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the legacy of cain-第31节

小说: the legacy of cain 字数: 每页4000字

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talk of it! Oh; don't let us talk of it!〃

And here am I writing of it! What I had determined not to do; is
what I have done。 Am I losing my senses already? The very names
that I was most anxious to keep out of my memory stare me in the
face in the lines that I have just written。 Philip again! Helena

。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Another day; and something new that must and will be remembered;
shrink from it as I may。 This afternoon; I met Helena on the

She stopped; and eyed me with a wicked smile; she held out her
hand。 〃We are likely to meet often; while we are in the same
house;〃 she said; 〃hadn't we better consult appearances; and
pretend to be as fond of each other as ever?〃

I took no notice of her hand; I took no notice of her shameless
proposal。 She tried again: 〃After all; it isn't my fault if
Philip likes me better than he likes you。 Don't you see that?〃 I
still refused to speak to her。 She still persisted。 〃How black
you look; Eunice! Are you sorry you didn't kill me; when you had
your hands on my throat?〃

I said: 〃Yes。〃

She laughed; and left me。 I was obliged to sit down on the
stairI trembled so。 My own reply frightened me。 I tried to find
out why I had said Yes。 I don't remember being conscious of
meaning anything。 It was as if somebody else had said Yesnot I。
Perhaps I was provoked; and the word escaped me before I could
stop it。 Could I have stopped it? I don't know。

。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Another sleepless night。

Did I pass the miserable hours in writing letters to Philip and
then tearing them up? Or did I only fancy that I wrote to him? I
have just looked at the fireplace。 The torn paper in it tells me
that I did write。 Why did I destroy my letters? I might have sent
one of them to Philip。 After what has happened? Oh; no! no!

Having been many days away from the Girls' Scripture Class; it
seemed to be possible that going back to the school and the
teaching might help me to escape from myself。

Nothing succeeds with me。 I found it impossible to instruct the
girls as usual; their stupidity soon reached the limit of my
patiencesuffocated me with rage。 One of them; a poor; fat;
feeble creature; began to cry when I scolded her。 I looked with
envy at the tears rolling over her big round cheeks。 If I could
only cry; I might perhaps bear my hard fate with submission。

I walked toward home by a roundabout way; feeling as if want of
sleep was killing me by inches。

In the High Street; I saw Helena; she was posting a letter; and
was not aware that I was near her。 Leaving the post…office; she
crossed the street; and narrowly escaped being run over。 Suppose
the threatened accident had really taken placehow should I have
felt; if it had ended fatally? What a fool I am to be putting
questions to myself about things that have not happened!

The walking tired me; I went straight home。

Before I could ring the bell; the house door opened; and the
doctor came out。 He stopped to speak to me。 While I had been away
(he said); something had happened at home (he neither knew nor
wished to know what) which had thrown my father into a state of
violent agitation。 The doctor had administered composing
medicine。 〃My patient is asleep now;〃 he told me; 〃but remember
what I said to you the last time we met; a longer rest than any
doctor's prescription can give him is what he wants。 You are not
looking well yourself; my dear。 What is the matter?〃

I told him of my wretched restless nights; and asked if I might
take some of the composing medicine which he had given to my
father。 He forbade me to touch a drop of it。 〃What is physic for
your father; you foolish child; is not physic for a young
creature like you;〃 he said。 〃Count a thousand; if you can't
sleep to…night; or turn your pillow。 I wish you pleasant dreams。〃
He went away; amused at his own humor。

I found Selina waiting to speak with me; on the subject of poor

She had been startled on hearing his voice; loud in anger。 In the
fear that something serious had happened; she left her room to
make inquiries; and saw Helena on the landing of the flight of
stairs beneath; leaving the study。 After waiting till my sister
was out of the way; Selina ventured to present herself at the
study door; and to ask if she could be of any use。 My father;
walking excitedly up and down the room; declared that both his
daughters had behaved infamously; and that he would not suffer
them to speak to him again until they had come to their senses;
on the subject of Mr。 Dunboyne。 He would enter into no further
explanation; and he had ordered; rather than requested; Selina to
leave him。 Having obeyed; she tried next to find me; and had just
looked into the dining…room to see if I was there; when she was
frightened by the sound of a fall in the room abovethat is to
say; in the study。 Running upstairs again; she had found him
insensible on the floor and had sent for the doctor。

