
to ;griffins。;

At some distance below Shameen there are moored tiers of large
two´storied house boats察with entrance doors seven feet high察always
open察and doorways of rich wood carving察through which the interiors
can be seen with their richly decorated altars察innumerable colored
lamps察chairs察and settees of carved ebony with white marble let into
the seats and backs察embroidered silk hangings察gilded mirrors and
cornices察and all the extravagances of Chinese luxury。  Many of them
have gardens on their roofs。 These are called ;flower boats察─and are
of noisy and evil reputation。 Then there are tiers of three´roomed
comfortable house boats to let to people who make their homes on the
water in summer to avoid the heat。 ;Marriage boats察─green and gold
with much wood carving and flags察and auspicious emblems of all kinds
river junks察with their large eyes and carved and castellated sterns
lying moored in treble rows察duck boats察with their noisy inmates
florists' boats察with platforms of growing plants for sale察two´storied
boats or barges察with glass sides察floating hotels察in which evening
entertainments are given with much light and noise察restaurant boats
much gilded察from which proceeds an incessant beating of gongs察washing
boats察market boats察floating shops察which supply the floating
population with all marketable commodities察country boats of fantastic
form coming down on every wind and tide察and察queerest of all察 slipper
boats察─looking absurdly like big shoes察which are propelled in and out
among all the heavier craft by standing in the stern。

One of the most marvelous features of Canton is the city of house
boats察floating and stationary察in which about a quarter of a million
people live察and it may with truth be added are born and die。 This
population is quite distinct in race from the land population of
Canton察which looks down upon it as a pariah and alien caste。 These
house boats察some of which have a single bamboo circular roof察others
two roofs of different heights察and which include several thousand of
the marvelous ;slipper boats察─lie in tiers along the river sides察and
packed closely stem and stern along the canals察forming bustling and
picturesque water streets。 Many of the boats moored on the canals are
floating shops察and do a brisk trade察one end of the boat being the
shop察the other the dwelling´house。 As the ;slipper boats; are only
from fifteen to twenty feet long察it may be imagined察as their breadth
is strictly proportionate察that the accommodation for a family is
rather circumscribed察yet such a boat is not only the home of a married
pair and their children察but of the eldest son with his wife and
children察and not unfrequently of grandparents also The bamboo roofs
slide in a sort of telescope fashion察and the whole interior space can
be inclosed and divided。 The bow of the boat察whether large or small
is always the family joss house察and the water is starred at night with
the dull察melancholy glimmer察fainter察though redder than a glow´worm's
light察of thousands of burning joss´sticks察making the air heavy with
the odor of incense。 Unlike the houses of the poor on shore察the house
boats are models of cleanliness察and space is utilized and economized
by adaptations more ingenious than those of a tiny yacht。 These boats
which form neat rooms with matted seats by day察turn into beds at
night察and the children have separate ;rooms。; The men go on shore
during the day and do laborer's work察but the women seldom land察are
devoted to ;housewifely; duties察and besides are to be seen at all
hours of day and night flying over the water察plying for hire at the
landings察and ferrying goods and passengers察as strong as men察and
clean察comely察and pleasant´looking察one at the stern and one at the
bow察sending the floating home along with skilled and sturdy strokes。
They are splendid boat´women察and not vociferous。  These women don't
bandage their feet。

Their dress is dark brown or blue cotton察and consists of wide trousers
and a short察loose察sleeved upper garment up to the throat。 The feet
are big and bare察the hair is neat and drawn back from the face into a
stiff roll or chignon察and they all wear jade´stone earrings。 You see a
woman cooking or sewing in most housewifely style in one of these
;slipper boats察─but if you hail it察she is plying the heavy oar in one
moment察and as likely as not with a wise´looking baby on her back
supported by a square piece of scarlet cloth embroidered in gold and
blue silks。 Not one of this river population has yet received
Christianity。  Very little indeed is known about them and their
customs察but it is said that their morals are low察and that when
infanticide was less discouraged than it is now察the river was the
convenient grave of many of their newly´born female children。 I spent
most of one afternoon alone in one of these boats察diving into all
canals and traversing water streets察hanging on to junks and ;passage
boats察─and enjoying the variety of river life to the full。

On another day I was carried eighteen miles through Canton on a chair
by four coolies察Mr。 Smith and his brother walking the whole
distancea great testimony to the invigorating influences of the
winter climate。 As to locomotion察one must either walk or be carried。 A
human being is not a heavy weight for the coolies察but it is
distressing to see that the shoulders of very many of them are
suffering from bony tumors察arising from the pressure of the poles。 We
lunched in the open air upon a stone table under a banyan´tree at the
;Five´storied Pagoda; which forms the north´east corner of the great
wall of Canton察from which we looked down upon the singular vestiges of
the nearly forgotten Tartar conquest察the walled inner city of the
Tartar conquerors察containing the Tartar garrison察the Yamun official
residence of the Tartar governor察the houses of the foreign consuls
and the unmixed Tartar population。 The streets of this foreign kernel
of Canton are narrow and dirty察with mean察low houses with tiled roofs
nearly flat察and small courtyards察more like the houses of Western than
Eastern Asia。 These Tartars do not differ much in physiognomy from the
Chinese。 They are somewhat uglier察their stature is shorter察and the
women always wear three rings in their ears。 I saw more women in a
single street in one day in the Tartar city than I have seen altogether
in the rest of Canton。

The view from that corner of the wall to my thinking is beautiful
the flaming red pagoda with its many roofs察the singularly picturesque
ancient gray wall察all ups and downs察watch´towers察and strongholds
the Tartar city below察with the ;flowery pagoda察─the mosques察the
bright foliage of the banyan察and the feathery grace of the bamboo
outside the wall the White´Cloud hills察and nearer ranges burrowed
everywhere for the dead察their red and pink and orange hues harmonized
by a thin blue veil察softening without obscuring察all lying in the
glory of the tropic winter noon´light without heat察color without
glare。 Vanish all memories of grays and pale greens before this
vividness察this wealth of light and color Color is at once music and
vitality察and after long deprivation I revel in it。 This wall is a fine
old structure察about twenty feet wide and as many high察with a broad
pavement on which to walk察and a high platform on the outside察with a
battlement pierced for marksmen。 It is hardly ever level for ten yards
but follows the inequalities of the ground察and has picturesque towers
which occur frequently。 It is everywhere draped with ferns察which do
not help to keep it in repair。  The ;Five´storied Pagoda; which flames
in red at 

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