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dress。  She hated the smell of cooking in her garments察hated it worse
on her white fingers察and now to look at the graceful erect figure察the
round throat with the silver necklace about it察the soft smooth hair
silver´filletted察the negative beauty of the dove´colored gown
specially designed for home evenings察one would never dream she had set
the table so welland cooked the steak so abominably。

Isabel was never a cook。  In the many servantless gaps of domestic life
in Orchardina察there was always a strained atmosphere in the Porne

;Dear察─said Mr。 Porne察 might I petition to have the steak less cooked
 I know you don't like to do it察so why not shorten the process拭

;I'm sorry察─she answered察 I always forget about the steak from one
time to the next。;

;Yet we've had it three times this week察my dear。;

;I thought you liked it better than anything察─she with marked
gentleness。  ;I'll get you other thingsoftener。;

;It's a shame you should have this to do察Isabel。  I never meant you
should cook for me。  Indeed I didn't dream you cared so little about

;And I never dreamed you cared so much about it察─she replied察still
with repression。  ;I'm not complaining察am I拭 I'm only sorry you should
be disappointed in me。;

;It's not _you_ dear girl  You're all right  It's just this
everlasting bother。  Can't you get _anybody_ that will stay拭

I can't seem to get anybody on any terms察so far。  I'm going again
to´morrow。  Cheer up察dearthe baby keeps wellthat's the main thing。;

He sat on the rose´bowered porch and smoked while she cleared the table。
 At first he had tried to help her on these occasions察but their methods
were dissimilar and she frankly told him she preferred to do it alone。

So she slipped off the silk and put on the gingham again察washed the
dishes with the labored accuracy of a trained mind doing unfamiliar
work察made the bread察redressed at last察and joined him about nine

;It's too late to go anywhere察I suppose拭─he ventured。

;Yesand I'm too tired。  Besideswe can't leave Eddie alone。;

;O yesI forget。  Of course we can't。;

His hand stole out to take hers。  ;I _am_ sorry察dear。  It's awfully
rough on you women out here。  How do they all stand it拭

;Most of them stand it much better than I do察Ned。  You see they don't
want to be doing anything else。;

;Yes。  That's the mischief of it ─he agreed察and she looked at him in
the clear moonlight察wondering exactly what he thought the mischief was。

;Shall we go in and read a bit拭─he offered察but she thought not。

;I'm too tired察I'm afraid。  And Eddie'll wake up as soon as we begin。;

So they sat awhile enjoying the soft silence察and the rich flower scents
about them察till Eddie did wake presently察and Isabel went upstairs。

She slept little that night察lying quite still察listening to her
husband's regular breathing so near her察and the lighter sound from the
crib。  ;I am a very happy woman察─she told herself resolutely察but there
was no outpouring sense of love and joy。  She knew she was happy察but by
no means felt it。  So she stared at the moon shadows and thought it

She had planned the little house herself察with such love察such hope
such tender happy care  Not her first work察which won high praise in
the school in Paris察not the prize´winning plan for the library察now
gracing Orchardina's prettiest square察was as dear to her as this most
womanly taskthe making of a home。

It was the library success which brought her here察fresh from her
foreign studies察and Orchardina accepted with western cordiality the
youth and beauty of the young architect察though a bit surprised at first
that ;I。 H。 Wright; was an Isabel。  In her further work of overseeing
the construction of that library察she had met Edgar Porne察one of the
numerous eager young real estate men of that region察who showed a
liberal enthusiasm for the general capacity of women in the professions
and a much warmer feeling for the personal attractions of this one。

Together they chose the lot on pepper´shaded Inez Avenue察together they
watched the rising of the concrete walls and planned the garden walks
and seats察and the tiny precious pool in the far corner。  He was so
sympathetic so admiring  He took as much pride in the big ;drawing
room; on the third floor as she did herself。  ;Architecture is such fine
work to do at home ─they had both agreed。  ;Here you have your north
lightyour big tableplenty of room for work  You will grow famouser
and famouser察─he had lovingly insisted。  And she had answered察 I fear
I shall be too contented察dear察to want to be famous。;

