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the golden chersonese and the way thither-及11准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

by Imperial sanction or decree。

The public buildings and temples察though they bear magnificent names
are extremely ugly察and are the subjects of slow but manifest decay
while the streets of shops exceed in picturesqueness everything I have
ever seen。 Much of this is given by the perpendicular sign boards
fixed or hanging察upon which are painted on an appropriate background
immense Chinese characters in gold察vermilion察or black。 Two or three
of these belong to each shop察and set forth its name and the nature of
the goods which are to be purchased at it。 The effect of these boards
as the sun's rays fall upon them here and there is fascinating。 The
interiors of the shops are lofty察glass lamps hang from the ceilings
and large lanterns above every door察and both are painted in bright
colors察with the characters signifying happiness察or with birds
butterflies察flowers察or landscapes。 The shop wall which faces the door
invariably has upon it a gigantic fresco or portrait of the tutelary
god of the building察or a sheet of red paper on which the characters
forming his name are placed察or the character Shan察which implies all
gods察and these and the altars below are seen from the street。 There is
a recess outside each shop察and at dusk the joss´sticks burning in
these fill the city with the fragrance of incense。

As there are streets of shops and trades察so there are streets of
dwelling´houses察but even the finest of these present a miserable
appearance to the passers´by察for all one can see is a lofty and
dimly´lighted stone vestibule察furnished with carved ebony chairs with
marble seats and backs察and not infrequently with gigantic coffins
placed on end察the gift of pious juniors to their seniors A porter
stands in this vestibule ready to open the lofty triple gate which
admits to the courtyard of the interior。 Many Chinese mansions contain
six or seven courtyards察each with its colonnade察drawing察dining察and
reception rooms察and at the back of all there is a flower garden
adorned with rockeries察fish´ponds察dwarf trees察and miniature pagodas
and bridges。

The streets in which the poor dwell are formed of low察small察dark察and
dirty houses察of two or three rooms each。  The streets of dwellings are
as mean and ugly as those of shops are brilliant and picturesque。

This is a meagre outline of what may be called the anatomy of this
ancient city察which dates from the fourth century B。C。察when it was
walled only by a stockade of bamboo and mud察but was known by the name
of ;the martial city of the south察─changed later into ;the city of
rams。; At this date it has probably greater importance than it ever
had察and no city but London impresses me so much with the idea of solid
wealth and increasing prosperity。

My admiration and amazement never cease。 I grudge the hours that I am
obliged to spend in sleep察a week has gone like half a day察each hour
heightening my impressions of the fascination and interest of Canton
and of the singular force and importance of the Chinese。 Canton is
intoxicating from its picturesqueness察color察novelty and movement。
to´day I have been carried eighteen miles through and round it
reveling the whole time in its enchantments察and drinking for the first
time of that water of which it may truly be said that who so drinks
;shall thirst again;true Orientalism。 As we sat at mid´day at the
five´storied pagoda察which from a corner of the outer wall overlooks
the Tartar city察and ever since察through this crowded week察I have
wished that the sun would stand still in the cloudless sky察and let me
dream of gorgeous sunlight察light without heat察of narrow lanes rich in
color察of the glints of sunlight on embroideries and cloth of gold
resplendent even in the darkness察of hurrying and colored crowds in the
shadow察with the blue sky in narrow strips high above察of gorgeous
marriage processions察and the ;voice of the bridegroom and the voice of
the bride察─of glittering trains of mandarins察of funeral processions
with the wail of hired mourners clad in sackcloth and ashes察of the
Tartar city with its pagodas察of the hills of graves察great cities of
the dead outside the walls察fiery´red under the tropic blue察of the
;potter's field; with its pools of blood and sacks of heads察and
crosses for crucifixion察now察as on Calvary察symbolical of shame alone
of the wonderful river life察and all the busy察crowded察costumed hurry
of the streets察where blue banners hanging here and there show that in
those houses death has stilled some busy brains forevermore。 And I
should like to tell you of the Buddhist and Confucian temples察of the
monastery garden察which is the original of the famous ;Willow Pattern察
of the great Free Dispensary which is to rival that of the Medical
Mission察of the asylums for lepers察foundlings察the blind察aged men and
aged women察dating from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries
originally well conceived and noble institutions察but reduced into
inefficiency and degradation by the greed and corruption of generations
of officials察of the ;Beggars' Square; and beggars' customs察of the
trades察and of the shops with their splendors察of the Examination Hall
with its streets numbering eleven thousand six hundred and
seventy´three cells for the candidates for the literary honors which
are the only road to office and distinction in China察but Canton
deserves a volume察and Archdeacon Gray has written one

