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the legacy of cain-第43节

小说: the legacy of cain 字数: 每页4000字

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attributing the curious omission of the place in which the child
had been born to the caution of her husband。 If Mrs。 Tenbruggen
(then Miss Chance) had happened to see the advertisement in the
great London newspaper; Mr。 Gracedieu might yet have good reason
to congratulate himself on his prudent method of providing
against mischievous curiosity。

I turned toward the bed and looked at him。 His eyes were closed。
Was he sleeping? Or was he trying to remember what he had desired
to say to me; when the demands which I made on his memory had
obliged him to wait for a later opportunity?

Either way; there was something that quickened my sympathies; in
the spectacle of his helpless repose。 It suggested to me personal
reasons for his anxieties; which he had not mentioned; and which
I had not thought of; up to this time。 If the discovery that he
dreaded took place; his household would be broken up; and his
position as pastor would suffer in the estimation of the flock。
His own daughter would refuse to live under the same roof with
the daughter of an infamous woman。 Popular opinion; among his
congregation; judging a man who had passed off the child of other
parents as his own; would find that man guilty of an act of
deliberate deceit。

Still oppressed by reflections which pointed to the future in
this discouraging way; I was startled by a voice outside the
doora sweet; sad voicesaying; 〃May I come in?〃

The Minister's eyes opened instantly: he raised himself in his

〃Eunice; at last!〃 he cried。 〃Let her in。〃



I OPENED the door。

Eunice passed me with the suddenness almost of a flash of light。
When I turned toward the bed; her arms were round her father's
neck。 〃Oh; poor papa; how ill you look!〃 Commonplace expressions
of fondness; and no more; but the tone gave them a charm that
subdued me。 Never had I felt so indulgent toward Mr。 Gracedieu's
unreasonable fears as when I saw him in the embrace of his
adopted daughter。 She had already reminded me of the bygone day
when a bright little child had sat on my knee and listened to the
ticking of my watch。

The Minister gently lifted her head from his breast。 〃My
darling;〃 he said; 〃you don't see my old friend。 Love him; and
look up to him; Eunice。 He will be your friend; too; when I am

She came to me and offered her cheek to be kissed。 It was sadly
pale; poor souland I could guess why。 But her heart was now
full of her father。 〃Do you think he is seriously ill?〃 she
whispered。 What I ought to have said I don't know。 Her eyes; the
sweetest; truest; loveliest eyes I ever saw in a human face; were
pleading with me。 Let my enemies make the worst of it; if they
likeI did certainly lie。 And if I deserved my punishment; I got
it; the poor child believed me! 〃Now I am happier;〃 she said;
gratefully。 〃Only to hear your voice seems to encourage me。 On
our way here; Selina did nothing but talk of you。 She told me I
shouldn't have time to feel afraid of the great man; he would
make me fond of him directly。 I said; 'Are you fond of him?' She
said; 'Madly in love with him; my dear。' My little friend really
thinks you like her; and is very proud of it There are some
people who call her ugly。 I hope you don't agree with them?〃

I believe I should have lied again; if Mr。 Gracedieu had not
called me to the bedside

〃How does she strike you?〃 he whispered; eagerly。 〃Is it too soon
to ask if she shows her age in her face?〃

〃Neither in her face nor her figure;〃 I answered: 〃it astonishes
me that you can ever have doubted it。 No stranger; judging by
personal appearance; could fail to make the mistake of thinking
Helena the oldest of the two。〃

He looked fondly at Eunice。 〃Her figure seems to bear out what
you say;〃 he went on。 〃Almost childish; isn't it?〃

I could not agree to that。 Slim; supple; simply graceful in every
movement; Eunice's figure; in the charm of first youth; only
waited its perfect development。 Most men; looking at her as she
stood at the other end of the room with her back toward us; would
have guessed her age to be sixteen。

Finding that I failed to agree with him; Mr。 Gracedieu's
misgivings returned。 〃You speak very confidently;〃 he said;
〃considering that you have not seen the girls together。 Think
what a dreadful blow it would be to me if you made a mistake。〃

