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the legacy of cain-第27节

小说: the legacy of cain 字数: 每页4000字

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did。 I rose; and waited to see if my father would interfere。 He
looked at Philip with suspicion in his face; as well as surprise。
〃May I ask;〃 he said; coldly; 〃what is the object of the

〃Certainly;〃 Philip answered; 〃when we are alone。〃 This cool
reply placed my father between two alternatives; he must either
give way; or be guilty of an act of rudeness to a guest in his
own house。 The choice reserved for me was narrower stillI had
to decide between being told to go; or going of my own accord。 Of
course; I left them together。

The door which communicated with the next room was pulled to; but
not closed。 On the other side of it; I found Eunice。

〃Listening!〃 I said; in a whisper。

〃Yes;〃 she whispered back。 〃You listen; too!〃

I was so indignant with Philip; and so seriously interested in
what was going on in the study; that I yielded to temptation。 We
both degraded ourselves。 We both listened。

Eunice's base lover spoke first。 Judging by the change in his
voice; he must have seen something in my father's face that
daunted him。 Eunice heard it; too。 〃He's getting nervous;〃 she
whispered; 〃he'll forget to say the right thing at the right

〃Mr。 Gracedieu;〃 Philip began; 〃I wish to speak to you〃

Father interrupted him: 〃We are alone now; Mr。 Dunboyne。 I want
to know why you consult me in private?〃

〃I am anxious to consult you; sir; on a subject〃

〃On what subject? Any religious difficulty?〃


〃Anything I can do for you in the town?〃

〃Not at all。 If you will only allow me〃

〃I am still waiting; sir; to know what it is about。〃

Philip's voice suddenly became an angry voice。 〃Once for all; Mr。
Gracedieu;〃 he said; 〃will you let me speak? It's about your

〃No more of it; Mr。 Dunboyne!〃 (My father was now as loud as
Philip。) 〃I don't desire to hold a private conversation with you
on the subject of my daughter。〃

〃If you have any personal objection to me; sir; be so good as to
state it plainly。〃

〃You have no right to ask me to do that。〃

〃You refuse to do it?〃


〃You are not very civil; Mr。 Gracedieu。〃

〃If I speak without ceremony; Mr。 Dunboyne; you have yourself to
thank for it。〃

Philip replied to this in a tone of savage irony。 〃You are a
minister of religion; and you are an old man。 Two privilegesand
you presume on them both。 Good…morning。〃

I drew back into a corner; just in time to escape discovery in
the character of a listener。 Eunice never moved。 When Philip
dashed int o the room; banging the door after him; she threw
herself impulsively on his breast: 〃Oh; Philip! Philip! what have
you done? Why didn't you keep your temper?〃

〃Did you hear what your father said to me?〃 he asked。

〃Yes; dear; but you ought to have controlled yourselfyou ought;
indeed; for my sake。〃

Her arms were still round him。 It struck me that he felt her
influence。 〃If you wish me to recover myself;〃 he said; gently;
〃you had better let me go。〃

〃Oh; how cruel; Philip; to leave me when I am so wretched! Why do
you want to go?〃

〃You told me just now what I ought to do;〃 he answered; still
restraining himself。 〃If I am to get the better of my temper; I
must be left alone。〃

〃I never said anything about your temper; darling。〃

〃Didn't you tell me to control myself?〃

〃Oh; yes! Go back to papa。 and beg him to forgive you。〃

〃I'll see him damned first!〃

If ever a stupid girl deserved such an answer as this; the girl
was my sister。 I had hitherto (with some difficulty) refrained
from interfering。 But when Eunice tried to follow Philip out of
the house; I could hesitate no longer; I held her back。 〃You
fool;〃 I said; 〃haven't you made mischief enough already?〃

〃What am I to do?〃 she burst out; helplessly。

〃Do what I told you to do yesterdaywait。〃

Before she could reply; or I could say anything more; the door
that led to the landing was opened softly and slyly; and Miss
Jillgall peeped in。 Eunice instantly left me; and ran to the
meddling old maid。 They whispered to each other。 Miss Jillgall's
skinny arm encircled my sister's waist; they disappeared

I was only too glad to get rid of them both; and to take the
opportunity of writing to Philip。 I insisted on an explanation of
his conduct while I was in the studyto be given within an
hour's time; at a place which I appointed。 〃You are not to
attempt to justify yourself in writing;〃 I added in conclusion。
〃Let your reply merely inform me if you can keep the appointment。
The rest; when we meet。〃