I。 L。 B。


;Faithful unto Death;;Foreign Devils;Junks and BoatsChinese
LuxuryCanton AfloatAn Al Fresco Lunch´Light and ColorA Mundane
DisappointmentStreet Sights and SoundsStreet CostumeFood and
RestaurantsA Marriage ProcessionTemples and WorshipCrippled Feet

REV。 B。 C。 HENRY'S察CANTON察January 6。

In the week in which I have been here I have given myself up to
ceaseless sight´seeing。 Almost the first sight that I saw on arriving
in this quarter察which is in Canton itself察was a number of Christian
refugees察old men察women察and children察who察having fled from a bloody
persecution which is being waged against Christianity about ninety
miles from Canton察are receiving shelter in the compound of the German
mission。 It was late in the evening察and these poor refugees察who had
sacrificed much for their faith and had undergone great terror察were
singing hymns察and reading and worshipping in Chinese。 In the place
from which they came a Christian of wealth wished to build a church
and last week he was proceeding to do so察when the heathen察instigated
by the district mandarin察seized upon him and four other Christians
and when he would neither say the word nor make the obeisance which is
regarded as equivalent to denying Christ察they wrapped him in cotton
wadding soaked in oil察tied him to a cross察and burned him察no
extremity of torture availing to shake his constancy。 They cut off the
arms and legs of the four other persons察tied crosses to the trunks
and then burned them。 This deed察done so near Canton察has caused great
horror among the foreigners both here and at Hong Kong察and the deepest
sympathy is felt both with the converts and the missionary priests。 In
the sympathy with the heroism and sufferings of those who have been
;faithful unto death察─all the Protestant missionaries join heartily
as in the belief that these victims are reckoned among ;the noble army
of martyrs。; It is estimated that there are seven hundred and fifty
thousand Romish Christians in China察many of them of the third or
fourth generation of Christians察and in some places far in the interior
there are whole villages of them。 The Portuguese and French missionary
priests who devote themselves for life to this work察dress察eat察and
live as Chinamen察and are credited with great devotion。

It is most interesting to be brought by the spectacle of these poor
refugees so near to the glory and the woe of martyrdom察and to hear
that the martyr spirit can still make men ;obedient unto death察even
the death of the cross。; A placard was posted up some time ago calling
for a general massacre of the native Christians on Christmas Day。  It
attributes every vice to the ;Foreign Devils察─and says that察 to
preserve the peace and purity of Chinese Society察those whom they have
corrupted must be cut off。; One phrase of this placard is察 The
wickedness of these foreign devils is so great that even pigs and dogs
would refuse to eat their flesh 

Mr。 and Mrs。 Henry speak Chinese察and are both fearless察and familiar
with the phases of Canton life。 Of all the places I have seen察Canton
is the most overwhelmingly interesting察fascinating察and startling。
;See Canton and die察─I would almost say察and yet I can give no idea of
all that has taken such a strong hold of me。 I should now be quite
content to see only the manifold street life察with its crowds
processions察and din察and the strange and ever´shifting water life
altogether distinct from the land life。 The rice´paper pictures give a
very good idea of the forms and colors of the boats察but the thousands
of them察and the rate at which they are propelled察are altogether
indescribable察either by pen or pencil。

There are junks with big eyes on either si

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