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the legacy of cain-第54节

小说: the legacy of cain 字数: 每页4000字

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with agricultural pursuits; nor did I hear him grumble about the
weather and the crops。 It was pleasant to see that his wife was
proud of him; and that he was; what all fathers ought to be; his
children's best and dearest friend。 Why do I dwell on these
details; relating to a man whom I was not destined to see again?
Only because I had reason to feel grateful to him。 When my
spirits were depressed by anxiety; he made my mind easy about
Eunice; as long as she remained in his house。

The social arrangements; when our meal was over; fell of
themselves into the right train。

Miss Jillgall went upstairs; with the mother and the children; to
see the nursery and the bedrooms。 Mrs。 Tenbruggen discovered a
bond of union between the farmer and herself; they were both
skilled players at backgammon; and they sat down to try
conclusions at their favorite game。 Without any wearisome
necessity for excuses or stratagems; Eunice took my arm and led
me to the welcome retirement of her own sitting…room。

I could honestly congratulate her; when I heard that she was
established at the farm as a member of the family。 While she was
governess to the children; she was safe from dangers that might
have threatened her; if she had been compelled by circumstances
to return to the Minister's house。

The entry in her Journal; which she was anxious that I should
read; was placed before me next。

I followed the poor child's account of the fearful night that she
had passed; with an interest that held me breathless to the end。
A terrible dream; which had impressed a sense of its reality on
the sleeper by reaching its climax in somnambulismthis was the
obvious explanation; no doubt; and a rational mind would not
hesitate to accept it。 But a rational mind is not a universal
gift; even in a country which prides itself on the idol…worship
of Fact。 Those good friends who are always better acquainted with
our faults; failings; and weaknesses than we can pretend to be
ourselves; had long since discovered that my nature was
superstitious; and my imagination likely to mislead me in the
presence of events which encouraged it。 Well! I was weak enough
to recoil from the purely rational view of all that Eunice had
suffered; and heard; and seen; on the fateful night recorded in
her Journal。 Good and Evil walk the ways of this unintelligible
world; on the same free conditions。 If we cling; as many of us
do; to the comforting belief that departed spirits can minister
to earthly creatures for goodcan be felt moving in us; in a
train of thought; and seen as visible manifestations; in a
dreamwith what pretense of reason can we deny that the same
freedom of supernatural influence which is conceded to the
departed spirit; working for good; is also permitted to the
departed spirit; working for evil? If the grave cannot wholly
part mother and child; when the mother's life has been good; does
eternal annihilation separate them; when the mother's life has
been wicked? No! If the departed spirit can bring with it a
blessing; the departed spirit can bring with it a curse。 I dared
not confess to Eunice that the influence of her murderess…mother
might; as I thought possible; have been supernaturally present
when she heard temptation whispering in her ear; but I dared not
deny it to myself。 All that I could say to satisfy and sustain
her; I did say。 And when I declaredwith my whole heart
declaredthat the noble passion which had elevated her whole
being; and had triumphed over the sorest trials that desertion
could inflict; would still triumph to the end; I saw hope; in
that brave and true heart; showing its bright promise for the
future in Eunice's eyes。

She closed and locked her Journal。 By common consent we sought
the relief of changing the subject。 Eunice asked me if it was
really necessary that I should return to London。

I shrank from telling her that I could be of no further use to
her father; while he regarded me with an enmity which I had not
deserved。 But I saw no reason for concealing that it was my
purpose to see Philip Dunboyne。

〃You told me  yesterday;〃 I reminded her; 〃that I was to say you
had forgiven him。 Do you still wish me to do that?〃

〃Indeed I do!〃

〃Have you thought of it seriously? Are you sure of not having
been hurried by a generous impulse into saying more than you

〃I have been thinking of it;〃 she said; 〃through the wakeful
hours of last nightand many things are plain to me; which I was
not sure of in the time when I was so happy。 He has caused me the
bitterest sorrow of my life; but he can't undo the good that I
owe to him。 He has made a better girl of me; in the time when his
love was mine。 I don't forget that。 Miserably as it has ended; I
don't forget that。〃