That was only some year and a´half agobut Isabel察lying there by her
sleeping husband and sleeping child察was stark awake and only by
assertion happy。  She was thinking察persistently察of dust。  She loved a
delicate cleanliness。  Her art was a precise one察her studio a workshop
of white paper and fine pointed hard pencils察her painting the
mechanical perfection of an even wash of color。  And she saw察through
the floors and walls and the darkness察the dust in the little shaded
parlortwo days' dust at least察and Orchardina is very dustydust in
the dining´room gathered since yesterdaythe dust in the kitchenshe
would not count time there察and the dusthere she counted it
inexorablythe dust of eight days in her great察light workroom
upstairs。  Eight days since she had found time to go up there。

Lying there察wide´eyed and motionless察she stood outside in thought and
looked at the houseas she used to look at it with him察before they
were married。  Then察it had roused every blessed hope and dream of
wedded joyit seemed a casket of uncounted treasures。  Now察in this
dreary mood察it seemed not only a mere workshop察but one of alien tasks
continuous察impossible察like those set for the Imprisoned Princess by
bad fairies in the old tales。  In thought she entered the
well´proportioned doorthe Gate of Happinessand a musty smell greeted
hershe had forgotten to throw out those flowers  She turned to the
parlorno察the piano keys were gritty察one had to clean them twice a
day to keep that room as she liked it。

From room to room she flitted察in her mind察trying to recall the
exquisite things they meant to her when she had planned them察and each
one now opened glaring and blank察as a place to work inand the work

;If I were an abler woman ─she breathed。  And then her common sense and
common honesty made her reply to herself此 I am able enoughin my own
work  Nobody can do everything。  I don't believe Edgar'd do it any
better than I do。He don't have toand then such a wave of bitterness
rushed over her that she was afraid察and reached out one hand to touch
the cribthe other to her husband。

He awakened instantly。  ;What is it察Dear拭─he asked。  ;Too tired to
sleep察you poor darling拭 But you do love me a little察don't you拭

;O _yes_ ─she answered。  ;I do。  Of _course_ I do  I'm just tired察I
guess。  Goodnight察Sweetheart。;

She was late in getting to sleep and late in waking。

When he finally sat down to the hurriedly spread breakfast´table察Mr。
Porne察long coffeeless察found it a bit difficult to keep his temper。 
Isabel was a little stiff察bringing in dishes and cups察and paying no
attention to the sounds of wailing from above。

;Well if you won't I will ─burst forth the father at last察and ran
upstairs察returning presently with a fine boy of some eleven months察who
ceased to bawl in these familiar arms察and contented himself察for the
moment察with a teaspoon。

;Aren't you going to feed him拭─asked Mr。 Porne察with forced patience。

;It isn't time yet察─she announced wearily。  ;He has to have his bath

;Well察─with a patience evidently forced farther察 isn't it time to feed

;I'm very sorry察─she said。  ;The oatmeal is burned again。  You'll have
to eat cornflakes。  Andthe cream is sourthe ice didn't comeor at
least察perhaps I was out when it cameand then I forgot it。 。 。 。 。 I
had to go to the employment agency in the morning   。 。 。 I'm sorry I'm
soso incompetent。;

;So am I察─he commented drily。  ;Are there any crackers for instance拭
And how about coffee拭

She brought the coffee察such as it was察and a can of condensed milk。 
Also crackers察and fruit。  She took the baby and sat silent。

;Shall I come home to lunch拭─he asked。

;Perhaps you'd better not察─she replied coldly。

;Is there to be any dinner拭

;Dinner will be ready at six´thirty察if I have to get it myself。;

;If you have to get it yourself I'll allow for seven´thirty察─said he
trying to be cheerful察though she seemed little pleased by it。  ;Now
don't take it so hard察Ellie。  You are a first´class architect
anyhowone can't be everything。  We'll get another girl in time。  This
is just the common lot out here。  All the women have the same trouble。;

;Most women seem better able to meet it ─she burst forth。  ;It's not my
trade  I'm willing to work察I like to work察but I can't _bear_
housework  I can't seem to learn it at all  And the servants will not
do it properly 

;Perhaps they know your limitations察and take advantage of them  But

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