〃And mind this;〃 Selina continued; 〃the person who has done the
mischief is the person whom I saw leaving the study。 What your
unnatural sister said to provoke her father〃

〃That your unnatural sister will tell you herself;〃 Helena's
voice added。 She had opened the door while we were too much
absorbed in our talk to hear her。

Selina attempted to leave the room。 I caught her by the hand; and
held her back。 I was afraid of what I might do if she left me by
myself。 Never have I felt anything like the rage that tortured
me; when I saw Helena looking at us with the same wicked smile on
her lips that had insulted me when we met on the stairs。 Have
_we_ anything to be ashamed of?〃 I said to Selina。 〃Stay where
you are。〃

〃You may be of some use; Miss Jillgall; if you stay;〃 my sister
suggested。 〃Eunice seems to be trembling。 Is she angry; or is she

The sting of this was in the tone of her voice。 It was the
hardest thing I ever had to do in my lifebut I did succeed in
controlling myself。

〃Go on with what you have to say;〃 I answered; 〃and don't notice

〃You are not very polite; my dear; but I can make allowances。 Oh;
come! come! putting up your hands to stop your ears is too
childish。 You would do better to express regret for having misled
your father。 Yes! you did mislead him。 Only a few days since; you
left him to suppose that you were engaged to Philip。 It became my
duty; after that; to open his eyes to the truth; and if I
unhappily provoked him; it was your fault。 I was strictly careful
in the language I used。 I said: 'Dear father; you have been
misinformed on a very serious subject。 The only marriage
engagement for which your kind sanction is requested; is _my_
engagement。 _I_ have consented to become Mrs。 Philip Dunboyne。' 〃

〃Stop!〃 I said。

〃Why am I to stop?〃

〃Because I have something to say。 You and I are looking at each
other。 Does my face tell you what is passing in my mind?〃

〃Your face seems to be paler than usual;〃 she answered〃that's

〃No;〃 I said; 〃that is not all。 The devil that possessed me; when
I discovered you with Philip; is not cast out of me yet。 Silence
the sneering devil that is in You; or we may both live to regret

Whether I did or did not frighten her; I cannot say。 This only I
knowshe turned away silently to the door; and went out。

I dropped on the sofa。 That horrid hungering for revenge; which I
felt for the firs t time when I knew how Helena had wronged me;
began to degrade and tempt me again。 In the effort to get away
from this new evil self of mine; I tried to find sympathy in
Selina; and called to her to come and sit by me。 She seemed to be
startled when I looked at her; but she recovered herself; and
came to me; and took my hand。

〃I wish I could comfort you!〃 she said; in her kind simple way。

〃Keep my hand in your hand;〃 I told her; 〃I am drowning in dark
waterand I have nothing to hold by but you。〃

〃Oh; my darling; don't talk in that way!〃

〃Good Selina! dear Selina! You shall talk to Me。 Say something
harmlesstell me a melancholy storytry to make me cry。〃

My poor little friend looked sadly bewildered。

〃I'm more likely to cry myself;〃 she said。 〃This is so
heart…breakingI almost wish I was back in the time; before you
came home; the time when your detestable sister first showed how
she hated me。 I was happy; meanly happy; in the spiteful
enjoyment of provoking her。 Oh; Euneece; I shall never recover my
spirits again! All the pity in the world would not be pity enough
for _you。_ So hardly treated! so young! so forlorn! Your good
father too ill to help you; your poor mother〃

I interrupted her; she had interested me in something better than
my own wretched self。 I asked directly if she had known my

〃My dear child; I never even saw her!〃

〃Has my father never spoken to you about her?〃

〃Only once; when I asked him how long she had been dead。 He told
me you lost her while you were an infant; and he told me no more。
I was looking at her portrait in the study; only yesterday。 I
think it must be a bad portrait; your mother's face disappoints

I had arrived at the same conclusion years since。 But I shrank
from confessing it。

〃At any rate;〃 Selina continued; 〃you are not like 

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