Her voice trembled; the tears rose in her eyes。 It was impossible
for me to conceal the distress that I felt。 The noble creature
saw it。 〃No;〃 she said faintly; 〃I am not going to cry。 Don't
look so sorry for me。〃 Her hand pressed my hand gently_she_
pitied _me。_ When I saw how she struggled to control herself; and
did control herself; I declare to God I could have gone down on
my knees before her。

She asked to be allowed to speak of Philip again; and for the
last time。

〃When you meet with him in London; he may perhaps ask if you have
seen Eunice。〃

〃My child! he is sure to ask。〃

〃Break it to him gentlybut don't let him deceive himself。 In
this world; he must never hope to see me again。〃

I triedvery gentlyto remonstrate。 〃At your age; and at his
age;〃 I said; 〃surely there is hope?〃

〃There is no hope。〃 She pressed her hand on her heart。 〃I know
it; I feel it; here。〃

〃Oh; Eunice; it's hard for me to say that!〃

〃I will try to make it easier for you。 Say that I have forgiven
himand say no more。〃



AFTER leaving Eunice; my one desire was to be alone。 I had much
to think of; and I wanted an opportunity of recovering myself。 On
my way out of the house; in search of the first solitary place
that I could discover; I passed the room in which we had dined。
The door was ajar。 Before I could get by it; Mrs。 Tenbruggen
stepped out and stopped me。

〃Will you come in here for a moment?〃 she said。 〃The farmer has
been called away; and I want to speak to you。〃

Very unwillinglybut how could I have refused without giving
offense?I entered the room。

〃When you noticed my keeping my name from you;〃 Mrs。 Tenbruggen
began; 〃while Selina was with us; you placed me in an awkward
position。 Our little friend is an excellent creature; but her
tongue runs away with her sometimes; I am obliged to be careful
of taking her too readily into my confidence。 For instance; I
have never told her what my name was before I married。 Won't you
sit down?〃

I had purposely remained standing as a hint to her not to prolong
the interview。 The hint was thrown away; I took a chair。

〃Selina's letters had informed me;〃 she resumed; 〃that Mr。
Gracedieu was a nervous invalid。 When I came to England; I had
hoped to try what Massage might do to relieve him。 The cure of
their popular preacher might have advertised me through the whole
of the Congregational sect。 It was essential to my success that I
should present myself as a stranger。 I could trust time and
change; and my married name (certainly not known to Mr。
Gracedieu) to keep up my incognito。 He would have refused to see
me if he had known that I was once Miss Chance。〃

I began to be interested。

Here was an opportunity; perhaps; of discovering what the
Minister had failed to remember when he had been speaking of this
woman; and when I had asked if he had ever offended her。 I was
especially careful in making my inquiries。

〃I remember how you spoke to Mr。 Gracedieu;〃 I said; 〃when you
and he met; long ago; in my rooms。 But surely you don't think him
capable of vindictively remembering some thoughtless words; which
escaped you sixteen or seventeen years since?〃

〃I am not quite such a fool as that; Mr。 Governor。 What I was
thinking of was an unpleasant correspondence between the Minister
and myself。 Before I was so unfortunate as to meet with Mr。
Tenbruggen; I obtained a chance of employment in a public
Institution; on condition that I included a clergyman among my
references。 Knowing nobody else whom I could apply to; I rashly
wrote to Mr。 Gracedieu; and received one of those cold and cruel
refusals which only the strictest religious principle can
produce。 I was mortally offended at the time; and if your friend
the Minister had been within my reach〃 She paused; and finished
the sentence by a significant gesture。

〃Well;〃 I said; 〃he is within your reach now。〃

〃And out of his mind;〃 she added。 〃Besides; one's sense of injury
doesn't last (except in novels and plays) through a series of
years。 I don't pity himand if an opportunity of shaking his
high position among his admiring congregation presented itself; I
daresay I might make a mischievous return for his letter to me。
In the meanwhile; we may drop the subject。 I suppose you
understand; now; why I concealed my name from you; and why I kept
out of the house while you were in it。〃

It was plain enough; of

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