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the wife and other stories-第42节

小说: the wife and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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 delight; his favourite spiritual sustenance; he enjoyed reading newspapers; too; but the only things he read in them were the advertisements of so many acres of arable land and a grass meadow with farm…houses and buildings; a river; a garden; a mill and millponds; for sale。 And his imagination pictured the garden…paths; flowers and fruit; starling cotes; the carp in the pond; and all that sort of thing; you know。 These imaginary pictures were of different kinds according to the advertisements which he came across; but for some reason in every one of them he had always to have gooseberries。 He could not imagine a homestead; he could not picture an idyllic nook; without gooseberries。

〃 'Country life has its conveniences;' he would sometimes say。 'You sit on the verandah and you drink tea; while your ducks swim on the pond; there is a delicious smell everywhere; and 。 。 。 and the gooseberries are growing。'

〃He used to draw a map of his property; and in every map there were the same things  (a) house for the family; (b) servants' quarters; (c) kitchen…ga rden; (d) gooseberry…bushes。 He lived parsimoniously; was frugal in food and drink; his clothes were beyond description; he looked like a beggar; but kept on saving and putting money in the bank。 He grew fearfully avaricious。 I did not like to look at him; and I used to give him something and send him presents for Christmas and Easter; but he used to save that too。 Once a man is absorbed by an idea there is no doing anything with him。

〃Years passed: he was transferred to another province。 He was over forty; and he was still reading the advertisements in the papers and saving up。 Then I heard he was married。 Still with the same object of buying a farm and having gooseberries; he married an elderly and ugly widow without a trace of feeling for her; simply because she had filthy lucre。 He went on living frugally after marrying her; and kept her short of food; while he put her money in the bank in his name。

〃Her first husband had been a postmaster; and with him she was accustomed to pies and home…made wines; while with her second husband she did not get enough black bread; she began to pine away with this sort of life; and three years later she gave up her soul to God。 And I need hardly say that my brother never for one moment imagined that he was responsible for her death。 Money; like vodka; makes a man queer。 In our town there was a merchant who; before he died; ordered a plateful of honey and ate up all his money and lottery tickets with the honey; so that no one might get the benefit of it。 While I was inspecting cattle at a railway…station; a cattle…dealer fell under an engine and had his leg cut off。 We carried him into the waiting…room; the blood was flowing  it was a horrible thing  and he kept asking them to look for his leg and was very much worried about it; there were twenty roubles in the boot on the leg that had been cut off; and he was afraid they would be lost。〃

〃That's a story from a different opera;〃 said Burkin。

〃After his wife's death;〃 Ivan Ivanovitch went on; after thinking for half a minute; 〃my brother began looking out for an estate for himself。 Of course; you may look about for five years and yet end by making a mistake; and buying something quite different from what you have dreamed of。 My brother Nikolay bought through an agent a mortgaged estate of three hundred and thirty acres; with a house for the family; with servants' quarters; with a park; but with no orchard; no gooseberry…bushes; and no duck…pond; there was a river; but the water in it was the colour of coffee; because on one side of the estate there was a brickyard and on the other a factory for burning bones。 But Nikolay Ivanovitch did not grieve much; he ordered twenty gooseberry…bushes; planted them; and began living as a country gentleman。

〃Last year I went to pay him a visit。 I thought I would go and see what it was like。 In his letters my brother called his estate 'Tchumbaroklov Waste; alias Himalaiskoe。' I reached 'alias Himalaiskoe' in the afternoon。 It was hot。 Everywhere there were ditches; fences; hedges; fir…trees planted in rows; and there was no knowing how to get to the yard; where to put one's horse。 I went up to the house; and was met by a fat red dog that looked like a pig。 It wanted to bark; but it was too lazy。 The cook; a fat; barefooted woman; came out of the kitchen; and she; too; looked like a pig; and said that her master was resting after dinner。 I went in to see my brother。 He was sitting up in bed with a quilt over his legs; he had grown older; fatter; wrinkled; his cheeks; his nose; and his mouth all stuck out  he looked as though he might begin grunting into the quilt at any moment。