I declared; with perfect sincerity; that there was no fear of a
mistake。 The bare idea of making the proposed comparison was
hateful to me。 If Helena and I had happened to meet at that
moment; I should have turned away from her by instinctshe would
have disturbed my impressions of Eunice。

The Minister signed to me to move a little nearer to him。 〃I must
say it;〃 he whispered; 〃and I am afraid of her hearing me。 Is
there anything in her face that reminds you of her miserable

I had hardly patience to answer the question: it was simply
preposterous。 Her hair was by many shades darker than her
mother's hair; her eyes were of a different color。 There was an
exquisite tenderness and sincerity in their expressionmade
additionally beautiful; to my mind; by a gentle; uncomplaining
sadness。 It was impossible even to think of the eyes of the
murderess when I looked at her child。 Eunice's lower features;
again; had none of her mother's regularity of p roportion。 Her
smile; simple and sweet; and soon passing away; was certainly not
an inherited smile on the maternal side。 Whether she resembled
her father; I was unable to conjecturehaving never seen him。
The one thing certain was; that not the faintest trace; in
feature or expression; of Eunice's mother was to be seen in
Eunice herself。 Of the two girls; Helenajudging by something in
the color of her hair; and by something in the shade of her
complexionmight possibly have suggested; in those particulars
only; a purely accidental resemblance to my terrible prisoner of
past times。

The revival of Mr。 Gracedieu's spirits indicated a temporary
change only; and was already beginning to pass away。 The eyes
which had looked lovingly at Eunice began to look languidly now:
his head sank on the pillow with a sigh of weak content。 〃My
pleasure has been almost too much for me;〃 he said。 〃Leave me for
a while to rest; and get used to it。〃

Eunice kissed his foreheadand we left the room。



WHEN we stepped out on the landing; I observed that my companion
paused。 She looked at the two flights of stairs below us before
she descended them。 It occurred to me that there must be somebody
in the house whom she was anxious to avoid。

Arrived at the lower hall; she paused again; and proposed in a
whisper that we should go into the garden。 As we advanced along
the backward division of the hall; I saw her eyes turn
distrustfully toward the door of the room in which Helena had
received me。 At last; my slow perceptions felt with her and
understood her。 Eunice's sensitive nature recoiled from a chance
meeting with the wretch who had laid waste all that had once been
happy and hopeful in that harmless young life。

〃Will you come with me to the part of the garden that I am
fondest of?〃 she asked。

I offered her my arm。 She led me in silence to a rustic seat;
placed under the shade of a mulberry tree。 I saw a change in her
face as we sat downa tender and beautiful change。 At that
moment the girl's heart was far away from me。 There was some
association with this corner of the garden; on which I felt that
I must not intrude。

〃I was once very happy here;〃 she said。 〃When the time of the
heartache came soon after; I was afraid to look at the old tree
and the bench under it。 But that is all over now。 I like to
remember the hours that were once dear to me; and to see the
place that recalls them。 Do you know who I am thinking of? Don't
be afraid of distressing me。 I never cry now。〃

〃My dear child; I have heard your sad storybut I can't trust
myself to speak of it。〃

〃Because you are so sorry for me?〃

〃No words can say how sorry I am!〃

〃But you are not angry with Philip?〃

〃Not angry! My poor dear; I am afraid to tell you how angry I am
with him。〃

〃Oh; no! You mustn't say that。 If you wish to be kind to meand
I am sure you do wish itdon't think bitterly of Philip。〃

When I remember that the first feeling she roused in me was
nothing worthier of a professing Christian than astonishment; I
drop in my own estimation to the level of a savage。 〃Do you
really mean;〃 I was base enough to ask; 〃that you have forgiven

She said; gently: 〃How could I help forgiving him?〃

The man who could have been blessed with such love as this; and
who could have cast it away from him; can have been nothing but
an idiot。 On that groundthough I dared not confess it to
EuniceI forgave him; too。

〃Do I surprise you?〃 she asked simply。 〃Perhaps love will bear
any humiliation。 Or perhaps I am only a poor weak creature。 You
don't know what a comfort it was to me to keep the few letters
that I received from Philip。 When I heard that he had gone away;
I gave his letters the kiss that bade him good…by。 That was the
time; I think; when my poor bruised heart got used to the pain;

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