Maria took the letter to the hotel; with instructions to wait。

Philip's reply reached me without delay。 It pledged him to
justify himself as I had desired; and to keep the appointment。 My
own belief is that the event of to…day will decide his future and



INDEED; I am a most unfortunate creature; everything turns out
badly with me。 My good; true friend; my dear Selina; has become
the object of a hateful doubt in my secret mind。 I am afraid she
is keeping something from me。

Talking with her about my troubles; I heard for the first time
that she had written again to Mrs。 Tenbruggen。 The object of her
letter was to tell her friend of my engagement to young Mr。
Dunboyne。 I asked her why she had done this。 The answer informed
me that there was no knowing; in the present state of my affairs;
how soon I might not want the help of a clever woman。 I ought; I
suppose; to have been satisfied with this。 But there seemed to be
something not fully explained yet。

Then again; after telling Selina what I heard in the study; and
how roughly Philip had spoken to me afterward; I asked her what
she thought of it。 She made an incomprehensible reply: 〃My sweet
child; I mustn't think of itI am too fond of you。〃

It was impossible to make her explain what this meant。 She began
to talk of Philip; assuring me (which was quite needless) that
she had done her best to fortify and encourage him; before he
called on papa。 When I asked her to help me in another waythat
is to say; when I wanted to find out where Philip was at that
momentshe had no advice to give me。 I told her that I should
not enjoy a moment's ease of mind until I and my dear one were
reconciled。 She only shook her head and declared that she was
sorry for me。 When I hit on the idea of ringing for Maria; this
little woman; so bright; and quick and eager to help me at other
times; said 〃I leave it to you; dear;〃 and turned to the piano
(close to which I was sitting); and played softly and badly
stupid little tunes。

〃Maria; did you open the door for Mr。 Dunboyne when he went away
just now?〃

〃No; miss。〃

Nothing but ill…luck for me! If I had been left to my own
devices; I should now have let the housemaid go。 But Selina
contrived to give me a hint; on a strange plan of her own。 Still
at the piano; she began to confuse talking to herself with
playing to herself。 The notes went _tinkle; tinkle_and the
tongue mixed up words with the notes in this way: 〃Perhaps they
have been talking in the kitchen about Philip?〃

The suggestion was not lost on me。 I said to Mariawho was
standing at the other end of the room; near the door〃 Did you
happen to hear which way Mr。 Dunboyne went when he left us?〃

〃I know where he was; miss; half an hour ago。〃

〃Where was he?〃

〃At the hotel。〃

Selina went on with her hints in the same way as before。 〃How
does she knowah; how does she know?〃 was the vocal part of the
performance this time。 My clever inquiries followed the vocal
part as before:

〃How do you know that Mr。 Dunboyne was at the hotel?〃

〃I was sent there with a letter for him; and waited for the

There was no suggestion required this time。 The one possible
question was: 〃Who sent you?〃

Maria replied; after first reserving a condition: 〃You won't tell
upon me; miss?〃

I promised not to tell。 Selina suddenly left off playing。

〃Well;〃 I repeated; 〃who sent you?〃

〃Miss Helena。〃

Selina looked round at me。 Her little eyes seemed to have
suddenly become big; they stared me so strangely in the face。 I
don't know whether she was in a state of fright or of wonder。 As
for myself; I simply lost the use of my tongue。 Maria; having no
more questions to answer; discreetly left us together。

Why should Helena write to Philip at alland especially without
mentioning it to me? Here was a riddle which was more than I
could guess。 I asked Selina to help me。 She might at least have
tried; I thought; but she looked uneasy; and made excuses。

I said: 〃Suppose I go to Helena; and ask her why she wrote to
Philip?〃 And Selina said: 〃Suppose you do; dear。〃

I rang for Maria once more: 〃Do you know where my sister is?〃

〃Just gone out; miss。〃

There was no help for it but to wait till she came back; and to
get through the time in the interval as I best might。 But for one
circumstance; I might not have known what to do。 The truth is;
there was a feeling of shame in me when I remembered having
listened at the study door。 Curious notions come into one's
headone doesn't know how or why。 It struck me that I might make
a kind of atonement for having been mean enough to listen; if I
went to 

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