〃We embraced each other; and shed tears of joy and of sadness at the thought that we had once been young and now were both grey…headed and near the grave。 He dressed; and led me out to show me the estate。

〃 'Well; how are you getting on here?' I asked。

〃 'Oh; all right; thank God; I am getting on very well。'

〃He was no more a poor timid clerk; but a real landowner; a gentleman。 He was already accustomed to it; had grown used to it; and liked it。 He ate a great deal; went to the bath…house; was growing stout; was already at law with the village commune and both factories; and was very much offended when the peasants did not call him 'Your Honour。' And he concerned himself with the salvation of his soul in a substantial; gentlemanly manner; and performed deeds of charity; not simply; but with an air of consequence。 And what deeds of charity! He treated the peasants for every sort of disease with soda and castor oil; and on his name…day had a thanksgiving service in the middle of the village; and then treated the peasants to a gallon of vodka  he thought that was the thing to do。 Oh; those horrible gallons of vodka! One day the fat landowner hauls the peasants up before the district captain for trespass; and next day; in honour of a holiday; treats them to a gallon of vodka; and they drink and shout 'Hurrah!' and when they are drunk bow down to his feet。 A change of life for the better; and being well…fed and idle develop in a Russian the most insolent self…conceit。 Nikolay Ivanovitch; who at one time in the government office was afraid to have any views of his own; now could say nothing that was not gospel truth; and uttered such truths in the tone of a prime minister。 'Education is essential; but for the peasants it is premature。' 'Corporal punishment is harmful as a rule; but in some cases it is necessary and there is nothing to take its place。'

〃 'I know the peasants and understand how to treat them;' he would say。 'The peasants like me。 I need only to hold up my little finger and the peasants will do anything I like。'

〃And all this; observe; was uttered with a wise; benevolent smile。 He repeated twenty times over 'We noblemen;' 'I as a noble'; obviously he did not remember that our grandfather was a peasant; and our father a soldier。 Even our surname Tchimsha…Himalaisky; in reality so incongruous; seemed to him now melodious; distinguished; and very agreeable。

〃But the point just now is not he; but myself。 I want to tell you about the change that took place in me during the brief hours I spent at his country place。 In the evening; when we were drinking tea; the cook put on the table a plateful of gooseberries。 They were not bought; but his own gooseberries; gathered for the first time since the bushes were planted。 Nikolay Ivanovitch laughed and looked for a minute in silence at the gooseberries; with tears in his eyes; he could not speak for excitement。 Then he put one gooseberry in his mouth; looked at me with the triumph of a child who has at last received his favourite toy; and said:

〃 'How delicious!'

〃And he ate them greedily; continually repeating; 'Ah; how delicious! Do taste them!'

〃They were sour and unripe; but; as Pushkin says:

    〃 'Dearer to us the falsehood that exalts        Than hosts of baser truths。'

〃I saw a happy man whose cherished dream was so obviously fulfilled; who had attained his object in life; who had gained what he wanted; who was satisfied with his fate and himself。 There is always; for some reason; an element of sadness mingled with my thoughts of human happiness; and; on this occasion; at the sight of a happy man I was overcome by an oppressive feeling that was close upon despair。 It was particularly oppressive at night。 A bed was made up for me in the room next to my brother's bedroom; and I could hear that he was awake; and that he kept getting up and going to the plate of gooseberries and taking one。 I reflected how many satisfied; happy people there really are! 'What a suffocating force it is! You look at life: the insolence and idleness of the strong; the ignorance and brutishness of the weak; incredible poverty all about us; overcrowding; degeneration; drunkenness; hypocrisy; lying。 。 。 。 Yet all is calm and stillness in the houses and in the streets; of the fifty thousand living in a town; there is not one who would cry out; who would give vent to his indignation aloud。 We see the people going to market for provisions; eating by day; sleeping by night; talking their silly nonse nse; getting married; g

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